Nov 25, 2015

Replacing built-in RTC with i2c battery-backed one on BeagleBone Black from boot

Update 2018-02-16:

There is a better and simpler solution for switching default rtc than one described here - to swap rtc0/rtc1 via aliases in dt overlay.

I.e. using something like this in the dts:

fragment@0 {
  __overlay__ {

    aliases {
      rtc0 = "/ocp/i2c@4802a000/ds3231@68";
      rtc1 = "/ocp/rtc@44e3e000";
Which is also how it's done in repo these days:

BeagleBone Black (BBB) boards have - and use - RTC (Real-Time Clock - device that tracks wall-clock time, including calendar date and time of day) in the SoC, which isn't battery-backed, so looses track of time each time device gets power-cycled.

This represents a problem if keeping track of time is necessary and there's no network access (or a patchy one) to sync this internal RTC when board boots up.

Easy solution to that, of course, is plugging external RTC device, with plenty of cheap chips with various precision available, most common being Dallas/Maxim ICs like DS1307 or DS3231 (a better one of the line) with I2C interface, which are all supported by Linux "ds1307" module.

Enabling connected chip at runtime can be easily done with a command like this:

echo ds1307 0x68 >/sys/bus/i2c/devices/i2c-2/new_device

(see this post on Fortune Datko blog and/or this one on minix-i2c blog for ways to tell reliably which i2c device in /dev corresponds to which bus and pin numbers on BBB headers, and how to check/detect/enumerate connected devices there)

This obviously doesn't enable device straight from the boot though, which is usually accomplished by adding the thing to Device Tree, and earlier with e.g. 3.18.x kernels it had to be done by patching and re-compiling platform dtb file used on boot.

But since 3.19.x kernels (and before 3.9.x), easier way seem to be to use Device Tree Overlays (usually "/lib/firmware/*.dtbo" files, compiled by "dtc" from dts files), which is kinda like patching Device Tree, only done at runtime.

Code for such patch in my case ("i2c2-rtc-ds3231.dts"), with 0x68 address on i2c2 bus and "ds3231" kernel module (alias for "ds1307", but more appropriate for my chip):


/* dtc -O dtb -o /lib/firmware/BB-RTC-02-00A0.dtbo -b0 i2c2-rtc-ds3231.dts */
/* bone_capemgr.enable_partno=BB-RTC-02 */
/* */

/ {
  compatible = "ti,beaglebone", "ti,beaglebone-black", "ti,beaglebone-green";
  part-number = "BB-RTC-02";
  version = "00A0";

  fragment@0 {
    target = <&i2c2>;

    __overlay__ {
      pinctrl-names = "default";
      pinctrl-0 = <&i2c2_pins>;
      status = "okay";
      clock-frequency = <100000>;
      #address-cells = <0x1>;
      #size-cells = <0x0>;

      rtc: rtc@68 {
        compatible = "dallas,ds3231";
        reg = <0x68>;

As per comment in the overlay file, can be compiled ("dtc" comes from same-name package on ArchLinuxARM) to the destination with:

dtc -O dtb -o /lib/firmware/BB-RTC-02-00A0.dtbo -b0 i2c2-rtc-ds3231.dts

Update 2017-09-19: This will always produce a warning for each "fragment" section, safe to ignore.

And then loaded on early boot (as soon as rootfs with "/lib/firmware" gets mounted) with "bone_capemgr.enable_partno=" cmdline addition, and should be put to something like "/boot/uEnv.txt", for example (with dtb path from command above):

setenv bootargs "... bone_capemgr.enable_partno=BB-RTC-02"

Docs in repository have more details and examples on how to write and manage these.

Update 2017-09-19:

Modern ArchLinuxARM always uses initramfs image, which is starting rootfs, where kernel will look up stuff in /lib/firmware, so all *.dtbo files loaded via bone_capemgr.enable_partno= must be included there.

