Apr 17, 2010

Thoughts on VCS, supporting documentation and Fossil

I'm a happy git user for several years now, and the best thing about it is that I've learned how VCS-es, and git in particular, work under the hood.
It expanded (and in most aspects probably formed) my view on the time-series data storage - very useful knowledge for wide range of purposes from log or configuration storage to snapshotting, backups and filesystem synchronisation. Another similar revelation in this area was probably rrdtool, but still on much smaller scale.
Few years back, I've kept virtually no history of my actions, only keeping my work in CVS/SVN, and even that was just for ease of collaboration.
Today, I can easily trace, sync and transfer virtually everything that changes and is important in my system - the code I'm working on, all the configuration files, even auto-generated ones, tasks' and thoughts' lists, state-description files like lists of installed packages (local sw state) and gentoo-portage tree (global sw state), even all the logs and binary blobs like rootfs in rsync-hardlinked backups for a few past months.

Git is a great help in these tasks, but what I feel lacking there is a first - common timeline (spanning both into the past and the future) for all these data series, and second - documentation.

Solution to the first one I've yet to find.

Second one is partially solved by commit-msgs, inline comments and even this blog for the past issues and simple todo-lists (some I keep in plaintext, some in tudu app) for the future.
Biggest problem I see here is the lack of consistency between all these: todo-tasks end up as dropped lines in the git-log w/o any link to the past issues or reverse link to the original idea or vision, and that's just the changes.

Documentation for anything more than local implementation details and it's history is virtually non-existant and most times it takes a lot of effort and time to retrace the original line of thought, reasoning and purpose behind the stuff I've done (and why I've done it like that) in the past, often with the considerable gaps and eventual re-invention of the wheels and pitfalls I've already done, due to faulty biological memory.

So, today I've decided to scour over the available project and task management software to find something that ties the vcs repositories and their logs with the future tickets and some sort of expanded notes, where needed.

Starting point was actually the trac, which I've used quite extensively in the past and present, and is quite fond of it's outside simplicity yet fully-featured capabilities as both wiki-engine and issue tracker. Better yet, it's py and can work with vcs.
The downside is that it's still a separate service and web-based one at that, meaning that it's online-only, and that the content is anchored to the server I deploy it to (not to mention underlying vcs). Hell, it's centralized and laggy, and ever since git's branching and merging ideas of decentralized work took root in my brain, I have issue with that.

It just looks like a completely wrong approach for my task, yet I thought that I can probably tolerate that if there are no better options and then I've stumbled upon Fossil VCS.

The name actually rang a bell, but from a 9p universe, where it's a name for a vcs-like filesystem which was (along with venti, built on top of it) one of two primary reasons I've even looked into plan9 (the other being its 9p/styx protocol).
Similary-named VCS haven't disappointed me as well, at least conceptually. The main win is in the integrated ticket system and wiki, providing just the thing I need in a distributed versioned vcs environment.

Fossil's overall design principles and concepts (plus this) are well-documented on it's site (which is a just a fossil repo itself), and the catch-points for me were:

  • Tickets and wiki, of course. Can be edited locally, synced, distributed, have local settings and appearance, based on tcl-ish domain-specific language.
  • Distributed nature, yet rational position of authors on centralization and synchronization topic.
  • All-in-one-static-binary approach! Installing hundreds of git binaries to every freebsd-to-debian-based system, was a pain, plus I've ended up with 1.4-1.7 version span and some features (like "add -p") depend on a whole lot of stuff there, like perl and damn lot of it's modules. Unix-way is cool, but that's really more portable and distributed-way-friendly.
  • Repository in a single package, and not just a binary blob, but a freely-browsable sqlite db. It certainly is a hell lot more convenient than path with over nine thousand blobs with sha1-names, even if the actual artifact-storage here is built basically the same way. And the performance should be actually better than the fs - with just index-selects BTree-based sqlite is as fast as filesystem, but keeping different indexes on fs is by sym-/hardlinking, and that's a pain that is never done right on fs.
  • As simple as possible internal blobs' format.
  • Actual symbolics and terminology. Git is a faceless tool, Fossil have some sort of a style, and that's nice ;)

Yet there are some things I don't like about it:

  • HTTP-only sync. In what kind of twisted world that can be better than ssh+pam or direct access? Can be fixed with a wrapper, I guess, but really, wtf...
  • SQLite container around generic artifact storage. Artifacts are pure data with a single sha1sum-key for it, and that is simple, solid and easy to work with anytime, but wrapped into sqlite db it suddenly depends on this db format, libs, command-line tool or language bindings, etc. All the other tables can be rebuilt just from these blobs, so they should be as accessible as possible, but I guess that'd violate whole single-file design concept and would require a lot of separate management code, a pity.

But that's nothing more than a few hours' tour of the docs and basic hello-world tests, guess it all will look different after I'll use it for a while, which I'm intend to do right now. In the worst case it's just a distributed issue tracker + wiki with cli interface and great versioning support in one-file package (including webserver) which is more than I can say about trac, anyway.

Apr 10, 2010

Availability stats (and history log) with relational database (postgresql)

Last month I've been busy setting up a monitoring system at work.
Mostly it's the graphs with dynamic data like cpu/mem/io/net loads and application-specific stats (which I'll probably get around to describing sometime later), for which there is a nice RRD solutions (I've used cacti + snmpd + my python extensions + pyrrd + rrdtool directly), but there was also one specific task of setting up websites' http-availability monitoring, spread on several shared-hosting servers.
There's about 4k of such websites and the data needed is close to boolean - whether site returns http code below 500 or it's considered "down", but it'd have been nice to know the code it returns.
Plus, of course, this responses have to be logged, so availability for any specific period can be calculated (in my case just as 1 - time_down / time_total). And these shouldn't include random stuff like 503 "downtime" because the poller got a bad luck on one poll or 500 because apache got a HUP while processing a request (in theory, these shouldn't happen of course, but...).
And on top of that, response delay have to be measured as well. And that is data which should be averaged and selected on some non-trivial basis. Sites' list changes on a daily basis, polled data should be closed to real-time, so it's 5-10 minutes poll interval at most.
Clearly, it's time-series data yet rrd is unsuitable for the task - neither it's well-suited for complex data analysis, nor it can handle dynamic datasets. Creating a hundred rrds and maintaining the code for their management on fs looks like a world of pain.
Plain-log approach looks highly unoptimal, plus it's a lot of processing and logfile-management code.
Both approaches also needed some sort of (although trivial) network interface to data as well.
SQL-based DB engines handle storage and some-criteria-based selection and have an efficient network interface outta the box, so it wasn't much of a hard choice. And the only decent DBs I know out there are PostgreSQL and Oracle, sqlite or MySQL are rather limited solutions and I've never used interbase/firebird.
4k*5min is a lot of values though, tens-hundreds of millions of them actually, and RDBMS become quite sluggish on such amounts of data, so some aggregation or processing was in order and that's what this entry's about.
First, I've needed to keep one list of domains to check.
These came from the individual hosts where they were, well, hosted, so poller can periodically get this list and check all the domains there.
CREATE TABLE state_hoard.list_http_availability (
 id serial NOT NULL,
 target character varying(128) NOT NULL,
 "domain" character varying(128) NOT NULL,
 check_type state_hoard.check_type NOT NULL,
 "timestamp" numeric,
 source character varying(16),
 CONSTRAINT state_ha__id PRIMARY KEY (id),
 CONSTRAINT state_ha__domain_ip_check_type
 UNIQUE (target, domain, check_type) );

It should probably be extended with other checks later on so there's check_type field with enum like this:

CREATE TYPE state_hoard.check_type AS ENUM ('http', 'https');

Target (IP) and domain (hostname) are separate fields here, since dns data is not to be trusted but the http request should have host-field to be processed correctly.

