Displaying any lm_sensors data (temperature, fan speeds, voltage, etc) in conky
Conky sure has a ton of sensor-related hw-monitoring options, but it still doesn't seem to be enough to represent even just the temperatures from this "sensors" output:
atk0110-acpi-0 Adapter: ACPI interface Vcore Voltage: +1.39 V (min = +0.80 V, max = +1.60 V) +3.3V Voltage: +3.36 V (min = +2.97 V, max = +3.63 V) +5V Voltage: +5.08 V (min = +4.50 V, max = +5.50 V) +12V Voltage: +12.21 V (min = +10.20 V, max = +13.80 V) CPU Fan Speed: 2008 RPM (min = 600 RPM, max = 7200 RPM) Chassis Fan Speed: 0 RPM (min = 600 RPM, max = 7200 RPM) Power Fan Speed: 0 RPM (min = 600 RPM, max = 7200 RPM) CPU Temperature: +42.0°C (high = +60.0°C, crit = +95.0°C) MB Temperature: +43.0°C (high = +45.0°C, crit = +75.0°C) k10temp-pci-00c3 Adapter: PCI adapter temp1: +30.6°C (high = +70.0°C) (crit = +90.0°C, hyst = +88.0°C) radeon-pci-0400 Adapter: PCI adapter temp1: +51.0°C
Given the summertime, and faulty noisy cooling fans, decided that it'd be nice to be able to have an idea about what kind of temperatures hw operates on under all sorts of routine tasks.
Conky is extensible via lua, which - among other awesome things there are - allows to code caches for expensive operations (and not just repeat them every other second) and parse output of whatever tools efficiently (i.e. without forking five extra binaries plus perl).
Output of "sensors" though not only is kinda expensive to get, but also hardly parseable, likely unstable, and tool doesn't seem to have any "machine data" option.
lm_sensors includes a libsensors, which still doesn't seem possible to call from conky-lua directly (would need some kind of ffi), but easy to write the wrapper around - i.e. this sens.c 50-liner, to dump info in a useful way:
atk0110-0-0__in0_input 1.392000 atk0110-0-0__in0_min 0.800000 atk0110-0-0__in0_max 1.600000 atk0110-0-0__in1_input 3.360000 ... atk0110-0-0__in3_max 13.800000 atk0110-0-0__fan1_input 2002.000000 atk0110-0-0__fan1_min 600.000000 atk0110-0-0__fan1_max 7200.000000 atk0110-0-0__fan2_input 0.000000 ... atk0110-0-0__fan3_max 7200.000000 atk0110-0-0__temp1_input 42.000000 atk0110-0-0__temp1_max 60.000000 atk0110-0-0__temp1_crit 95.000000 atk0110-0-0__temp2_input 43.000000 atk0110-0-0__temp2_max 45.000000 atk0110-0-0__temp2_crit 75.000000 k10temp-0-c3__temp1_input 31.500000 k10temp-0-c3__temp1_max 70.000000 k10temp-0-c3__temp1_crit 90.000000 k10temp-0-c3__temp1_crit_hyst 88.000000 radeon-0-400__temp1_input 51.000000
It's all lm_sensors seem to know about hw in a simple key-value form.
Still not keen on running that on every conky tick, hence the lua cache:
sensors = {
ts_read_i=120, ts_read=0,
function conky_sens_read(name, precision)
local ts = os.time()
if os.difftime(ts, sensors.ts_read) > sensors.ts_read_i then
local sh = io.popen(sensors.cmd, 'r')
sensors.values = {}
for p in string.gmatch(sh:read('*a'), '(%S+ %S+)\n') do
local n = string.find(p, ' ')
sensors.values[string.sub(p, 0, n-1)] = string.sub(p, n)
sensors.ts_read = ts
if sensors.values[name] then
local fmt = string.format('%%.%sf', precision or 0)
return string.format(fmt, sensors.values[name])
return ''
Which can run the actual "sens" command every 120s, which is perfectly fine with me, since I don't consider conky to be an "early warning" system, and more of an "have an idea of what's the norm here" one.
Config-wise, it'd be just cpu temp: ${lua sens_read atk0110-0-0__temp1_input}C, or a more fancy template version with a flashing warning and hidden for missing sensors:
template3 ${color lightgrey}${if_empty ${lua sens_read \2}}${else}\ ${if_match ${lua sens_read \2} > \3}${color red}\1: ${lua sens_read \2}C${blink !!!}\ ${else}\1: ${color}${lua sens_read \2}C${endif}${endif}
It can then be used simply as ${template3 cpu atk0110-0-0__temp1_input 60} or ${template3 gpu radeon-0-400__temp1_input 80}, with 60 and 80 being manually-specified thresholds beyond which indicator turns red and has blinking "!!!" to get more attention.
Overall result in my case is something like this:

sens.c (plus Makefile with gcc -Wall -lsensors for it) and my conky config where it's utilized can be all found in de-setup repo on github (or my git mirror, ofc).