Aug 06, 2024
For TCP connections, it seems pretty trivial - old netstat (from net-tools project)
and modern ss (iproute2) tools do it fine, where you can easily grep both listening
or connected end by IP:port they're using.
But ss -xp for unix sockets (AF_UNIX, aka "named pipes") doesn't work like
that - only prints socket path for listening end of the connection, which makes
lookups by socket path not helpful, at least with the current iproute-6.10.
"at least with the current iproute" because manpage actually suggests this:
ss -x src /tmp/.X11-unix/*
Find all local processes connected to X server.
Where socket is wrong for modern X - easy to fix - and -p option seem to be
omitted (to show actual processes), but the result is also not at all "local
processes connected to X server" anyway:
# ss -xp src @/tmp/.X11-unix/X1
Netid State Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address:Port Peer Address:Port Process
u_str ESTAB 0 0 @/tmp/.X11-unix/X1 26800 * 25948 users:(("Xorg",pid=1519,fd=51))
u_str ESTAB 0 0 @/tmp/.X11-unix/X1 331064 * 332076 users:(("Xorg",pid=1519,fd=40))
u_str ESTAB 0 0 @/tmp/.X11-unix/X1 155940 * 149392 users:(("Xorg",pid=1519,fd=46))
u_str ESTAB 0 0 @/tmp/.X11-unix/X1 16326 * 20803 users:(("Xorg",pid=1519,fd=44))
u_str ESTAB 0 0 @/tmp/.X11-unix/X1 11106 * 27720 users:(("Xorg",pid=1519,fd=50))
u_str LISTEN 0 4096 @/tmp/.X11-unix/X1 12782 * 0 users:(("Xorg",pid=1519,fd=7))
It's just a long table listing same "Xorg" process on every line,
which obviously isn't what example claims to fetch, or useful in any way.
So maybe it worked fine earlier, but some changes to the tool or whatever
data it grabs made this example obsolete and not work anymore.
But there are "ports" listed for unix sockets, which I think correspond to
"inodes" in /proc/net/unix, and are global across host (or at least same netns),
so two sides of connection - that socket-path + Xorg process info - and other
end with connected process info - can be joined together by those port/inode numbers.
I haven't been able to find a tool to do that for me easily atm, so went ahead to
write my own script, mostly focused on listing per-socket pids on either end, e.g.:
# unix-socket-links
/run/dbus/system_bus_socket :: dbus-broker[1190] :: Xorg[1519] bluetoothd[1193]
claws-mail[2203] dbus-broker-lau[1183] efreetd[1542] emacs[2160] enlightenment[1520]
pulseaudio[1523] systemd-logind[1201] systemd-network[1363] systemd-timesyn[966]
systemd[1366] systemd[1405] systemd[1] waterfox[2173]
/run/user/1000/bus :: dbus-broker[1526] :: dbus-broker-lau[1518] emacs[2160] enlightenment[1520]
notification-th[1530] pulseaudio[1523] python3[1531] python3[5397] systemd[1405] waterfox[2173]
/run/user/1000/pulse/native :: pulseaudio[1523] :: claws-mail[2203] emacs[2160]
enlightenment[1520] mpv[9115] notification-th[1530] python3[2063] waterfox[2173]
@/tmp/.X11-unix/X1 :: Xorg[1519] :: claws-mail[2203] conky[1666] conky[1671] emacs[2160]
enlightenment[1520] notification-th[1530] python3[5397] redshift[1669] waterfox[2173]
xdpms[7800] xterm[1843] xterm[2049] yeahconsole[2047]
Output format is <socket-path> :: <listening-pid> :: <clients...>, where it's
trivial to see exactly what is connected to which socket (and what's listening there).
unix-socket-links @/tmp/.X11-unix/X1 can list only conns/pids for that
socket, and adding -c/--conns can be used to disaggregate that list of
processes back into specific connections (which can be shared between pids too),
to get more like a regular netstat/ss output, but with procs on both ends,
not weirdly broken one like ss -xp gives you.
Script is in the usual mk-fg/fgtk repo (also on codeberg and local git),
with code link and a small doc here:
Was half-suspecting that I might need to parse /proc/net/unix or load eBPF
for this, but nope, ss has all the info needed, just presents it in a silly way.
Also, unlike some other iproute2 tools where that was added (or lsfd below), it
doesn't have --json output flag, but should be stable enough to parse
anyway, I think, and easy enough to sanity-check by the header.
Oh, and also, one might be tempted to use lsof or lsfd for this, like I did,
but it's more complicated and can be janky to get the right output out of these,
and pretty sure lsof even has side-effects, where it connects to socket with +E
(good luck figuring out what's that supposed to do btw), causing all sorts of
unintended mayhem, but here are snippets that I've used for those in some past
(checking where stalled ssh-agent socket connections are from in this example):
lsof -wt +E "$SSH_AUTH_SOCK" | awk '{print "\\<" $1 "\\>"}' | g -3f- <(ps axlf)
lsfd -no PID -Q "UNIX.PATH == '$SSH_AUTH_SOCK'" | grep -f- <(ps axlf)
Don't think either of those work anymore, maybe for same reason as with ss
not listing unix socket path for egress unix connections, and lsof in particular
straight-up hangs without even kill -9 getting it, if socket on the other
end doesn't process its (silly and pointless) connection, so maybe don't use
that one at least - lsfd seem to be easier to use in general.
Jul 01, 2024
Usually zsh does fine wrt tab-completion, but sometimes you just get nothing
when pressing tab, either due to somewhat-broken completer or it working as
intended but there's seemingly being "nothing" to complete.
Recently latter started happening after redirection characters,
e.g. on cat myfile > <TAB>, and that finally prompted me to re-examine
why I even put up with this crap.
Because in vast majority of cases, completion should use files, except for
commands as the first thing on the line, and maybe some other stuff way more rarely,
almost as an exception.
But completing nothing at all seems like an obvious bug to me,
as if I wanted nothing, wouldn't have pressed the damn tab key in the first place.
One common way to work around the lack of file-completions when needed,
is to define special key for just those, like shift-tab:
zstyle ':completion:complete-files:*' completer _files
bindkey "\e[Z" complete-files
If using that becomes a habit everytime one needs files, that'd be a good solution,
but I still use generic "tab" by default, and expect file-completion from it in most cases,
so why not have it fallback to file-completion if whatever special thing zsh has
otherwise fails - i.e. suggest files/paths instead of nothing.
Looking at _complete_debug output (can be bound/used instead of tab-completion),
it's easy to find where _main_complete dispatcher picks completer script,
and that there is apparently no way to define fallback of any kind there, but easy
enough to patch one in, at least.