Resulting table: list_http_availability table data

List is updated via third-party scripts which shouldn't care for internal db structure even a little bit, so they only need to do insert/delete ops when the list changes, so the db can take care of the rest, thanks to triggers.
Replace via delete/insert approach isn't an option here, since other tables are linked vs this one, so update is the way.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION state_hoard.list_ha_replace()
 RETURNS trigger AS
 updated integer;


-- Implicit timestamping
NEW.timestamp := COALESCE( NEW.timestamp,

UPDATE state_hoard.list_http_availability
 SET timestamp = NEW.timestamp, source = NEW.source
 WHERE domain = NEW.domain
 AND target = NEW.target
 AND check_type = NEW.check_type;

-- Check if the row still need to be inserted
IF updated = 0

 COST 100;

CREATE TRIGGER list_ha__replace
 ON state_hoard.list_http_availability
 EXECUTE PROCEDURE state_hoard.list_ha_replace();

From there I had two ideas on how to use this data and store immediate results, from the poller perspective:

  • To replicate the whole table into some sort of "check-list", filling fields there as the data arrives.
  • To create persistent linked tables with polled data, which just replaced (on unique-domain basis) with each new poll.

While former looks appealing since it allows to keep state in DB, not the poller, latter provides persistent availability/delay tables and that's one of the things I need.

CREATE TABLE state_hoard.state_http_availability (
 check_id integer NOT NULL,
 host character varying(32) NOT NULL,
 code integer,
 "timestamp" numeric,
 CONSTRAINT state_ha__check_host PRIMARY KEY (check_id, host),
 CONSTRAINT state_http_availability_check_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (check_id)
 REFERENCES state_hoard.list_http_availability (id) MATCH SIMPLE

CREATE TABLE state_hoard.state_http_delay (
 check_id integer NOT NULL,
 host character varying(32) NOT NULL,
 delay numeric,
 "timestamp" numeric,
 CONSTRAINT state_http_delay_check_id_fkey FOREIGN KEY (check_id)
 REFERENCES state_hoard.list_http_availability (id) MATCH SIMPLE
These can be thought of as an extensions of the main (list_http_availability) table, containing "current state" columns for each polled domain, and when domain is no longer polled, it gets dropped from these tables as well.
Poller just gets the list and inserts the values into these, w/o even having permissions to alter the list itself.
Since these tables are for latest data, duplicate inserts should be handled and timestamps can be generated implicitly.
For current-state table it's just a replace on each insert. PostgreSQL doesn't have convenient "replace" statement like MySQL but the triggers can easily compensate for that:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION state_hoard.state_ha_replace()
 RETURNS trigger AS

-- Drop old record, if any
DELETE FROM state_hoard.state_http_availability WHERE check_id = NEW.check_id AND host = NEW.host;

-- Implicit timestamp setting, if it's omitted
NEW.timestamp := COALESCE(NEW.timestamp, EXTRACT('epoch' FROM CURRENT_TIMESTAMP));


 COST 100;

CREATE TRIGGER state_ha__replace
 ON state_hoard.state_http_availability
 EXECUTE PROCEDURE state_hoard.state_ha_replace();
Individual http delays can have quite high entropy, since the http-response processing in poller can't be truly asynchronous with such a number of hosts and in fact it's a single-thread eventloop (twisted) anyway, so values here are kept for some time, so they can be averaged later with a simple group-by.
Timestamp-based cleanup is built into the poller itself, so the trigger here only fills implicit timestamps.
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION state_hoard.state_hd_insert()
 RETURNS trigger AS

-- Implicit timestamp setting, if it's omitted
NEW.timestamp := COALESCE( NEW.timestamp,


 COST 100;

CREATE TRIGGER state_hd__insert
 ON state_hoard.state_http_delay
 EXECUTE PROCEDURE state_hoard.state_hd_insert();

After that comes the logging part, and the logged part is http response codes.

These shouldn't change frequently, so it's only logical to write changes-only log.
To grind out random errors I write a longer-than-poll-time (10 minutes, actually) averages to the intermediate table, while keeping track of such errors anyway, but in separate log table.
CREATE TABLE state_hoard.log_http_availability (
 "domain" character varying(128) NOT NULL,
 code integer,
 "timestamp" numeric NOT NULL,
 CONSTRAINT log_ha__domain_timestamp PRIMARY KEY (domain, "timestamp") );

Interval for these averages can be acquired via simple rounding, and it's convenient to have single function for that, plus the step in retriveable form. "Immutable" type here means that the results will be cached for each set of parameters.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION state_hoard.log_ha_step()
 RETURNS integer AS
'SELECT 600;'
 COST 100;

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION state_hoard.log_ha_discrete_time(numeric)
 RETURNS numeric AS
'SELECT (div($1, state_hoard.log_ha_step()::numeric) + 1) * state_hoard.log_ha_step();'
 COST 100;
"Averaging" for the logs is actually just dropping errors if there's at least one success in the interval.
It's only logical to do this right on insert into the log-table:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION state_hoard.log_ha_coerce()
 RETURNS trigger AS
 updated integer;


-- Implicit timestamp setting, if it's omitted
NEW.timestamp := state_hoard.log_ha_discrete_time(
 COALESCE( NEW.timestamp,
 EXTRACT('epoch' FROM CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) )::numeric );

IF NEW.code = 200
 -- Successful probe overrides (probably random) errors
 UPDATE state_hoard.log_http_availability
 SET code = NEW.code
 WHERE domain = NEW.domain AND timestamp = NEW.timestamp;

 -- Errors don't override anything
 FROM state_hoard.log_http_availability
 WHERE domain = NEW.domain AND timestamp = NEW.timestamp
 INTO updated;


-- True for first value in a new interval
IF updated = 0

 COST 100;