With Arch-default mkinitcpio, it's easy to do via FILES= in "/etc/mkinitcpio.conf" - e.g. FILES="/lib/firmware/BB-RTC-02-00A0.dtbo" - and re-running the usual mkinitcpio -g /boot/initramfs-linux.img command.

If using e.g. i2c-1 instead (with &bb_i2c1_pins), BB-I2C1 should also be included and loaded there, strictly before rtc overlay.

Update 2017-09-19:

bone_capemgr seem to be broken in linux-am33x packages past 4.9, and produces kernel BUG instead of loading any overlays - be sure to try loading that dtbo at runtime (checking dmesg) before putting it into cmdline, as that might make system unbootable.

Workaround is to downgrade kernel to 4.9, e.g. one from beagleboard/linux tree, where it's currently the latest supported release.

That should ensure that this second RTC appears as "/dev/rtc1" (rtc0 is the internal one) on system startup, but unfortunately it still won't be the first one and kernel will already pick up time from internal rtc0 by the time this one gets detected.

Furthermore, systemd-enabled userspace (as in e.g. ArchLinuxARM) interacts with RTC via systemd-timedated and systemd-timesyncd, which both use "/dev/rtc" symlink (and can't be configured to use other devs), which by default udev points to rtc0 as well, and rtc1 - no matter how early it appears - gets completely ignored there as well.

So two issues are with "system clock" that kernel keeps and userspace daemons using wrong RTC, which is default in both cases.

"/dev/rtc" symlink for userspace gets created by udev, according to "/usr/lib/udev/rules.d/50-udev-default.rules", and can be overidden by e.g. "/etc/udev/rules.d/55-i2c-rtc.rules":

SUBSYSTEM=="rtc", KERNEL=="rtc1", SYMLINK+="rtc", OPTIONS+="link_priority=10", TAG+="systemd"

This sets "link_priority" to 10 to override SYMLINK directive for same "rtc" dev node name from "50-udev-default.rules", which has link_priority=-100.

Also, TAG+="systemd" makes systemd track device with its "dev-rtc.device" unit (auto-generated, see systemd.device(5) for more info), which is useful to order userspace daemons depending on that symlink to start strictly after it's there.

"userspace daemons" in question on a basic Arch are systemd-timesyncd and systemd-timedated, of which only systemd-timesyncd starts early on boot, before all other services, including systemd-timedated, and (for early-boot clock-dependant services).

So basically if proper "/dev/rtc" and system clock gets initialized before systemd-timesyncd (or whatever replacement, like ntpd or chrony), correct time and rtc device will be used for all system daemons (which start later) from here on.

Adding that extra step can be done as a separate systemd unit (to avoid messing with shipped systemd-timesyncd.service), e.g. "i2c-rtc.service":

Before=systemd-timesyncd.service ntpd.service chrony.service

DeviceAllow=/dev/rtc rw
ExecStart=/usr/bin/hwclock -f /dev/rtc --hctosys


Update 2017-09-19: -f /dev/rtc must be specified these days, as hwclock seem to use /dev/rtc0 by default, pretty sure it didn't used to.

Note that Before= above should include whatever time-sync daemon is used on the machine, and there's no harm in listing non-existant or unused units there jic.

Most security-related stuff and conditions are picked from systemd-timesyncd unit file, which needs roughly same access permissions as "hwclock" here.

With udev rule and that systemd service (don't forget to "systemctl enable" it), boot sequence goes like this:

  • Kernel inits internal rtc0 and sets system clock to 1970-01-01.
  • Kernel starts systemd.
  • systemd mounts local filesystems and starts i2c-rtc asap.
  • i2c-rtc, due to Wants/After=dev-rtc.device, starts waiting for /dev/rtc to appear.
  • Kernel detects/initializes ds1307 i2c device.
  • udev creates /dev/rtc symlink and tags it for systemd.
  • systemd detects tagging event and activates dev-rtc.device.
  • i2c-rtc starts, adjusting system clock to realistic value from battery-backed rtc.
  • systemd-timesyncd starts, using proper /dev/rtc and correct system clock value.
  • activates, as it is scheduled to, after systemd-timesyncd and i2c-rtc.
  • From there, boot goes on to, and starts all the daemons.

udev rule is what facilitates symlink and tagging, i2c-rtc.service unit is what makes boot sequence wait for that /dev/rtc to appear and adjusts system clock right after that.