Here's the hack I ended up with for /etc/zsh/zshrc:
## Make completion always fallback to next completer if current returns 0 results
# This allows to fallback to _file completion properly when fancy _complete fails
# Patch requires running zsh as root at least once, to apply it (or warn/err about it)
_patch_completion_fallbacks() {
local patch= p=/usr/share/zsh/functions/Completion/Base/_main_complete
[[ "$p".orig -nt "$p" ]] && return || {
grep -Fq '## fallback-complete patch v1 ##' "$p" && touch "$p".orig && return ||:; }
[[ -n "$(whence -p patch)" ]] || {
echo >&2 'zshrc :: NOTE: missing "patch" tool to update completions-script'; return; }
read -r -d '' patch <<'EOF'
--- _main_complete 2024-06-09 01:10:28.352215256 +0500
+++ 2024-06-09 01:10:51.087404762 +0500
@@ -210,18 +210,20 @@
if [[ -n "$call" ]]; then
if "${(@)argv[3,-1]}"; then
break 2
elif "$tmp"; then
+ ## fallback-complete patch v1 ##
+ [[ $compstate[nmatches] -gt 0 ]] || continue
break 2
(( _matcher_num++ ))
[[ -n "$_comp_mesg" ]] && break
(( _completer_num++ ))
patch --dry-run -stN "$p" <<< "$patch" &>/dev/null \
|| { echo >&2 "zshrc :: WARNING: zsh fallback-completions patch fails to apply"; return; }
cp -a "$p" "$p".orig && patch -stN "$p" <<< "$patch" && touch "$p".orig \
|| { echo >&2 "zshrc :: ERROR: failed to apply zsh fallback-completions patch"; return; }
echo >&2 'zshrc :: NOTE: patched zsh _main_complete routine to allow fallback-completions'
[[ "$UID" -ne 0 ]] || _patch_completion_fallbacks
unset _patch_completion_fallbacks
This would work with multiple completers defined like this:
zstyle ':completion:*' completer _complete _ignored _files
Where _complete _ignored is the default completer-chain, and will try
whatever zsh has for the command first, and then if those return nothing,
instead of being satisfied with that, patched-in continue will keep going
and run next completer, which is _files in this case.
A patch with generous context is to find the right place and bail if upstream
code changes, but otherwise, whenever first running the shell as root,
fix the issue until next zsh package update (and then patch will run/fix it again).
Doubt it'd make sense upstream in this form, as presumably current behavior is
locked-in over years, but an option for something like this would've been nice.
I'm content with a hack for now though, it works too.
Jan 17, 2024
Some days ago, I've randomly noticed that github stopped rendering long
rst (as in reStructuredText) README files on its repository pages.
Happened in a couple repos, with no warning or anything, it just said "document
takes too long to preview" below the list of files, with a link to view raw .rst file.
Sadly that's not the only issue with rst rendering, as codeberg (and pretty
sure its Gitea / Forgejo base apps) had issues with some syntax there as well -
didn't make any repo links correctly, didn't render table of contents, missed
indented references for links, etc.
So thought to fix all that by converting these few long .rst READMEs to .md (markdown),
which does indeed fix all issues above, as it's a much more popular format nowadays,
and apparently well-tested and working fine in at least those git-forges.
One nice thing about rst however, is that it has one specification and a
reference implementation of tools to parse/generate its syntax -
python docutils - which can be used to go over .rst file in a strict
manner and point out all syntax errors in it (rst2html does it nicely).
Good example of such errors that always gets me, is using links in the text with
a reference-style URLs for those below (instead of inlining them), to avoid
making plaintext really ugly, unreadable and hard to edit due to giant
mostly-useless URLs in middle of it.
You have to remember to put all those references in, ideally not leave any
unused ones around, and then keep them matched to tags in the text precisely,
down to every single letter, which of course doesn't really work with typing
stuff out by hand without some kind of machine-checks.
And then also, for git repo documentation specifically, all these links should
point to files in the repo properly, and those get renamed, moved and removed
often enough to be a constant problem as well.
Proper static-HTML doc-site generation tools like mkdocs (or its
popular mkdocs-material fork) do some checking for issues like that
(though confusingly not nearly enough), but require a bit of setup,
with configuration and whole venv for them, which doesn't seem very
practical for a quick syntax check in every random repo.
MD linters apparently go the other way and check various garbage metrics like
whether plaintext conforms to some style, while also (confusingly!) often not
checking basic crap like whether it actually works as a markdown format.
Task itself seems ridiculously trivial - find all ... [some link] ... and
[some link]: ... bits in the file and report any mismatches between the two.
But looking at md linters a few times now, couldn't find any that do it nicely
that I can use, so ended up writing my own one - markdown-checks tool - to
detect all of the above problems with links in .md files, and some related quirks:
- link-refs - Non-inline links like "[mylink]" have exactly one "[mylink]: URL" line for each.
- link-refs-unneeded - Inline URLs like "[mylink](URL)" when "[mylink]: URL" is also in the md.
- link-anchor - Not all headers have "<a name=hdr-...>" line. See also -a/--add-anchors option.
- link-anchor-match - Mismatch between header-anchors and hashtag-links pointing to them.
- link-files - Relative links point to an existing file (relative to them).
- link-files-weird - Relative links that start with non-letter/digit/hashmark.
- link-files-git - If .md file is in a git repo, warn if linked files are not under git control.
- link-dups - Multiple same-title links with URLs.
- ... - and probably a couple more by now
- rx-in-code - Command-line-specified regexp (if any) detected inside code block(s).
- tabs - Make sure md file contains no tab characters.
- syntax - Any kind of incorrect syntax, e.g. blocks opened and not closed and such.
ReST also has a nice .. contents:: feature that automatically renders Table of Contents
from all document headers, quite like mkdocs does for its sidebars, but afaik basic
markdown does not have that, and maintaining that thing with all-working links manually,
without any kind of validation, is pretty much impossible in particular,
and yet absolutely required for large enough documents with a non-autogenerated ToC.
So one interesting extra thing that I found needing to implement there was for script
to automatically (with -a/--add-anchors option) insert/update
<a name=hdr-some-section-header></a> anchor-tags before every header,
because otherwise internal links within document are impossible to maintain either -
github makes hashtag-links from headers according to its own inscrutable logic,
gitlab/codeberg do their own thing, and there's no standard for any of that
(which is a historical problem with .md in general - poor ad-hoc standards on
various features, while .rst has internal links in its spec).
Thus making/maintaining table-of-contents kinda requires stable internal links and
validating that they're all still there, and ideally that all headers have such
internal link as well, i.e. new stuff isn't missing in the ToC section at the top.
Script addresses both parts by adding/updating those anchor-tags, and having
them in the .md file itself indeed makes all internal hashtag-links "stable"
and renderer-independent - you point to a name= set within the file, not guess
at what name github or whatever platform generates in its html at the moment
(which inevitably won't match, so kinda useless that way too).
And those are easily validated as well, since both anchor and link pointing to
it are in the file, so any mismatches are detected and reported.
I was also thinking about generating the table-of-contents section itself,
same as it's done in rst, for which surely many tools exist already,
but as long as it stays correct and checked for not missing anything,
there's not much reason to bother - editing it manually allows for much greater
flexibility, and it's not long enough for that to be any significant amount
of work, either to make initially or add/remove a link there occasionally.
With all these checks for wobbly syntax bits in place, markdown READMEs
seem to be as tidy, strict and manageable as rst ones. Both formats have rough
feature parity for such simple purposes, but .md is definitely only one with
good-enough support on public code-forge sites, so a better option for public docs atm.
Jan 09, 2024
Earlier, as I was setting-up filtering for ca-certificates on a host running
a bunch of systemd-nspawn containers (similar to LXC), simplest way to handle
configuration across all those consistently seem to be just rsyncing filtered
p11-kit bundle into them, and running (distro-specific) update-ca-trust there,
to easily have same expected CA roots across them all.
But since these are mutable full-rootfs multi-app containers with init (systemd)
in them, they update their filesystems separately, and routine package updates
will overwrite cert bundles in /usr/share/, so they'd have to be rsynced again
after that happens.