CREATE TRIGGER log_ha__coerce
 ON state_hoard.log_http_availability
   EXECUTE PROCEDURE state_hoard.log_ha_coerce();

The only thing left at this point is to actually tie this intermediate log-table with the state-table, and after-insert/update hooks are good place for that.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION state_hoard.state_ha_log()
 RETURNS trigger AS

 domain_var character varying (128);
 code_var integer;

 -- Timestamp of the log entry, explicit to get the older one, checking for random errors
 ts numeric := state_hoard.log_ha_discrete_time(EXTRACT('epoch' FROM CURRENT_TIMESTAMP));


SELECT domain FROM state_hoard.list_http_availability
 WHERE id = NEW.check_id INTO domain_var;

SELECT code FROM state_hoard.log_http_availability
 WHERE domain = domain_var AND timestamp = ts
 INTO code_var;

-- This actually replaces older entry, see log_ha_coerce hook
INSERT INTO state_hoard.log_http_availability (domain, code, timestamp)
 VALUES (domain_var, NEW.code, ts);

-- Random errors' trapping
IF code_var != NEW.code AND (NEW.code > 400 OR code_var > 400) THEN
 code_var = CASE WHEN NEW.code > 400 THEN NEW.code ELSE code_var END;
 INSERT INTO state_hoard.log_http_random_errors (domain, code)
 VALUES (domain_var, code_var);


 COST 100;

CREATE TRIGGER state_ha__log_insert
 ON state_hoard.state_http_availability
 EXECUTE PROCEDURE state_hoard.state_ha_log();

CREATE TRIGGER state_ha__log_update
 ON state_hoard.state_http_availability
 EXECUTE PROCEDURE state_hoard.state_ha_log();

From here, the log will get populated already, but in a few days it will get millions of entries and counting, so it have to be aggregated and the most efficient method for this sort of data seem to be in keeping just change-points for return codes since they're quite rare.

"Random errors" are trapped here as well and stored to the separate table. They aren't frequent, so no other action is taken there.

The log-diff table is just that - code changes. "code_prev" field is here for convenience, since I needed to get if there were any changes for a given period, so the rows there would give complete picture.

CREATE TABLE state_hoard.log_http_availability_diff (
 "domain" character varying(128) NOT NULL,
 code integer,
 code_prev integer,
 "timestamp" numeric NOT NULL,
 CONSTRAINT log_had__domain_timestamp PRIMARY KEY (domain, "timestamp") );

Updates to this table happen on cron-basis and generated right inside the db, thanks to plpgsql for that.

LOCK TABLE log_http_availability_diff IN EXCLUSIVE MODE;
LOCK TABLE log_http_availability IN EXCLUSIVE MODE;

INSERT INTO log_http_availability_diff
 SELECT * FROM log_ha_diff_for_period(NULL, NULL)
 AS data(domain character varying, code int, code_prev int, timestamp numeric);

TRUNCATE TABLE log_http_availability;

And the diff-generation code:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION state_hoard.log_ha_diff_for_period(ts_min numeric, ts_max numeric)

 rec state_hoard.log_http_availability%rowtype;
 rec_next state_hoard.log_http_availability%rowtype;
 rec_diff state_hoard.log_http_availability_diff%rowtype;


FOR rec_next IN
 EXECUTE 'SELECT domain, code, timestamp
 FROM state_hoard.log_http_availability'
 ' WHERE timestamp BETWEEN '||ts_min||' AND '||ts_max ELSE '' END ||
 ' ORDER BY domain, timestamp'

 IF NOT rec_diff.domain IS NULL AND rec_diff.domain != rec_next.domain THEN
 -- Last record for this domain - skip unknown vals and code change check
 rec_diff.domain = NULL;

 IF NOT rec_diff.domain IS NULL

 -- Time-skip (unknown values) addition
 rec_diff.timestamp = state_hoard.log_ha_discrete_time(rec.timestamp + 1);
 IF rec_diff.timestamp < rec_next.timestamp THEN
 -- Map unknown interval
 rec_diff.code = NULL;
 rec_diff.code_prev = rec.code;
 RETURN NEXT rec_diff;

 -- rec.code here should be affected by unknown-vals as well
 IF rec_diff.code != rec_next.code THEN
 rec_diff.code_prev = rec_diff.code;
 rec_diff.code = rec_next.code;
 rec_diff.timestamp = rec_next.timestamp;
 RETURN NEXT rec_diff;

 -- First record for new domain or whole loop (not returned)
 -- RETURN NEXT rec_next;
 rec_diff.domain = rec_next.domain;


 rec.code = rec_next.code;
 rec.timestamp = rec_next.timestamp;



 COST 100
 ROWS 1000;
So that's the logging into the database.
Not as nice and simple as rrd but much more flexible in the end.
And since PostgreSQL already allows to hook up PL/Python, there's no problem adding a few triggers to the log-diff table to send out notifications in case there's a problem.
Whether it's wise to put all the logic into the database like that is a good question though, I'd probably opt for some sort of interface on the database -> outside-world path, so db queries won't have full-fledged scripting language at their disposal and db event handlers would be stored on the file system, where they belong, w/o tying db to the host that way.

Apr 10, 2010

Auto-away for pidgin

Lately I've migrated back to pidgin from gajim through jabber.el. The thing which made it necessary was XFire support (via gfire plugin), which I've needed to communicate w/ my spring clanmates.
I'd have preferred jabber-xfire transport instead, but most projects there look abandoned and I don't really need extensive jabber-features support, so pidgin is fine with me.
The only thing that's not working there is auto-away support, so it can change my status due to inactivity.
Actually it changes the status to "away" but for no reason at all, regardless of idle time, and refuses to set it back to active even when I click it's window and options.

Well, good thing is that pidgin's mature enough to have dbus interface, so as the most problems in life, this one can be solved with python ;)

First thing to check is pidgin dbus interface and figure out how the states work there: you have to create a "state" with the appropriate message or find it among stored ones then set it as active, storing id of the previous one.
Next thing is to determine a way to get idle time.
Luckily, X keeps track of activity and I've already used xprintidle with jabber.el, so it's not a problem.
Not quite a native py solution, but it has workaround for one bug and is much more liteweight than code using py-xlib.
From there it's just an endless sleep/check loop with occasional dbus calls.
One gotcha there is that pidgin can die or be closed, so the loop has to deal with this as well.

All there is...