Haven't found an up-to-date and end-to-end description with examples anywhere, so here it is. Cheers!

Oct 22, 2015

Arch Linux chroot and sshd from boot on rooted Android with SuperSU

Got myself Android device only recently, and first thing I wanted to do, of course, was to ssh into it.

But quick look at the current F-Droid and Play apps shows that they either based on a quite limited dropbear (though perfectly fine for one-off shell access) or "based on openssh code", where infamous Debian OpenSSL code patch comes to mind, not to mention that most look like ad-ridden proprietary piece of crap.

Plus I'd want a proper package manager, shell (zsh), tools and other stuff in there, not just some baseline bash and busybox, and chroot with regular linux distro is a way to get all that plus standard OpenSSH daemon.

Under the hood, modern Android (5.11 in my case, with CM 12) phone is not much more than Java VM running on top of SELinux-enabled (which I opted to keep for Android stuff) Linux kernel, on top of some multi-core ARMv7 CPU (quadcore in my case, rather identical to one in RPi2).

Steps I took to have sshd running on boot with such device:

  • Flush stock firmware (usually loaded with adware and crapware) and install some pre-rooted firmware image from or

    My phone is a second-hand Samsung Galaxy S3 Neo Duos (GT-I9300I), and I picked resurrection remix CM-based ROM for it, built for this phone from t3123799, with Open GApps arm 5.1 Pico (minimal set of google stuff).

    That ROM (like most of them, it appears) comes with bash, busybox and - most importantly - SuperSU, which runs its unrestricted init, and is crucial to getting chroot-script to start on boot. All three of these are needed.

    Under Windows, there's Odin suite for flashing zip with all the goodies to USB-connected phone booted into "download mode".

    On Linux, there's Heimdall (don't forget to install adb with that, e.g. via pacman -S android-tools android-udev on Arch), which can dd img files for diff phone partitions, but doesn't seem to support "one zip with everything" format that most firmwares come in.

    Instead of figuring out which stuff from zip to upload where with Heimdall, I'd suggest grabbing a must-have TWRP recovery.img (small os that boots in "recovery mode", grabbed one for my phone from t2906840), flashing it with e.g. heimdall flash --RECOVERY recovery.twrp- and then booting into it to install whatever main OS and apps from zip's on microSD card.

    TWRP (or similar CWM one) is really useful for a lot of OS-management stuff like app-packs installation (e.g. Open GApps) or removal, updates, backups, etc, so I'd definitely suggest installing one of these as recovery.img as the first thing on any Android device.

  • Get or make ARM chroot tarball.

    I did this by bootstrapping a stripped-down ARMv7 Arch Linux ARM chroot on a Raspberry Pi 2 that I have around:

    # pacman -Sg base
     ### Look through the list of packages,
     ###  drop all the stuff that won't ever be useful in chroot on the phone,
     ###  e.g. pciutils, usbutils, mdadm, lvm2, reiserfsprogs, xfsprogs, jfsutils, etc
     ### pacstrap chroot with whatever is left
    # mkdir droid-chroot
    # pacstrap -i -d droid-chroot bash bzip2 coreutils diffutils file filesystem \
        findutils gawk gcc-libs gettext glibc grep gzip iproute2 iputils less \
        licenses logrotate man-db man-pages nano pacman perl procps-ng psmisc \
        sed shadow sysfsutils tar texinfo util-linux which
     ### Install whatever was forgotten in pacstrap
    # pacman -r droid-chroot -S --needed atop busybox colordiff dash fping git \
        ipset iptables lz4 openssh patch pv rsync screen xz zsh fcron \
        python2 python2-pip python2-setuptools python2-virtualenv
     ### Make a tar.gz out of it all
    # rm -f droid-chroot/var/cache/pacman/pkg/*
    # tar -czf droid-chroot.tar.gz droid-chroot

    Same can be obviously done with debootstrap or whatever other distro-of-choice bootstrapping tool, but likely has to be done on a compatible architecture - something that can run ARMv7 binaries, like RPi2 in my case (though VM should do too) - to run whatever package hooks upon installs.