Good mechanism to handle this in linux is fanotify API, which in practice is
used something like this:
# fatrace -tf 'WD+<>'
15:58:09.076427 rsyslogd(1228): W /var/log/debug.log
15:58:10.574325 emacs(2318): W /home/user/blog/content/2024-01-09.abusing-fanotify.rst
15:58:10.574391 emacs(2318): W /home/user/blog/content/2024-01-09.abusing-fanotify.rst
15:58:10.575100 emacs(2318): CW /home/user/blog/content/2024-01-09.abusing-fanotify.rst
15:58:10.576851 git(202726): W /var/cache/atop.d/atop.acct
15:58:10.893904 rsyslogd(1228): W /var/log/syslog/debug.log
15:58:26.139099 waterfox(85689): W /home/user/.waterfox/general/places.sqlite-wal
15:58:26.139347 waterfox(85689): W /home/user/.waterfox/general/places.sqlite-wal
Where fatrace in this case is used to report all write, delete, create and
rename-in/out events for files and directories (that weird "-f WD+<>" mask),
as it promptly does.
It's useful to see what apps might abuse SSD/NVME writes, more generally
to understand what's going on with filesystem under some load, which app
is to blame for that and where it happens, or as a debugging/monitoring tool.
But also if you want to rsync/update files after they get changed under some
dirs recursively, it's an awesome tool for that as well.
With container updates above, can monitor /var/lib/machines fs, and it'll report
when anything in <some-container>/usr/share/ca-certificates/trust-source/ gets
changed under it, which is when aforementioned rsync hook should run again for
that container/path.
To have something more robust and simpler than a hacky bash script around
fatrace, I've made run_cmd_pipe.nim tool, that reads ini config file like this,
with a list of input lines to match:
delay = 1_000 # 1s delay for any changes to settle
cooldown = 5_000 # min 5s interval between running same rule+run-group command
regexp = : \S*[WD+<>]\S* +/var/lib/machines/(\w+)/usr/share/ca-certificates/trust-source(/.*)?$
regexp-env-group = 1
regexp-run-group = 1
run = ./_scripts/ca-certs-sync
And runs commands depending on regexp (PCRE) matches on whatever input gets
piped into it, passing regexp-match through into via env, with sane debouncing delays,
deduplication, config reloads, tiny mem footprint and other proper-daemon stuff.
Can also setup its pipe without shell, for an easy ExecStart=run_cmd_pipe rcp.conf
-- fatrace -cf WD+<> systemd.service configuration.
Having this running for a bit now, and bumping into other container-related
tasks, realized how it's useful for a lot of things even more generally,
especially when multiple containers need to send some changes to host.
For example, if a bunch of containers should have custom network interfaces
bridged between them (in a root netns), which e.g. systemd.nspawn Zone=
doesn't adequately handle - just add whatever custom
VirtualEthernetExtra=vx-br-containerA:vx-br into container, have a script
that sets-up those interfaces in those "touch" or create a file when it's done,
and then run host-script for that event, to handle bridging on the other side:
regexp = : \S*W\S* +/var/lib/machines/(\w+)/var/tmp/vx\.\S+\.ready$
regexp-env-group = 1
run = ./_scripts/vx-bridges
This seem to be incredibly simple (touch/create files to pick-up as events),
very robust (as filesystems tend to be), and doesn't need to run anything more
than ~600K of fatrace + run_cmd_pipe, with a very no-brainer configuration
(which file[s] to handle by which script[s]).
Can be streamlined for any types and paths of containers themselves
(incl. LXC and OCI app-containers like docker/podman) by bind-mounting
dedicated filesystem/volume into those to pass such event-files around there,
kinda like it's done in systemd with its agent plug-ins, e.g. for handling
password inputs, so not really a novel idea either.
systemd.path units can also handle simpler non-recursive "this one file changed" events.
Alternative with such shared filesystem can be to use any other IPC mechanisms,
like append/tail file, fcntl locks, fifos or unix sockets, and tbf run_cmd_pipe.nim
can handle all those too, by running e.g. tail -F shared.log instead of fatrace,
but latter is way more convenient on the host side, and can act on incidental or
out-of-control events (like pkg-mangler doing its thing in the initial ca-certs use-case).
Won't work for containers distributed beyond single machine or more self-contained VMs -
that's where you'd probably want more complicated stuff like AMQP, MQTT, K8s and such -
but for managing one host's own service containers, regardless of whatever they run and
how they're configured, this seem to be a really neat way to do it.
Dec 28, 2023
It's no secret that Web PKI was always a terrible mess.
Idk of anything that can explain it better than Moxie Marlinspike's old
"SSL And The Future Of Athenticity" talk, which still pretty much holds up
(and is kinda hilarious), as Web PKI for TLS is still up to >150 certs,
couple of which get kicked-out after malicious misuse or gross malpractice
every now and then, and it's actually more worrying when they don't.
And as of 2023, EU eIDAS proposal stands to make this PKI much worse in the
near-future, adding whole bunch of random national authorities to everyone's
list of trusted CAs, which of course have no rational business of being there
on all levels.
(with all people/orgs on the internet seemingly in agreement on that - see e.g.
EFF, Mozilla, Ryan Hurst's excellent writeup, etc - but it'll probably pass
anyway, for whatever political reasons)
So in the spirit of at least putting some bandaid on that, I had a long-standing
idea to write a logger for all CAs that my browser uses over time, then inspect
it after a while and kick <1% CAs out of the browser at least.
This is totally doable, and not that hard - e.g. cerdicator extension can be
tweaked to log to a file instead of displaying CA info - but never got around to
doing it myself.
Update 2024-01-03: there is now also CertInfo app to scrape local history and
probe all sites there for certs, building a list of root and intermediate CAs to inspect.
But recently, scrolling through Ryan Hurst's "eIDAS 2.0 Provisional Agreement
Implications for Web Browsers and Digital Certificate Trust" open letter,
pie chart on page-3 there jumped out to me, as it showed that 99% of certs use
only 6-7 CAs - so why even bother logging those, there's a simple list of them,
which should mostly work for me too.
I remember browsers and different apps using their own CA lists being a problem
in the past, having to tweak mozilla nss database via its own tools, etc,
but by now, as it turns out, this problem seem to have been long-solved on a
typical linux, via distro-specific "ca-certificates" package/scripts and p11-kit
(or at least it appears to be solved like that on my systems).
Gist is that /usr/share/ca-certificates/trust-source/ and its /etc
counterpart have *.p11-kit CA bundles installed there by some package like
ca-certificates-mozilla, and then package-manager runs update-ca-trust,
which exports that to /etc/ssl/cert.pem and such places, where all other
tools can pickup and use same CAs.
Firefox (or at least my Waterfox build) even uses installed p11-kit bundle(s)
directly and immediately.
Those p11-kit bundles need to be altered or restricted somehow to affect
everything on the system, only needing update-ca-trust at most - neat!
One problem I bumped into however, is that p11-kit tools only support masking
specific individual CAs from the bundle via blacklist, and that will not be
future-proof wrt upstream changes to that bundle, if the goal is to "only use
these couple CAs and nothing else".
So ended up writing a simple script to go through .p11-kit bundle files and remove
everything unnecessary from them on a whitelist-bases - ca-certificates-whitelist-filter -
which uses a simple one-per-line format with wildcards to match multiple certs:
Baltimore CyberTrust Root # CloudFlare
ISRG Root X* # Let's Encrypt
GlobalSign * # Google
DigiCert *
Sectigo *
Go Daddy *
Microsoft *
USERTrust *
Picking whitelisted CAs from Ryan's list, found that GlobalSign should be added,
and that it already signs Google's GTS CA's (so latter are unnecessary), while
"Baltimore CyberTrust Root" seem to be a strange omission, as it signs CloudFlare's
CA cert, which should've been a major thing on the pie chart in that eIDAS open letter.