Get idle time:

def get_idle():
  proc = Popen(['xprintidle'], stdout=PIPE)
  idle = int(proc.stdout.read().strip()) // 1000
  return idle

Simple dbus client code:

pidgin = dbus.SessionBus().get_object(
  'im.pidgin.purple.PurpleService', '/im/pidgin/purple/PurpleObject' )
iface = dbus.Interface(pidgin, 'im.pidgin.purple.PurpleInterface')

Get initial (available) status:

st = iface.PurpleSavedstatusGetCurrent()
st_type = iface.PurpleSavedstatusGetType(st)
st_msg = iface.PurpleSavedstatusGetMessage(st)

Create away/na statuses:

st_away = iface.PurpleSavedstatusNew('', status.away)
  st_away, 'AFK (>{0}m)'.format(optz.away // 60) )
st_na = iface.PurpleSavedstatusNew('', status.xaway)
  st_na, 'AFK for quite a while (>{0}m)'.format(optz.na // 60) )

And the main loop:

while True:
  idle = get_idle()
  if idle > optz.away:
    if idle > optz.na:
      log.debug('Switched status to N/A (idle: {0})'.format(idle//60))
      log.debug('Switched status to away (idle: {0})'.format(idle//60))
    if iface.PurpleSavedstatusGetType(
        iface.PurpleSavedstatusGetCurrent() ) in (status.away, status.xaway):
      log.debug('Restored original status (idle: {0})'.format(idle//60))

Bonus of such approach is that any other checks can be easily added - fullscreen-video-status, for example, or emacs-dont-disturb status. I bet there are other plugins for this purposes, but I'd prefer few lines of clean py to some buggy .so anytime ;)

Here's the full code.

Mar 10, 2010

Single-instance daemon or "invisible dock"

You always have the touch-sensitive, solid, reliable dock right under your hands - the keyboard, so what's the point of docks?
  • Mouse-user-friendly
  • Look cool (cairo-dock, kiba-dock, macosx)
  • Provide control over the launched instances of each app
Two first points I don't care much about, but the last one sounds really nice - instead of switching to app workspace, you can just push the same hotkey and it'll even be raised for you in case WS is messed up with stacked windows.
Kinda excessive to install a full-fledged dock for just that, besides it'd eat screen space and resources for no good reason, so I made my own "dock".

But it's not really a "dock", since it's actually invisible and basically is just a wrapper for launched commands to check if last process spawned by identical command exists and just bring it to foreground in this case.

For reliable monitoring of spawned processes there has to be a daemon and wrappers should relay either command (and env) or spawned process info to it, which inplies some sort of IPC.
Choosing dbus as that IPC handles the details like watcher-daemon starting and serialization of data and makes the wrapper itself quite liteweight:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

dbus_iface = 'net.fraggod.SID'
dbus_path = '/net/fraggod/SID'

import os, sys, dbus
sid = dbus.SessionBus().get_object(dbus_iface, dbus_path)

if sys.argv[1][0] != '/':
    for path in os.getenv('PATH').split(os.pathsep):
        path = os.path.join(path, sys.argv[1])
        if os.path.exists(path):
            sys.argv[1] = path

sid.instance_request(sys.argv[1:], dict(os.environ))

And that's it, most of these just resolves binary location via PATH so it can be used as unique-index in daemon process right off the pipe.

Daemonized part of the scheme just takes the instance off it's stack, fires up a new one or returs back some error message:

@dbus.service.method( dbus_iface,
    in_signature='asa{ss}', out_signature='s' )
def instance_request(self, argz, env):
        data = self.pop_instance(argz, env)
        return data if data else ''
    except Exception, err: return 'ERROR: {0}'.format(err)

def pop_instance(self, argz, env):
    ps = argz[0]
    log.info('InstanceRequest: {0}'.format(argz))
    if ps[0] != '/': raise TypeError, 'App path must be absolute'
    ps = os.path.realpath(ps)
    log.debug('Pulling out "{0}"'.format(ps))
        app = self.apps[ps]
        log.debug('App "{0}" exists, pulling to fg'.format(ps))
    except KeyError:
        log.debug('No app "{0}", starting'.format(ps))
        self.apps[ps] = AppInstance(argz, env, self.log)
        return 'Started'

Dead apps are collected on SIGCHLD and some extra precautions should be taken for the case when the signal arrives during the collector code execution, like when several apps die simultaneously:

def reap_apps(self, sig, frm):
    log.debug('Got app exit signal')
        locked = self.lock.acquire(False)
        self.lock_req = True # indicates that apps have to be re-checked
        if not locked:
            log.debug('Reap is in progress, re-check scheduled')

        while self.lock_req:
            self.lock_req = False
            log.debug('Reaping dead apps')
            for k,app in self.apps.iteritems():
                if app.dead:
                    del self.apps[k]
                    log.debug('App "{0}" was released'.format(k))

        if locked: self.lock.release()
        global loop_interrupt
        loop_interrupt = True
        log.debug('Reaper done')

That way, collector should run until signals stop arriving and shouldn't miss any app under any circumstances.

AppInstance objects incapsulate all operations concerning each app from starting it to focus and waitpid:

class AppInstance(object):
    _id = None # for debugging purposes only
    _ps = _win = None

    def __init__(self, argz, env, logfile=False):
        log.debug('Creating instance with argz: {0}'.format(argz))
        self._id = argz[0]
        self._ps = exe.proc( *argz,
            preexec_fn=os.setsid, env=env,
            stdout=logfile, stderr=exe.STDOUT, stdin=False )

    def show(self):
        if self.windows:
            for win in self.windows: win.focus()
        else: log.debug('No window for app "{0}"'.format(self._id))

    def windows(self):
        if self._win is None:
            self._win = wm.Window.by_pid(self._ps.pid)
            if self._win: self._win = list(self._win) # all windows for pid
            else: self._win = False
        return self._win

    def dead(self):
        return self._ps.wait(0) is not None

WM ops here are from fgc package.

From here all that's left to code is to create dbus-handler instance and get the loop running.
I called the daemon itself as "sid" and the wrapper as "sic".

To make dbus aware of the service, short note should be put to "/usr/share/dbus-1/services/net.fraggod.SID.service" with path to daemon binary:

[D-BUS Service]

...plus the hotkeys rebound from "myapp" to just "sic myapp" and the key-dock is ready.

Works especially well with WMs that can keep app windows' props between launches, so just pressing the relevant keys should launch every app where it belongs with correct window parameters and you won't have to do any WM-related work at all.

Code: sic.py sid.py

What can be more user-friendly than that? Gotta think about it...

Feb 28, 2010

snmpd-pyagentx or re-discovery of sf.net

Since I've put some two-day effort into creation of net-snmp snmpd extension and had some free time to report bug in source of this inspiration, thought I might as well save someone trouble of re-inventing the wheel and publish it somewhere, since snmpd extension definitely looks like a black area from python perspective.

I've used sf.net as a project admin before, publishing some crappy php code for hyscar project with pretty much the same reasons in mind, and I didn't like the experience much - cvs for code storage and weird interface are among the reasons I can remember, but I'll gladly take all this criticism back - current interface has by far exceed all my expectations (well, prehaps they were too low in the first place?).