    Easier way (that won't require having spare ARM box or vm) would be to take pre-made image for any ARMv7 platform, from list or such, but unless there's something very generic (which e.g. "ArchLinuxARM-armv7-latest.tar.gz" seem to be), there's likely be some platform-specific cruft like kernel, modules, firmware blobs, SoC-specific tools and such... nothing that can't be removed at any later point with package manager or simple "rm", of course.

    While architecture in my case is ARMv7, which is quite common nowadays (2015), other devices can have Intel SoCs with x86 or newer 64-bit ARMv8 CPUs. For x86, bootstrapping can obviously be done on pretty much any desktop/laptop machine, if needed.

  • Get root shell on device and unpack chroot tarball there.

    adb shell (pacman -S android-tools android-udev or other distro equivalent, if missing) should get "system" shell on a USB-connected phone.

    (btw, "adb" access have to be enabled on the phone via some common "tap 7 times on OS version in Settings-About then go to Developer-options" dance, if not already)

    With SuperSU (or similar "su" package) installed, next step would be running "su" there to get unrestricted root, which should work.

    /system and /data should be on ext4 (check mount | grep ext4 for proper list), f2fs or such "proper" filesystem, which is important to have for all the unix permission bits and uid/gid info which e.g. FAT can't handle (loopback img with ext4 can be created in that case, but shouldn't be necessary in case of internal flash storage, which should have proper fs'es already).

    /system is a bad place for anything custom, as it will be completely flushed on most main-OS changes (when updating ROM from zip with TWRP, for instance), and is mounted with "ro" on boot anyway.

    Any subdir in /data seem to work fine, though one obvious pre-existing place - /data/local - is probably a bad idea, as it is used by some Android dev tools already.

    With busybox and proper bash on the phone, unpacking tarball from e.g. microSD card should be easy:

    # mkdir -m700 /data/chroots
    # cd /data/chroots
    # tar -xpf /mnt/sdcard/droid-chroot.tar.gz

    It should already work, too, so...

    # cd droid-chroot
    # mount -o bind /dev dev \
        && mount -o bind /dev/pts dev/pts \
        && mount -t proc proc proc \
        && mount -t sysfs sysfs sys
    # env -i TERM=$TERM SHELL=/bin/zsh HOME=/root $(which chroot) . /bin/zsh

    ...should produce a proper shell in a proper OS, yay! \o/

    Furthermore, to be able to connect there directly, without adb or USB cable, env -i $(which chroot) . /bin/sshd should work too.

    For sshd in particular, one useful thing to do here is:

    # $(which chroot) . /bin/ssh-keygen -A
 populate /etc/ssh with keys, which are required to start sshd.

  • Setup init script to run sshd or whatever init-stuff from that chroot on boot.

    Main trick here is to run it with unrestricted SELinux context (unless SELinux is disabled entirely, I guess).

    This makes /system/etc/init.d using "sysinit_exec" and /data/local/ with "userinit_exec" unsuitable for the task, only something like "init" ("u:r:init:s0") will work.

    SELinux on Android is documented in Android docs, and everything about SELinux in general applies there, of course, but some su-related roles like above "userinit_exec" actually come with CyanogenMod or whatever similar hacks on top of the base Android OS.