But otherwise, that's pretty much it, leaving a couple of top-level CAs instead
of a hundred, and couple days into it so far, everything seem to be working fine
with just those.
Occasional "missing root" error can be resolved easily by adding that root to the list,
or ignoring it for whatever irrelevant one-off pages, though this really doesn't seem
to be an issue at all.
This is definitely not a solution to Web PKI being a big pile of dung, made as
an afterthough and then abused relentlessly and intentionally, with no apparent
incentive or hope for fixes, but I think a good low-effort bandaid against clumsy
mass-MitM by whatever random crooks on the network, in ISPs and idiot governments.
It still unfortunately leaves out two large issues in particular:
CAs on the list are still terrible mismanaged orgs.
For example, Sectigo there is a renamed Comodo CA, after a series of incredible
fuckups in all aspects of their "business", and I'm sure the rest of them are
just as bad, but at least it's not a 100+ of those to multiply the risks.
Majority of signing CAs are so-called "intermediate" CAs (600+ vs 100+ roots),
which have valid signing cert itself signed by one of the roots, and these are even
more shady, operating with even less responsibility/transparency and no oversight.
Hopefully this is a smaller list with less root as well, though ideally all
those should be whitelist-pruned exactly same as roots, which I think easiest
to do via cert chain/usage logs (from e.g. CertInfo app mentioned above),
where actual first signing cert in the chain can be seen, not just top-level ones.
But then such whitelist probably can't be enforced, as you'd need to say
"trust CAs on this list, but NOT any CAs that they signed",
which is not how most (all?) TLS implementations work ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And a long-term problem with this approach, is that if used at any scale, it
further shifts control over CA trust from e.g. Mozilla's p11-kit bundle to those
dozen giant root CAs above, who will then realistically have to sign even more
and more powerful intermediate CAs for other orgs and groups (as they're the
only ones on the CA list), ossifying them to be in control of Web PKI in the
future over time, and makes "trusting" them meaningless non-decision (as you
can't avoid that, even as/if/when they have to sign sub-CAs for whatever shady
bad actors in secret).
To be fair, there are proposals and movements to remedy this situation, like
Certificate Transparency and various cert and TLS policies/parameters' pinning,
but I'm not hugely optimistic, and just hope that a quick fix like this might be
enough to be on the right side of "you don't need to outrun the bear, just the
other guy" metaphor.
Link: ca-certificates-whitelist-filter script on github (codeberg, local git)
Nov 17, 2023
Like probably most folks who are surrounded by tech, I have too many USB
devices plugged into the usual desktop, to the point that it kinda bothers me.
For one thing, some of those doohickeys always draw current and noticeably
heat up in the process, which can't be good on the either side of the port.
Good examples of this are WiFi dongles (with iface left in UP state), a
cheap NFC reader I have (draws 300mA idling on the table 99.99% of the time),
or anything with "battery" or "charging" in the description.
Other issue is that I don't want some devices to always be connected.
Dual-booting into gaming Windows for instance, there's nothing good that
comes from it poking at and spinning-up USB-HDDs, Yubikeys or various
connectivity dongles' firmware, as well as jerking power on-and-off on those
for reboots and whenever random apps/games probe those (yeah, not sure why either).
Unplugging stuff by hand is work, and leads to replacing usb cables/ports/devices
eventually (more work), so toggling power on/off at USB hubs seems like an easy fix.
USB Hubs sometimes support that in one of two ways - either physical switches
next to ports, or using USB Per-Port-Power-Switching (PPPS) protocol.
Problem with physical switches is that relying on yourself not to forget to do
some on/off sequence manually for devices each time doesn't work well,
and kinda silly when it can be automated - i.e. if you want to run ad-hoc AP,
let the script running hostapd turn the power on-and-off around it as well.
But sadly, at least in my experience with it, USB Hub PPPS is also a bad solution,
broken by two major issues, which are likely unfixable:
USB Hubs supporting per-port power toggling are impossible to find or identify.
Vendors don't seem to care about and don't advertise this feature anywhere,
its presence/support changes between hardware revisions (probably as a
consequence of "don't care"), and is often half-implemented and dodgy.
uhubctl project has a list of Compatible USB hubs for example, and note
how hubs there have remarks like "DUB-H7 rev D,E (black). Rev B,C,F,G not
supported" - shops and even product boxes mostly don't specify these revisions
anywhere, or even list the wrong one.
So good luck finding the right revision of one model even when you know it
works, within a brief window while it's still in stock.
And knowing which one works is pretty much only possible through testing -
same list above is full of old devices that are not on the market, and that
market seem to be too large and dynamic to track models/revisions accurately.
On top of that, sometimes hubs toggle data lines and not power (VBUS),
making feature marginally less useful for cases above, but further confusing
the matter when reading specifications or even relying on reports from users.
Pretty sure that hubs with support for this are usually higher-end
vendors/models too, so it's expensive to buy a bunch of them to see what
works, and kinda silly to overpay for even one of them anyway.
PPPS in USB Hubs has no memory and defaults to ON state.
This is almost certainly by design - when someone plugs hub without obvious
buttons, they might not care about power switching on ports, and just want it
to work, so ports have to be turned-on by default.
But that's also the opposite of what I want for all cases mentioned above -
turning on all power-hungry devices on reboot (incl. USB-HDDs that can draw
like 1A on spin-up!), all at once, in the "I'm starting up" max-power mode, is
like the worst thing such hub can do!
I.e. you disable these ports for a reason, maybe a power-related reason, which
"per-port power switching" name might even hint at, and yet here you go,
on every reboot or driver/hw/cable hiccup, this use-case gets thrown out of the
window completely, in the dumbest and most destructive way possible.
It also negates the other use-cases for the feature of course - when you
simply don't want devices to be exposed, aside from power concerns - hub does
the opposite of that and gives them all up whenever it bloody wants to.
In summary - even if controlling hub port power via PPPS USB control requests
worked, and was easy to find (which it very much is not), it's pretty much
useless anyway.
My simple solution, which I can emphatically recommend:
Grab robust USB Hub with switches next to ports, e.g. 4-port USB3 ones like
that seem to be under $10 these days.
Get a couple of <$1 direct-current solid-state relays or mosfets, one per port.
I use locally-made К293КП12АП ones, rated for toggling 0-60V 2A DC via
1.1-1.5V optocoupler input, just sandwitched together at the end - they don't
heat up at all and easy to solder wires to.
Some $3-5 microcontroller with the usual USB-TTY, like any Arduino or RP2040
(e.g. Waveshare RP2040-Zero from aliexpress).
Couple copper wires pulled from an ethernet cable for power, and M/F jumper
pin wires to easily plug into an MCU board headers.
An hour or few with a soldering iron, multimeter and a nice podcast.
Open up USB Hub - cheap one probably doesn't even have any screws - probe which
contacts switches connect in there, solder short thick-ish copper ethernet wires
from their legs to mosfets/relays, and jumper wires from input pins of the latter
to plug into a tiny rp2040/arduino control board on the other end.
I like SSRs instead of mosfets here to not worry about controller and hub
being plugged into same power supply that way, and they're cheap and foolproof -
pretty much can't connect them disastorously wrong, as they've diodes on both
circuits. Optocoupler LED in such relays needs one 360R resistor on shared GND
of control pins to drop 5V -> 1.3V input voltage there.