Putting up a full-fledged project page took me (a complete n00b at that) about half an hour, everything being simple and obvious as it is, native-to-me git vcs, and even trac among the (numerous) features. Damn pleasant xp, making you wanna upload something else just for the sake of it ;)

Oh, and the project is snmpd-pyagentx, freshmeat page included.
Just an alpha right now, but I'll polish and deploy it in production in a day or two, so no worries.

Feb 26, 2010

libnotify, notification-daemon shortcomings and my solution

Everyone who uses OSS desktop these days probably seen libnotify magic in action - small popup windows that appear at some corner of the screen, announcing events from other apps.

libnotify itself, however, is just a convenience lib for dispatching these notifications over dbus, so the latter can pass it app listening on this interface or even start it beforehand.
Standard app for rendering such messages is notification-daemon, which is developed alongside with libnotify, but there are drop-in replacements like xfce4-notifyd or e17 notification module. In dbus rpc mechanism call signatures are clearly defined and visible, so it's pretty easy to implement replacement for aforementioned daemons, plus vanilla notification-daemon has introspection calls and dbus itself can be easily monitored (via dbus-monitor utility) which make it's implementation even more transparent.

Now, polling every window for updates manually is quite inefficient - new mail, xmpp messages, IRC chat lines, system events etc sometimes arrive every few seconds, and going over all the windows (and by that I mean workspaces where they're stacked) just to check them is a huge waste of time, especially when some (or even most, in case of IRC) of these are not really important.
Either response time or focus (and, in extreme case, sanity) has to be sacrificed in such approach. Luckily, there's another way to monitor this stuff - small pop-up notifications allow to see what's happening right away, w/o much attention-switching or work required from an end-user.

But that's the theory.
In practice, I've found that enabling notifications in IRC or jabber is pretty much pointless, since you'll be swarmed by these as soon as any real activity starts there. And w/o them it's a stupid wasteful poll practice, mentioned above.

Notification-daemon has no tricks to remedy the situation, but since the whole thing is so abstract and transparent I've had no problem making my own fix.
Notification digest

Solution I came up with is to batch the notification messages into a digests as soon as there are too many of them, displaying such digest pop-ups with some time interval, so I can keep a grip on what's going on just by glancing at these as they arrive, switching my activities if something there is important enough.

Having played with schedulers and network shaping/policing before, not much imagination was required to devise a way to control the message flow rate.
I chose token-bucket algorithm at first, but since prolonged flood of I-don't-care-about activity have gradually decreasing value, I didn't want to receive digests of it every N seconds, so I batched it with a gradual digest interval increase and leaky-bucket mechanism, so digests won't get too fat over these intervals.
Well, the result exceeded my expectations, and now I can use libnotify freely even to indicate that some rsync just finished in a terminal on another workspace. Wonder why such stuff isn't built into existing notification daemons...
Then, there was another, even more annoying issue: notifications during fullscreen apps! WTF!?
Wonder if everyone got used to this ugly flickering in fullscreen mplayer, huge lags in GL games like SpringRTS or I'm just re-inventing the wheel here, since it's done in gnome or kde (knotify, huh?), but since I'm not gonna use either one I just added fullscreen-app check before notification output, queueing them to digest if that is the case.
Ok, a few words about implementation.
Token bucket itself is based on activestate recipe with some heavy improvements to adjust flow on constant under/over-flow, plus with a bit more pythonic style and features, take a look here. Leaky bucket implemented by this class.
Aside from that it's just dbus magic and a quite extensive CLI interface to control the filters.
Main dbus magic, however, lies outside the script, since dbus calls cannot be intercepted and the scheduler can't get'em with notification-daemon already listening on this interface.
Solution is easy, of course - scheduler can replace the real daemon and proxy mangled calls to it as necessary. It takes this sed line for notification-daemon as well, since interface is hard-coded there.
Needs fgc module, but it's just a hundred lines on meaningful code.

One more step to making linux desktop more comfortable. Oh, joy ;)

Feb 17, 2010

Listening to music over the 'net with authentication and cache

Having seen people really obsessed with the music, I don't consider myself to be much into it, yet I've managed to accumulate more than 70G of it, and counting. That's probably because I don't like to listen to something on a loop over and over, so, naturally, it's quite a bother to either keep the collection on every machine I use or copy the parts of it just to listen and replace.

Ideal solution for me is to mount whole hoard right from home server, and mounting it over the internet means that I need some kind of authentication.
Since I also use it at work, encryption is also nice, so I can always pass this bandwith as something work-friendly and really necessary, should it arouse any questions.
And while bandwith at work is pretty much unlimited, it's still controlled, so I wouldn't like to overuse it too much, and listening to oggs, mp3 and flacs for the whole work-day can generate traffic of 500-800 megs, and that's quite excessive to that end, in my own estimation.

The easiest way for me was trusty sshfs - it's got the best authentication, nice performance and encryption off-the-shelf with just one simple command. Problem here is the last aforementioned point - sshfs would generate as much bandwith as possible, caching content only temporarily in volatile RAM.

Persistent caching seem to be quite easy to implement in userspace with either fuse layer over network filesystem or something even simpler (and more hacky), like aufs and inotify, catching IN_OPEN events and pulling files in question to intermediate layer of fs-union.

Another thing I've considered was fs-cache in-kernel mechanism, which appeared in the main tree since around 2.6.30, but the bad thing about was that while being quite efficient, it only worked for NFS or AFS.
Second was clearly excessive for my purposes, and the first one I've come to hate for being extremely ureliable and limiting. In fact, NFS never gave me anything but trouble in the past, yet since I haven't found any decent implementations of the above ideas, I'd decided to give it (plus fs-cache) a try.
Setting up nfs server is no harder than sharing dir on windows - just write a line to /etc/exports and fire up nfs initscript. Since nfs4 seems superior than nfs in every way, I've used that version.
Trickier part is authentication. With nfs' "accept-all" auth model and kerberos being out of question, it has to be implemented on some transport layer in the middle.
Luckily, ssh is always there to provide a secure authenticated channel and nfs actually supports tcp these days. So the idea is to start nfs on localhost on server and use ssh tunnel to connecto to it from the client.

Setting up tunnel was quite straightforward, although I've put together a simple script to avoid re-typing the whole thing and to make sure there aren't any dead ssh processes laying around.

PID="/tmp/.$(basename $0).$(echo "$1.$2" | md5sum | cut -b-5)"
touch "$PID"
flock -n 3 3<"$PID" || exit 0
exec 3>"$PID"
( flock -n 3 || exit 0
  exec ssh\
   -qyTnN $3 -L "$1" "$2" ) &
echo $! >&3
exit 0

That way, ssh process is daemonized right away. Simple locking is also implemented, based on tunnel and ssh destination, so it might be put as a cronjob (just like "ssh_tunnel 2049: user@remote") to keep the link alive.

Then I've put a line like this to /etc/exports:

...and tried to "mount -t nfs4 localhost:/ /mnt/music" on the remote.
Guess what? "No such file or dir" error ;(
Ok, nfs3-way to "mount -t nfs4 localhost:/var/export/leech /mnt/music" doesn't work as well. No indication of why it is whatsoever.

Then it gets even better - "mount -t nfs localhost:/var/export/leech /mnt/music" actually works (locally, since nfs3 defaults to udp).
Completely useless errors and nothing on the issue in manpages was quite weird, but prehaps I haven't looked at it well enough.

Gotcha was in the fact that it wasn't allowed to mount nfs4 root, so tweaking exports file like this...


...and "mount -t nfs4 localhost:/music /mnt/music" actually solved the issue.

Why can't I use one-line exports and why the fuck it's not on the first (or any!) line of manpage escapes me completely, but at least it works now even from remote. Hallelujah.

Next thing is the cache layer. Luckily, it doesn't look as crappy as nfs and tying them together can be done with a single mount parameter. One extra thing needed, aside from the kernel part, here, is cachefilesd.
Strange thing it's not in gentoo portage yet (since it's kinda necessary for kernel mechanism and quite aged already), but there's an ebuild in b.g.o (now mirrored to my overlay, as well).
Setting it up is even simpler.
Config is well-documented and consists of five lines only, the only relevant of which is the path to fs-backend, oh, and the last one seem to need user_xattr support enabled.

fstab lines for me were these:

/dev/dump/nfscache /var/fscache ext4 user_xattr
localhost:/music /mnt/music nfs4 ro,nodev,noexec,intr,noauto,user,fsc

First two days got me 800+ megs in cache and from there it was even better bandwidth-wise, so, all-in-all, this nfs circus was worth it.

Another upside of nfs was that I could easily share it with workmates just by binding ssh tunnel endpoint to a non-local interface - all that's needed from them is to issue the mount command, although I didn't came to like to implementation any more than I did before.
Wonder if it's just me, but whatever...

Feb 14, 2010

My "simple" (ok, not quite) backup system - implementation (backup host)

According to the general plan, with backed-up side scripts in place, some backup-grab mechanism is needed on the backup host.

So far, sshd provides secure channel and authentication, launching control script as a shell, backed-up side script provides hostname:port for one-shot ssh link on the commandline, with private key to this link and backup-exclusion paths list piped in.

All that's left to do on this side is to read the data from a pipe and start rsync over this link, with a few preceding checks, like a free space check, so backup process won't be strangled by its abscence and as many as possible backups will be preserved for as long as possible, removing them right before receiving new ones.

Historically, this script also works with any specified host, interactively logging into it as root for rsync operation, so there's bit of interactive voodoo involved, which isn't relevant for the remotely-initiated backup case.

Ssh parameters for rsync transport are passed to rsync itself, since it starts ssh process, via "--rsh" option. Inside the script,these are accumulated in bak_src_ext variable

Note that in case then this script is started as a shell, user is not a root, yet it needs to store filesystem metadata like uids, gids, acls, etc.
To that end, rsync can employ user_xattr's, although it looks extremely unportable and inproper to me, since nothing but rsync will translate them back to original metadata, so rsync need to be able to change fs metadata directly, and to that end there's posix capabilities.

I use custom module for capability manipulation, as well as other convenience modules here and there, their purpose is quite obvious and replacing these with stdlib functions should be pretty straightforward, if necessary.

Activating the inherited capabilities:

bak_user = os.getuid()
if bak_user:
    from fgc.caps import Caps
    import pwd
    os.putenv('HOME', pwd.getpwuid(bak_user).pw_dir)

But first things first - there's data waiting on commandline and stdin. Getting the hostname and port...

bak_src = argz[0]
try: bak_src, bak_src_ext = bak_src.split(':')
except: bak_src_ext = tuple()
else: bak_src_ext = '-p', bak_src_ext

...and the key / exclusions:

bak_key = bak_sub('.key_{0}'.format(bak_host))
password, reply = it.imap(
    op.methodcaller('strip', spaces), sys.stdin.read().split('\n\n\n', 1) )
open(bak_key, 'w').write(password)
sh.chmod(bak_key, 0400)
bak_src_ext += '-i', os.path.realpath(bak_key)

Then, basic rsync invocation options can be constructed:

sync_optz = [ '-HaAXz',
    '--rsync-path=ionice -c3 rsync',
    '--rsh=ssh {0}'.format(' '.join(bak_src_ext)) ]

Excluded paths list here is written to a local file, to keep track which paths were excluded in each backup. "--super" option is actually necessary if local user is not root, rsync drops all the metadata otherwise. "HaAX" is like "preserve all" flags - Hardlinks, ownership/modes/times ("a" flag), Acl's, eXtended attrs. "--rsh" here is the ssh command, with parameters, determined above.

Aside from that, there's also need to specify hardlink destination path, which should be a previous backup, and that traditionnaly is the domain of ugly perlisms - regexps.

bakz_re = re.compile(r'^([^.].*)\.\d+-\d+-\d+.\d+$') # host.YYYY-mm-dd.unix_time
bakz = list( bak for bak in os.listdir(bak_root)
 if bakz_re.match(bak) ) # all backups
bakz_host = sorted(it.ifilter(op.methodcaller(
    'startswith', bak_host ), bakz), reverse=True)

So, the final sync options come to these:

src = '{0}:/'.format(src)
sync_optz = list(dta.chain( sync_optz, '--link-dest={0}'\
        .format(os.path.realpath(bakz_host[0])), src, bak_path ))\
    if bakz_host else list(dta.chain(sync_optz, src, bak_path))

The only interlude is to cleanup backup partition if it gets too crowded:

## Free disk space check / cleanup
ds, df = sh.df(bak_root)
min_free = ( max(min_free_avg( (ds-df) / len(bakz)), min_free_abs*G)
    if min_free_avg and bakz else min_free_abs*G )

def bakz_rmq():
    '''Iterator that returns bakz in order of removal'''
    bakz_queue = list( list(bakz) for host,bakz in it.groupby(sorted(bakz),
        key=lambda bak: bakz_re.match(bak).group(1)) )
    while bakz_queue:
        if len(bakz_queue[-1]) <= min_keep: break
        yield bakz_queue[-1].pop()

if df < min_free:
    for bak in bakz_rmq():
        log.info('Removing backup: {0}'.format(bak))
        sh.rr(bak, onerror=False)
        ds, df = sh.df(bak_root)
        if df >= min_free: break
        log.fatal( 'Not enough space on media:'
                ' {0:.1f}G, need {1:.1f}G, {2} backups min)'\
            .format( op.truediv(df, G),
                op.truediv(min_free, G), min_keep ), crash=2 )

And from here it's just to start rsync and wait 'till the job's done.