This approach solves both issues above - components are easy to find,
dirt-common and dirt-cheap, and are wired into default-OFF state, to only be
toggled into ON via whatever code conditions you put into that controller.
Simplest way, with an RP2040 running the usual micropython firmware,
would be to upload a file of literally this:
import sys, machine
pins = dict(
(str(n), machine.Pin(n, machine.Pin.OUT, value=0))
for n in range(4) )
while True:
try: port, state = sys.stdin.readline().strip()
except ValueError: continue # not a 2-character line
if port_pin := pins.get(port):
print(f'Setting port {port} state = {state}')
if state == '0':
elif state == '1': port_pin.on()
else: print('ERROR: Port state value must be "0" or "1"')
else: print(f'ERROR: Port {port} is out of range')
And now sending trivial "<port><0-or-1>" lines to /dev/ttyACM0 will
toggle the corresponding pins 0-3 on the board to 0 (off) or 1 (on) state,
along with USB hub ports connected to those, while otherwise leaving ports
From a linux machine, serial terminal is easy to talk to by running mpremote
used with micropython fw (note - "mpremote run ..." won't connect stdin to tty),
screen /dev/ttyACM0 or many other tools, incl. just "echo" from shell scripts:
stty -F /dev/ttyACM0 raw speed 115200 # only needed once for device
echo 01 >/dev/ttyACM0 # pin/port-0 enabled
echo 30 >/dev/ttyACM0 # pin/port-3 disabled
echo 21 >/dev/ttyACM0 # pin/port-2 enabled
I've started with finding a D-Link PPPS hub, quickly bumped into above
limitations, and have been using this kind of solution instead for about
a year now, migrating from old arduino uno to rp2040 mcu and hooking up
a second 4-port hub recently, as this kind of control over USB peripherals
from bash scripts that actually use those devices turns out to be very convenient.
So can highly recommend to not even bother with PPPS hubs from the start,
and wire your own solution with whatever simple logic for controlling these
ports that you need, instead of a silly braindead way in that USB PPPS works.
An example of a bit more complicated control firmware that I use, with watchdog
timeout/pings logic on a controller (to keep device up only while script using
it is alive) and some other tricks can be found in mk-fg/hwctl repository
(github/codeberg or a local mirror).
Sep 05, 2023
Usually auto-generated names aim for being meaningful instead of distinct,
e.g. LEAFAL01A-P281, LEAFAN02A-P281, LEAFAL01B-P282, LEAFEL01A-P281,
LEAFEN01A-P281, etc, where single-letter diffs are common and decode to
something like different location or purpose.
Sometimes they aren't even that, and are assigned sequentially or by hash,
like in case of contents hashes, or interfaces/vlans/addresses in a network
You always have to squint and spend time mentally decoding such identifiers,
as one letter/digit there can change whole meaning of the message, so working
with them is unnecessarily tiring, especially if a system often presents many of
those without any extra context.
Usual fix is naming things, i.e. assigning hostnames to separate hardware
platforms/VMs, DNS names to addresses, and such, but that doesn't work well
with modern devops approaches where components are typically generated with
"reasonable" but less readable naming schemes as described above.
Manually naming such stuff up-front doesn't work, and even assigning petnames
or descriptions by hand gets silly quickly (esp. with some churn in the system),
and it's not always possible to store/share that extra metadata properly
(e.g. on rebuilds in entirely different places).
Useful solution I found is hashing to an automatically generated petnames,
which seem to be kinda overlooked and underused - i.e. to hash the name
to an easily-distinct, readable and often memorable-enough strings:
- LEAFAL01A-P281 [ Energetic Amethyst Zebra ]
- LEAFAN02A-P281 [ Furry Linen Eagle ]
- LEAFAL01B-P282 [ Suave Mulberry Woodpecker ]
- LEAFEL01A-P281 [ Acidic Black Flamingo ]
- LEAFEN01A-P281 [ Prehistoric Raspberry Pike ]
Even just different length of these names makes them visually stand apart from
each other already, and usually you don't really need to memorize them in any way,
it's enough to be able to tell them apart at a glance in some output.
I've bumped into only one de-facto standard scheme for generating those -
"Angry Purple Tiger", with a long list of compatible implementations
(e.g. ):
% angry_purple_tiger LEAFEL01A-P281
% angry_purple_tiger LEAFEN01A-P281
(default output is good for identifiers, but can use proper spaces and
capitalization to be more easily-readable, without changing the words)
It's not as high-entropy as "human hash" tools that use completely random words
or babble (see z-tokens for that), but imo wins by orders of magnitude in readability
and ease of memorization instead, and on the scale of names, it matters.
Since those names don't need to be stored anywhere, and can be generated
anytime, it is often easier to add them in some wrapper around tools and APIs,
without the need for the underlying system to know or care that they exist,
while making a world of difference in usability.
Honorable mention here to occasional tools like docker that have those already,
but imo it's more useful to remember about this trick for your own scripts
and wrappers, as that tends to be the place where you get to pick how to print
stuff, and can easily add an extra hash for that kind of accessibility.
Jan 26, 2023
As I kinda went on to replace a lot of silly long and insecure passwords with
FIDO2 USB devices - aka "yubikeys" - in various ways (e.g. earlier post about
password/secret management), support for my use-cases was mostly good:
Webauthn - works ok, and been working well for me with U2F/FIDO2 on various
important sites/services for quite a few years by now.
Wish it worked with NFC reader in Firefox on Linux Desktop too, but oh
well, maybe someday, if Mozilla doesn't implode before that.
Update 2024-02-21: fido2-hid-bridge seem to be an ok workaround for
this shortcoming, and other apps not using libfido2 with its pcscd support.
pam-u2f to login with the token using much simpler
and hw-rate-limited PIN (with pw fallback).
Module itself worked effortlessly, but had to be added to various pam services
properly, so that password fallback is available as well, e.g. system-local-login:
# system-login
auth required
auth requisite
# system-auth + pam_u2f
auth required preauth
# auth_err=ignore will try same string as password for pam_unix
-auth [success=2 authinfo_unavail=ignore auth_err=ignore] \
origin=pam:// authfile=/etc/secure/pam-fido2.auth \
userpresence=1 pinverification=1 cue
auth [success=1 default=bad] try_first_pass nullok
auth [default=die] authfail
auth optional
auth required
auth required authsucc
# auth include system-login
account include system-login
password include system-login
session include system-login
"auth" section is an exact copy of system-login and system-auth lines from the
current Arch Linux, with line added in the middle, jumping over on success, or ignoring failure result to allow for entered string
to be tried as password there.
Using Enlightenment Desktop Environment here, also needed to make a trivial
"include system-local-login" file for its lock screen, which uses
"enlightenment" PAM service by default, falling back to basic system-auth or
something like that, instead of system-local-login.
sk-ssh-ed25519 keys work out of the box with OpenSSH.
Part that gets loaded in ssh-agent is much less sensitive than the usual
private-key - here it's just a cred-id blob that is useless without FIDO2 token,
and even that can be stored on-device with Discoverable/Resident Creds,
for some extra security or portability.
SSH connections can easily be cached using ControlMaster / ControlPath /
ControlPersist opts in the client config, so there's no need to repeat touch
presence-check too often.
One somewhat-annoying thing was with signing git commits - this can't be
cached like ssh connections, and doing physical ack on every git commit/amend
is too burdensome, but fix is easy too - add separate ssh key just for signing.
Such key would naturally be less secure, but not as important as an access key anyway.
Github supports adding "signing" ssh keys that don't allow access,
but Codeberg (and its underlying Gitea) currently does not - access keys
can be marked as "Verified", but can't be used for signing-only on the account,
which will probably be fixed, eventually, not a huge deal.
Early-boot LUKS / dm-crypt disk encryption unlock with offline key and a
simpler + properly rate-limited "pin", instead of a long and hard-to-type passphrase.
systemd-cryptenroll can work for that, if you have typical "Full Disk Encryption"
(FDE) setup, with one LUKS-encrypted SSD, but that's not the case for me.
I have more flexible LUKS-on-LVM setup instead, where some LVs are encrypted
and needed on boot, some aren't, some might have fscrypt, gocryptfs, some
other distro or separate post-boot unlock, etc etc.
systemd-cryptenroll does not support such use-case well, as it generates and
stores different credentials for each LUKS volume, and then prompts for
separate FIDO2 user verification/presence check for each of them, while I need
something like 5 unlocks on boot - no way I'm doing same thing 5 times, but
it is unavoidable with such implementation.
So had to make my own key-derivation fido2-hmac-boot tool for this,
described in more detail separately below.
Management of legacy passwords, passphrases, pins, other secrets and similar
sensitive strings of information - described in a lot more detail in an
earlier "FIDO2 hardware password/secret management" post.
This works great, required an (simple) extra binary, and integrating it into
emacs for my purposes, but also easy to setup in various other ways, and a lot
better than all alternatives (memory + reuse, plaintext somewhere, crappy
third-party services, paper, etc).
One notable problem with FIDO2 devices is that they don't really show what it
is you are confirming, so as a user, I can think that it wants to authorize
one thing, while whatever compromised code secretly requests something else
from the token.
But that's reasonably easy to mitigate by splitting usage by different
security level and rarity, then using multiple separate U2F/FIDO2 tokens for those,
given how tiny and affordable they are these days - I ended up having three of
them (so far!).
So using token with "ssh-git" label, you have a good idea what it'd authorize.
Aside from reasonably-minor quirks mentioned above, it all was pretty common
sense and straightforward for me, so can easily recommend migrating to workflows
built around cheap FIDO2 smartcards on modern linux as a basic InfoSec hygiene -
it doesn't add much inconvenience, and should be vastly superior to outdated
(but still common) practices/rituals involving passwords or keys-in-files.
Given how all modern PC hardware has TPM2 chips in motherboards, and these can
be used as a regular smartcard via PKCS#11 wrapper, they might also be a
somewhat nice malware/tamper-proof cryptographic backend for various use-cases above.
From my perspective, they seem to be strictly inferior to using portable FIDO2
devices however:
Soldered on the motherboard, so can't be easily used in multiple places.
Will live/die, and have to be replaced with the motherboard.
Non-removable and always-accessible, holding persistent keys in there.
Booting random OS with access to this thing seem to be a really bad idea,
as ideally such keys shouldn't even be physically connected most of the time,
especially to some random likely-untrustworthy software.
There is no physical access confirmation mechanism, so no way to actually
limit it - anything getting ahold of the PIN is really bad, as secret keys can
then be used freely, without any further visibility, rate-limiting or confirmation.
Motherboard vendor firmware security has a bad track record, and I'd rather
avoid trusting crappy code there with anything extra. In fact, part of the
point with having separate FIDO2 device is to trust local machine a bit less,
if possible, not more.
So given that grabbing FIDO2 device(s) is an easy option, don't think TPM2 is
even worth considering as an alternative to those, for all the reasons above,
and probably a bunch more that I'm forgetting at the moment.
Might be best to think of TPM2 to be in the domain and managed by the OS vendor,
e.g. leave it to Windows 11 and Microsoft SSO system to do trusted/measured
boot and store whatever OS-managed secrets, being entirely uninteresting and
invisible to the end-user.
As also mentioned above, least well-supported FIDO2-backed thing for me was
early-boot dm-crypt / LUKS volume init - systemd-cryptenroll requires
unlocking each encrypted LUKS blkdev separately, re-entering PIN and re-doing
the touch thing multiple times in a row, with a somewhat-uncommon LUKS-on-LVM
setup like mine.
But of course that's easily fixable, having following steps with a typical
systemd init process:
Starting early on boot or in initramfs,, run
service to ask for FIDO2 token PIN via systemd-ask-password, then use that
with FIDO2 token and its hmac-secret extension to produce secure high-entropy
volume unlock key.
If PIN or FIDO2 interaction won't work, print error and repeat the query,
or exit if prompt is cancelled to fallback to default systemd passphrase
Drop that key into /run/cryptsetup-keys.d/ dir for each volume that it
needs to open, with whatever extra per-volume alterations/hashing.
Let systemd pass, where systemd-cryptsetup will
automatically lookup volume keys in that dir and use them to unlock devices.
If any keys won't work or missing, systemd will do the usual passphrase-prompting
and caching, so there's always a well-supported first-class fallback unlock-path.
Run early-boot service to cleanup after,, to remove /run/cryptsetup-keys.d/ directory,
as everything should be unlocked by now and these keys are no longer needed.
I'm using common dracut initramfs generator with systemd here, where it's
easy to add a custom module that'd do all necessary early steps outlined above.
fido2_hmac_boot.nim implements all actual asking and FIDO2 operations, and can
be easily run from an initramfs systemd unit file like this (fhb.service):
# Should be ordered same as stock systemd-pcrphase-initrd.service systemd-sysext.service
ExecStart=/sbin/fhb /run/initramfs/fhb.key
ExecStart=/bin/sh -c '\
key=/run/initramfs/fhb.key; [ -e "$key" ] || exit 0; \
mkdir -p /run/cryptsetup-keys.d; while read dev line; \
do cat "$key" >/run/cryptsetup-keys.d/"$dev".key; \
done < /etc/fhb.devices; rm -f "$key"'
With that fhb.service file and compiled binary itself installed via in the module dir:
check() {
require_binaries /root/fhb || return 1
return 255 # only include if asked for
depends() {
echo 'systemd crypt fido2'
return 0
install() {
# fhb.service starts binary before to create key-file
inst_binary /root/fhb /sbin/fhb
inst_multiple mkdir cat rm
inst_simple "$moddir"/fhb.service "$systemdsystemunitdir"/fhb.service
$SYSTEMCTL -q --root "$initdir" add-wants fhb.service
# Some custom rules might be relevant for making consistent /dev symlinks
while read p
do grep -qiP '\b(u2f|fido2)\b' "$p" && inst_rules "$p"
done < <(find /etc/udev/rules.d -maxdepth 1 -type f)
# List of devices that fhb.service will create key for in cryptsetup-keys.d
# Should be safe to have all "auto" crypttab devices there, just in case
while read luks dev key opts; do
[[ "${opts//,/ }" =~ (^| )noauto( |$) ]] && continue
echo "$luks"
done <"$dracutsysrootdir"/etc/crypttab >"$initdir"/etc/fhb.devices
mark_hostonly /etc/fhb.devices
Module would need to be enabled via e.g. add_dracutmodules+=" fhb "
in dracut.conf.d, and will include the "fhb" binary, service file to run it,
list of devices to generate unlock-keys for in /etc/fhb.devices there,
and any udev rules mentioning u2f/fido2 from /etc/udev/rules.d, in case
these might be relevant for consistent device path or whatever other basic
device-related setup.
fido2_hmac_boot.nim "fhb" binary can be built (using C-like Nim compiler) with
all parameters needed for its operation hardcoded via e.g. -d:FHB_CID=...
compile-time options, to avoid needing to bother with any of those in systemd
unit file or when running it anytime on its own later.