This thing works for months now, and saved my day on many occasions, but the most important thing here I think is the knowledge that the backup is there should you need one, so you never have to worry about breaking your system or losing anything important there, whatever you do.

Here's the full script.

Actually, there's more to the story, since just keeping backups on single local harddisk (raid1 of two disks, actually) isn't enough for me.
Call this paranoia, but setting up system from scratch and restoring all the data I have is a horrible nightmare, and there are possibility of fire, robbery, lighting, voltage surge or some other disaster that can easily take this disk(s) out of the picture, and few gigabytes of space in the web come almost for free these days - there are p2p storages like wuala, dropbox, google apps/mail with their unlimited quotas...
So, why not upload all this stuff there and be absolutely sure it'd never go down, whatever happens? Sure thing.
Guess I'll write a note on the topic as much to document it for myself as for the case someone might find it useful as well, plus the ability to link it instead of explaining ;)

Feb 13, 2010

My "simple" (ok, not quite) backup system - implementation (backed-up side)

As I've already outlined before, my idea of backups comes down to these points:

  • No direct access to backup storage from backed-up machine, no knowledge about backup storage layout there.
  • No any-time access from backup machine to backed-up one. Access should be granted on the basis of request from backed-up host, for one connection only.
  • Read-only access to filesystem only, no shell or network access.
  • Secure transfer channel.
  • Incremental, yet independent backups, retaining all fs metadata.
  • No extra strain on network (wireless) or local disk space.
  • Non-interactive usage (from cron).
  • No root involved on any side at any time.

And the idea is to implement these with openssh, rsync and a pair of scripts.

Ok, the process is initiated by backed-up host, which will spawn sshd for single secure backup channel, so first thing to do is to invoke of ssh-keygen and get the pair of one-time keys from it.

As an extra precaution, there's no need to write private key to local filesystem, as it's only needed by ssh-client on a remote (backup) host.
Funny thing is that ssh-keygen doesn't actually allow that, although it's possible to make it use fifo socket instead of file.
FIFO socket implies blocking I/O however, so one more precaution should be taken for script not to hang indefinitely.

A few convenience functions here and there are imported from fgc module, but can be replaced by standard counterparts (POpen, unlink, etc) without problem - no magic there.

Here we go:

def unjam(sig, frm):
    raise RuntimeError, 'no data from ssh-keygen'
signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, unjam)

keygen = exe.proc( 'ssh-keygen', '-q',
    '-t', 'rsa', '-b', '2048', '-N', '', '-f', key )

key_sub = open(key).read()
sh.rm(key, onerror=False)
if keygen.wait(): raise RuntimeError, 'ssh-keygen has failed'

Public key can then be used to generate one-time ACL file, aka "authorized_hosts" file:

keygen = open(key_pub, 'r').read().strip(spaces)
open(key_pub, 'w').write(
    'from="{0}" {1}\n'.format(remote_ip, keygen) )

So, we have an ACL file and matching private key. It's time to start sshd:

sshd = exe.proc( '/usr/sbin/sshd', '-6', '-de', '-p{0}'.format(port),
    '-oChallengeResponseAuthentication=no', # no password prompt
    '-oAllowAgentForwarding=no', # no need for this
    '-oAllowTcpForwarding=no', # no port-forwarding
    '-oPermitTunnel=no', # no tunneling
    '-oCompression=no', # minor speedup, since it's handled by rsync
    '-oForceCommand=/usr/bin/ppy {0} -c'\
        .format(os.path.realpath(__file__)), # enforce this script checks
        .format(os.path.realpath(key_pub)), silent=True )

A bit of an explaination here.

"silent" keyword here just eats verbose stdout/stderr, since it's not needed for these purposes.

According to original plan, I use "ForceCommand" to start the same initiator-script (but with "-c" parameter), so it will invoke rsync (and rsync only) with some optional checks and scheduling priority enforcements.

Plus, since initial script and sshd are started by ordinary user, we'd need to get dac_read_search capability for rsync to be able to read (and only read) every single file on local filesystem.
That's where ppy binary comes in, launching this script with additional capabilities, defined for the script file.
Script itself doesn't need to make the caps effective - just pass as inherited further to rsync binary, and that's where it, and I mean cap_dac_read_search, should be activated and used.
To that end, system should have aforementioned wrapper (ppy) with permitted-effective caps, to provide them in the first place, python binary with "cap_dac_read_search=i" and rsync with "cap_dac_read_search=ei" (since it doesn't have option to activate caps from it's code).
This may look like an awful lot of privileged bits, but it's absolutely not! Inheritable caps are just that - inheritable, they won't get set by this bit by itself.
In fact, one can think of whole fs as suid-inheritable, and here inheritance only works for a small fragment of root's power and that only for three files, w/o capability to propagnate anywhere else, if there'd be some exec in a bogus commandline.

Anyway, everything's set and ready for backup host to go ahead and grab local fs.

Note that backup of every file isn't really necessary, since sometimes most heavy ones are just caches, games or media content, readily available for downloading from the net, so I just glance at my fs with xdiskusage tool (which is awesome, btw, even for remote servers' df monitoring: "ssh remote du -k / | xdiskusage") to see if it's in need of cleanup and to add largest paths to backup-exclude list.

Actually, I thought of dynamically excluding pretty much everything that can be easily rebuilt by package manager (portage in my case), but decided that I have space for these, and backing it all up makes "rm -rf", updates or compiler errors (since I'm going to try icc) much less scary anyway.

Ok, here goes the backup request:

ssh = exe.proc( 'ssh', remote,
    '{0}:{1}'.format(os.uname()[1], port), stdin=exe.PIPE )

if ssh.wait(): raise RuntimeError, 'Remote call failed'

"remote" here is some unprivileged user on a backup host with backup-grab script set as a shell. Pubkey auth is used, so no interaction is required.

And that actually concludes locally-initiated operations - it's just wait to confirm that the task's completed.
Now backup host have the request, to-be-backed-up hostname and port on the commandline, with private key and paths-to-exclude list piped through.

One more thing done locally though is the invocation of this script when backup host will try to grab fs, but it's simple and straightforward as well:

cmd = os.getenv('SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND')
if not cmd: parser.error('No SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND in ENV')
if not re.match(
        r'^(ionice -c\d( -n\d)? )?rsync --server', cmd ):
    parser.error('Disallowed command: {0}'.format(cmd))
try: cmd, argz = cmd.split(' ', 1)
except ValueError: argz = ''
os.execlp(cmd, os.path.basename(cmd), *argz.split())

Rsync takes control from here and reads fs tree, checking files and their attributes against previous backups with it's handy rolling-checksums, creating hardlinks on match and transferring only mismatching pieces, if any, but more on that later, in the next post about implementation of the other side of this operation.

Full version of this script can be found here.

Feb 11, 2010

My "simple" (ok, not quite) backup system

There's saying: "there are two kinds of sysadmins - the ones that aren't making backups yet, and the ones that already do". I'm not sure if the essence of the phrase wasn't lost in translation (ru->eng), but the point is that it's just a matter of time, 'till you start backing-up your data.

Luckily for me, I've got it quite fast, and consider making backups on a daily basis is a must-have practice for any developer/playground machine or under-development server. It saved me on a countless occasions, and there were quite a few times when I just needed to check if everything in my system is still in place and were there before.

Here I'll try to describe my sample backup system operation and the reasons for building it like that.

Ok, what do I need from the backup ecosystem?

  • Obviously, it'd be a bother to backup each machine manually every day, so there's a cron.
  • Backing up to the same machine obviously isn't a good idea, so the backup has to be transferred to remote system, preferrably several ones, in different environments.
  • Another thing to consider is the size of such backups and efficient method of storage, transfer and access to them.
  • Then there's a security issue - full fs read capabilities are required to create the backup, and that can be easily abused.

First two points suggest that you either need privileged remote access to the machine (like root ssh, which is a security issue) or make backups (local fs replicas) locally then transfer them to remote with unprivileged access (just to these backups).

Local backups make third point (space efficiency) more difficult, since you either have to make full backups locally (and transferring them, at the very least, is not-so-efficient at all) or keep some metadata about the state of all the files (like "md5deep -r /", but with file metadata checksums as well), so you can efficiently generate increments.

Traditional hacky way to avoid checksumming is to look at inode mtimes only, but that is unreliable, especially so, since I like to use stuff like "cp -a" and "rsync -a" (synchronises timestamps) on a daily basis and play with timestamps any way I like to.

Space efficiency usually achieved via incremental archives. Not really my thing, since they have terrible accessibility - tar (and any other streaming formats like cpio) especially, dar less so, since it has random access and file subset merge features, but still bad at keeping increments (reference archive have to be preserved, for one thing) and is not readily-browseable - you have to unpack it to some tmp path before doing anything useful with files. There's also SquashFS, which is sorta "browsable archive", but it has not increment-tracking features at all ;(

Another way to preserve space is to forget about these archive formats and just use filesystem to store backed-up tree. Compression is also an option here with ZFS or Btrfs or some FUSE layer like fusecompress, keeping increments is also simple with either hardlinks or snapshots.
Obviously, accessibility (and simplicity, btw) here is next to nothing, and you can use diff, rsync and rest of the usual tools to do anything you want with it, which I see as a great feat. And should you need to transfer it in a container - just tar it right to the medium in question.
Of course, I liked this way a lot more than the archives, and decided to stick with it.
So, at this point the task was refined to just rsync from backed-up machine to backup storage.
Since I have two laptops which mightn't always be accessible to backup host and should be able to initiate backup when I need to without much effort, it's best if the backups are initiated from backed-up machine.

That said...

  • I don't want to have any kind of access to backup storage from this machine or know anything about backup storage layout, so direct rsync to storage is out of question.
  • At the same time, I don't need any-time root - or any other kind of - access to local machine form backup host, I only need it when I do request a backup locally (or local cron does it for me).
  • In fact, even then, I don't need backup host to have anything but read-only access to local filesystem. This effectively obsoletes the idea of unprivileged access just-to-local-backups, since they are the same read-only (...replicas of...) local filesystem, so there's just no need to make them.

Obvious tool for the task is rsync-pull, initiated from backup host (and triggered by backed-up host), with some sort of one-time pass, given by the backed-up machine.

And local rsync should be limited to read-only access, so it can't be used by backup-host imposter to zero or corrupt local rootfs. Ok, that's quite a paranoid scenario, especially if you can identify backup host by something like ssh key fingerprint, but it's still a good policy.

Ways to limit local rsync to read-only, but otherwise unrestricted, access I've considered were:

  • Locally-initiated rsync with parameters, passed from backup host, like "rsync -a / host:/path/to/storage". Not a good option, since that requres parameter checking and that's proven to be error-prone soul-sucking task (just look at the sudo or suid-perl), plus it'd need some one-time and restricted access mechanism on backup host.
  • Local rsyncd with one-time credentials. Not a bad way. Simple, for one thing, but the link between the hosts can be insecure (wireless) and rsync protocol does not provide any encryption for the passed data - and that's the whole filesystem piped through. Also, there's no obvious way to make sure it'd process only one connection (from backup host, just to read fs once) - credentials can be sniffed and used again.
  • Same as before, but via locally-initiated reverse-ssh tunnel to rsyncd.
  • One-shot local sshd with rsync-only command restriction, one-time generated keypair and remote ip restriction.

Last two options seem to be the best, being pretty much the same thing, with the last one more robust and secure, since there's no need to tamper with rsyncd and it's really one-shot.

Caveat however, is how to give rsync process read-only access. Luckily, there's dac_read_search posix capability, which allows just that - all that's needed is to make it inheritable-effective for rsync binary in question, which can be separate statically-linked one, just for these backup purposes.
Separate one-shot sshd also friendly to nice/ionice setting and traffic shaping (since it's listening on separate port), which is quite crucial for wireless upload bandwidth since it has a major impact on interactive connections - output pfifo gets swarmed by ssh-data packets and every other connection actions (say, ssh session keypress) lag until it's packets wait in this line... but that's a bit unrelated note (see LARTC if you don't know what it's all about, mandatory).

And that actually concludes the overall plan, which comes to these steps:

  • Backed-up host:
    • Generates ssh keypair (ssh-keygen).
    • Starts one-shot sshd ("-d" option) with authorization only for generated public key, command ("ForceCommand" option), remote ip ("from=" option) and other (no tunneling, key-only auth, etc) restrictions.
    • Connects (ssh, naturally) to backup host's unprivileged user or restricted shell and sends it's generated (private) key for sshd auth, waits.
  • Backup host:
    • Receives private ssh key from backed-up host.
    • rsync backed-up-host:/ /path/to/local/storage

Minor details:

  • ssh pubkey authentication is used to open secure channel to a backup host, precluding any mitm attacks, non-interactive cron-friendly.
  • sshd has lowered nice/ionice and bandwidth priority, so it won't interfere with host operation in any way.
  • Backup host receives link destination for rsync along with the private key, so it won't have to guess who requested the backup and which port it should use.
  • ForceCommand can actually point to the same "backup initiator" script, which will act as a shell with full rsync command in SSH_ORIGINAL_COMMAND env var, so additional checks or privilege manipulations can be performed immediately before sync.
  • Minimal set of tools used: openssh, rsync and two (fairly simple) scripts on both ends.
Phew... and I've started writing this just as an example usage of posix capabilities for previous entry.
Guess I'll leave implementation details for the next one.
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