It runs same operation as fido2-assert tool, producing HMAC secret for
specified Credential ID and Salt values.
Credential ID should be created/secured prior to that using related fido2-token
and fido2-cred binaries. All these tools come bundled with libfido2.
Since systemd doesn't nuke /run/cryptsetup-keys.d by default
(keyfile-erase option in crypttab can help, but has to be used consistently
for each volume), custom unit file to do that can be added/enabled to main
systemd as well:
ExecStart=rm -rf /run/cryptsetup-keys.d
And that should do it for implementing above early-boot unlocking sequence.
To enroll the key produced by "fhb" binary into LUKS headers, simply run it,
same as early-boot systemd would, and luksAddKey its output.
Couple additional notes on all this stuff:
HMAC key produced by "fhb" tool is a high-entropy uniformly-random 256-bit
(32B) value, so unlike passwords, does not actually need any kind of KDF
applied to it - it is the key, bruteforcing it should be about as infeasible
as bruteforcing 128/256-bit master symmetric cipher key (and likely even harder).
Afaik cryptsetup doesn't support disabling KDF for key-slot entirely,
but --pbkdf pbkdf2 --pbkdf-force-iterations 1000 options can be used to
set fastest parameters and get something close to disabling it.
cryptsetup config --key-slot N --priority prefer can be used to make
systemd-cryptsetup try unlocking volume with this no-KDF keyslot quickly first,
before trying other slots with memory/cpu-heavy argon2id and such proper PBKDF,
which should almost always be a good idea to do in this order, as it should
take almost no time to try 1K-rounds PBKDF2 slot.
Ideally each volume should have its own sub-key derived from one that fhb
outputs, e.g. via simple HMAC-SHA256(volume-uuid, key=fhb.key) operation,
which is omitted here for simplicitly.
fhb binary includes --hmac option for that, to use instead of "cat" above:
fhb --hmac "$key" "$dev" /run/cryptsetup-keys.d/"$dev".key
Can be added to avoid any of LUKS keys/keyslots being leaked or broken (for
some weird reason) to have any effect on other keys - reversing such HMAC back
to fhb.key to use it for other volumes would still be cryptographically infeasible.
Custom fido2_hmac_boot.nim binary/code used here is somewhat similar to an
earlier fido2-hmac-desalinate.c that I use for password management (see above),
but a bit more complex, so is written in an easier and much nicer/safer language
(Nim), while still being compiled through C to pretty much same result.
Jan 08, 2023
I've recently started using git notes as a good way to track metadata
associated with the code that's likely of no interest to anyone else,
and would only litter git-log if was comitted and tracked in the repo
as some .txt file.
But that doesn't mean that they shouldn't be backed-up, shared and merged
between different places where you yourself work on and use that code from.
Since I have a git mirror on my own host (as you do with distributed scm),
and always clone from there first, adding other "free internet service" remotes
like github, codeberg, etc later, it seems like a natural place to push such
notes to, as you'd always pull them from there with the repo.
That is not straightforward to configure in git to do on basic "git push"
however, because "push" operation there works with "[<repository> [<refspec>...]]"
destination concept.
I.e. you give it a single remote for where to push, and any number of specific
things to update as "<src>[:<dst>]" refspecs.
So when "git push" is configured with "origin" having multiple "url =" lines
under it in .git/config file (like home-url + github + codeberg), you don't get
to specify "push main+notes to url-A, but only main to url-B" - all repo URLs
get same refs, as they are under same remote.
Obvious fix conceptually is to run different "git push" commands to different
remotes, but that's a hassle, and even if stored as an alias, it'd clash with
muscle memory that'll keep typing "git push" out of habit.
Alternative is to maybe override git-push command itself with some alias, but git
explicitly does not allow that, probably for good reasons, so that's out as well.
git-push does run hooks however, and those can do the extra pushes depending on
the URL, so that's an easy solution I found for this:
set -e
notes_url=$(git remote get-url "$notes_remote")
notes_ref=$(git notes get-ref)
push_remote=$1 push_url=$2
[ "$push_url" = "$notes_url" ] || exit 0
master_push= master_oid=$(git rev-parse master)
while read local_ref local_oid remote_ref remote_oid; do
[ "$local_oid" = "$master_oid" ] && master_push=t && break || continue
[ -n "$master_push" ] || exit 0
echo "--- notes-push [$notes_remote]: start -> $notes_ref ---"
git push --no-verify "$notes_remote" "$notes_ref"
echo "--- notes-push [$notes_remote]: success ---"
That's a "pre-push" hook, which pushes notes-branch only to "home" remote,
when running a normal "git push" command to a "master" branch (to be replaced
with "main" in some repos).
Idea is to only augment "normal" git-push, and don't bother running this on every
weirder updates or tweaks, keeping git-notes generally in sync between different
places where you can use them, with no cognitive overhead in a day-to-day usage.
As a side-note - while these notes are normally attached to commits, for
something more global like "my todo-list for this project" not tied to specific
ref that way, it's easy to attach it to some descriptive tag like "todo", and
use with e.g. git notes edit todo, and track in the repo as well.
Jan 04, 2023
Passwords are bad, and they leak, but services are slow to adopt other auth
methods - even TOTP is better, and even for 1-factor-auth (e.g using oathtool).
But even without passwords, there are plenty of other easy-to-forget secrets to
store in a big pile somewhere, like same TOTP seed values, API keys,
government ID numbers, card PINs and financial info, security answers,
encryption passphrases, and many other stuff.
Easiest thing is to dump all these into a big .txt file somewhere.
Problem: any malware, accidental or deliberate copy ("evil maid"),
or even a screen-scrape taken at an unfortunate time exposes everything!
And these all seem to be reasonably common threats/issues.
Next best thing - store that file in some encrypted form.
Even short-lived compromise can get the whole list along with the key from
memory, and otherwise it's still reasonably easy to leak both key/passphrase
and ciphertext over time separately, esp. with long-lived keys.
It's also all on-screen when opened, can be exposed/scraped from there,
but still an improvement over pure plaintext, at the expense of some added
key-management hassle.
Encrypt whole file, but also have every actual secret in there encrypted
separately, with unique key for each one:
Apex Finance:
login: jmastodon
pw: fhd.eop0.aE6H/VZc36ZPM5w+jMmI
current visa card:
no: 4012888888881881
cvv2: fhd.KCaP.QHai
expires: 01/28
pin: fhd.y6En.tVMHWW+C
Team Overdraft: ...
google account:
-- note: FIDO2 2FA required --
pw: fhd.PNgg.HdKpOLE2b3DejycUGQO35RrtiA==
recovery email:
API private key: fhd.pxdw.QOQrvLsCcLR1X275/Pn6LBWl72uwbXoo/YiY
In this case, even relatively long-lived malware/compromise can only sniff
secrets that were used during that time, and it's mostly fine if this ends up
being opened and scrolled-through on a public video stream or some app screencaps
it by accident (or not) - all important secrets are in encrypted "fhd.XXX.YYY" form.
Downside of course is even more key management burden here, since simply storing
all these unique keys in a config file or a list won't do, as it'll end up being
equivalent to "encrypted file + key" case against leaks or machine compromise.
Storing encryption keys defeats the purpose of the whole thing, typing them
is insecure vs various keyloggers, and there's also way too many to remember!
Solution: get some cheap FIDO2 hardware key to do all key-management
for you, and then just keep it physically secure, i.e. put it on the keychain.
This does not require remembering anything (except maybe a single PIN, if you
set one, and can remember it reliably within 8 attempts), is reasonably safe
against all common digital threats, and pretty much as secure against physical
ones as anything can be (assuming rubber-hose cryptoanalysis works uniformly
well), if not more secure (e.g. permanent PIN attempts lockout).
Given the recent push for FIDO2 WebAuthn-compatible passkeys by major megacorps
(Google/Apple/MS), and that you'd probably want to have such FIDO2 token for
SSH keys and simple+secure full disk encryption anyway, there seems to be
no good reason not to use it for securing passwords as well, in a much better way
than with any memorized or stored-in-a-file schemes for secrets/keys, as outlined above.
There's no go-to way to do this yet (afaik), but all tools to implement it exist.
Filippo Valsorda described one way to do it via plugin for a common "age"
encryption tool in "My age+YubiKeys Password Management Solution" blog post,
using Yubikey-specific PIV-smartcard capability (present in some of Yubico tokens),
and a shell script to create separate per-service encrypted files.
I did it a bit differently, with secrets stored alongside non-secret notes and
other info/metadata, and with a common FIDO2-standard hmac-secret extension
(supported by pretty much all such devices, I think?), used in the following way:
Store ciphertext as a "fhd.y6En.tVMHWW+C" string, which is:
"fhd." || base64(salt) || "." || base64(wrapped-secret)
And keep those in the common list of various important info (also encrypted),
to view/edit with the usual emacs.
When specific secret or password is needed, point to it and press "copy
decrypted" hotkey (as implemented by fhd-crypt in my emacs).
Parsing that "fhd. ..." string gets "y6En" salt value, and it is sent to USB/NFC
token in the assertion operation (same as fido2-assert cli tool runs).
Hardware token user-presence/verification requires you to physically touch
button on the device (or drop it onto NFC pad), and maybe also enter a PIN
or pass whatever biometric check, depending on device and its configuration
(see fido2-token tool for that).
Token/device returns "hmac-sha256(salt, key=secret-generated-on-device)",
unique and unguessable for that salt value, which is then used to decrypt
"tVMHWW+C" part of the fhd-string into original "secret" string (via simple XOR).
Resulting "secret" value is copied into clipboard, to use wherever it was needed.
This ensures that every single secret string in such password-list is only
decryptable separately, also demanding a separate physical verification procedure,
very visible and difficult to do unintentionally, same as with WebAuthn.
Only actual secret key in this case resides on a FIDO2 device, and is infeasible
to extract from there, for any common threat model at least.
Encryption/wrapping of secret-string to fhd-string above works in roughly same
way - generate salt value, send to token, get back HMAC and XOR it with the secret,
cutting result down to that secret-string length.
Last part introduces a small info-leak - secret length - but don't think
that should be an issue in practice (always use long random passwords),
while producing nicer short ciphertexts.
There are also still some issues with using these physical dongles in a compomised
environment, which can lie about what it is being authorized by a device,
as they usually have no way to display that, but it's still a big improvement,
and can be somewhat mitigated by using multiple tokens for different purposes.
I've wrapped all these crypto bits into a simple C fido2-hmac-desalinate tool here:
Which needs "Relying Party ID" value to compile - basically an unique hostname
that ideally won't be used for anything else with that authenticator
(e.g. "" for some owned domain name), which is itself
not a secret of any kind.
FIDO2 "credential" can be generated and stored on device first, using cli tools
that come with libfido2, for example:
% fido2-token -L
% fido2-cred -M -rh -i cred.req.txt -o /dev/hidraw5 eddsa
Such credential would work well on different machines with authenticators that
support FIDO2 Discoverable Credentials (aka Resident Keys), with HMAC key stored
on the same portable authenticator, but for simpler tokens that don't support
that and have no storage, static credential-id value (returned by fido2-cred tool
without "-r" option) also needs to be built-in via -DFHD_CID= compile-time parameter
(and is also not a secret).
(technically that last "credential-id value" has device-master-key-wrapped
HMAC-key in it, but it's only possible to extract from there by the device
itself, and it's never passed or exposed anywhere in plaintext at any point)
On the User Interface side, I use Emacs text editor to open/edit password-list
(also transparently-encrypted/decrypted using ghg tool), and get encrypted
stuff from it just by pointing at the needed secret and pushing the hotkey to
copy its decrypted value, implemented by fhd-crypt routine here:
(also, with universal-arg, fhd-crypt encrypts/decrypts and replaces pointed-at
or region-selected thing in-place, instead of copying into clipboard)
Separate binary built against common libfido2 ensures that it's easy to use
such secret strings in any other way too, or fallback to manually decoding them
via cli, if necessary.
At least until push for passkeys makes no-password WebAuthn ubiquitous enough,
this seem to be the most convenient and secure way of password management for me,
but auth passwords aren't the only secrets, so it likely will be useful way
beyond that point as well.
One thing not mentioned above are (important!) backups for that secret-file.
I.e. what if FIDO2 token in question gets broken or lost?
And how to keep such backup up-to-date?
My initial simple fix is having a shell script that does basically this:
set -eo pipefail
echo "### Paste new entry, ^D after last line to end, ^C to cancel"
echo "### Make sure to include some context for it - headers at least"
chunk=$(ghg -eo -r some-public-key | base64 -w80)
echo -e "--- entry [ $(date -Is) ]\n${chunk}\n--- end\n" >>backup.log
Then on any updates, to run this script and paste the updated plaintext
secret-block into it, before encrypting all secrets in that block for good.
It does one-way public-key encryption (using ghg tool, but common age or
GnuPG will work just as well), to store those encrypted updates, which can then
be safely backed-up alongside the main (also encrypted) list of secrets,
and everything can be restored from these using corresponding secure private key
(ideally not exposed or used anywhere for anything outside of such
fallback-recovery purposes).
Update 2024-02-21: secret-token-backup wrapper/tool is a more modern
replacement for that, which backs stuff up automatically, and can also be used
for safely getting specific secret out of there using other PIV yubikeys
(e.g. YK Nano stuck in a laptop's USB slot).
And one more aside - since plugging devices into USB rarely aligns correctly
on the first try (USB curse), is somewhat tedious, and can potentially wear-out
contacts or snap-off the device, I've grabbed a cheap PC/SC-compatible ACR122U
NFC reader from aliexpress, and have been using it instead of a USB interface,
as modern FIDO2 tokens tend to support NFC for use with smartphones.
It works great for this password-management purpose, placing the key on NFC
pad works instead of the touch presence-check with USB (at least with cheap
Yubico Security Key devices), with some short (<1 minute) timeout on the pad
in which token stops responding with ERR_PIN, to avoid misuse if one forgets
to remove it.
libfido2 supports PC/SC interface, and PCSC lite project providing it on
typical linux distros seem to support pretty much all NFC readers in existance.
libfido2 is in turn used by systemd, OpenSSH, pam-u2f, its fido2-token/cred/assert
cli, my fido2-hmac-desalinate password-management hack above, and many other tools.
So through it, all these projects automatically have easy and ubiquitous NFC support too.
(libfido2 also supports linux kernel AF_NFC interface in addition to PC/SC
one, which works for much narrower selection of card-readers implemented by
in-kernel drivers, so PC/SC might be easier to use, but kernel interface
doesn't need an extra pcscd dependency, if works for your specific reader)
Notable things that don't use that lib and have issues with NFC seem to be
browsers - both Firefox and Chromium on desktop (and their forks, see e.g.
mozbug-1669870) - which is a shame, but hopefully will be fixed there eventually.