    Most relevant info on this stuff comes with SuperSU though (or rather libsuperuser) -

    That doc has info on how to patch policies, to e.g. transition to unrestricted role for chroot init, setup sub-roles for stuff in there (to also use SELinux in a chroot), which contexts are used where, and - most useful in this case - which custom "init" dirs are used at which stages of the boot process.

    Among other useful stuff, it specifies/describes /system/su.d init-dir, from which SuperSU runs scripts/binaries with unrestricted "init" context, and very early in the process too, hence it is most suitable for starting chroot from.

    So, again, from root (after "su") shell:

    # mount -o remount,rw /system
    # mkdir -m700 /system/su.d
    # cat >/system/su.d/ <<EOF
    exec /data/local/chroots.bash
    # chmod 700 /system/su.d/
    # cat >/data/local/chroots.bash <<EOF
    export PATH=/sbin:/vendor/bin:/system/sbin:/system/bin:/system/xbin
    [[ $(du -m "$log" | awk '{print $1}') -gt 20 ]] && mv "$log"{,.old}
    exec >>"$log" 2>&1
    echo " --- Started $(TZ=UTC date) --- "
    log -p i -t chroots "Starting chroot: droid-chroot"
    /data/chroots/ &
    log -p i -t chroots "Finished chroots init"
    echo " --- Finished $(TZ=UTC date) --- "
    # chmod 700 /data/local/chroots.bash
    # cd /data/chroots
    # mkdir -p droid-chroot/mnt/storage
    # ln -s droid-chroot/
    # cat >droid-chroot/ <<EOF
    set -e -o pipefail
    usage() {
      bin=$(basename $0)
      echo >&2 "Usage: $bin [ stop | chroot ]"
      exit ${1:-0}
    [[ "$#" -gt 1 || "$1" = -h || "$1" = --help ]] && usage
    cd /data/chroots/droid-chroot
    sshd_pid=$(cat run/ 2>/dev/null ||:)
    mountpoint -q dev || mount -o bind /dev dev
    mountpoint -q dev/pts || mount -o bind /dev/pts dev/pts
    mountpoint -q proc || mount -t proc proc proc
    mountpoint -q sys || mount -t sysfs sysfs sys
    mountpoint -q tmp || mount -o nosuid,nodev,size=20%,mode=1777 -t tmpfs tmpfs tmp
    mountpoint -q run || mount -o nosuid,nodev,size=20% -t tmpfs tmpfs run
    mountpoint -q mnt/storage || mount -o bind /data/media/0 mnt/storage
    case "$1" in
        [[ -z "$sshd_pid" ]] || kill "$sshd_pid"
        exit 0 ;;
        exec env -i\
          TERM="$TERM" SHELL=/bin/zsh HOME=/root\
          /system/xbin/chroot . /bin/zsh ;;
      *) [[ -z "$1" ]] || usage 1 ;;
    [[ -n "$sshd_pid" ]]\
      && kill -0 "$sshd_pid" 2>/dev/null\
      || exec env -i /system/xbin/chroot . /bin/sshd
    # chmod 700 droid-chroot/

    To unpack all that wall-of-shell a bit:

    • Very simple /system/su.d/ is created, so that it can easily be replaced if/when /system gets flushed by some update, and also so that it won't need to be edited (needing rw remount) ever.

    • /data/local/chroots.bash is an actual init script for whatever chroots, with Android logging stuff (accessible via e.g. adb logcat, useful to check if script was ever started) and simpler more reliable (and rotated) log in /data/local/chroots.log.

    • /data/chroots/ is a symlink to init script in /data/chroots/droid-chroot/, so that this script can be easily edited from inside of the chroot itself.

    • /data/chroots/droid-chroot/ is the script that mounts all the stuff needed for the chroot and starts sshd there.

      Can also be run from adb root shell to do the same thing, with "stop" arg to kill that sshd, or with "chroot" arg to do all the mounts and chroot into the thing from whatever current sh.

      Basically everything to with that chroot from now on can/should be done through that script.

    "cat" commands can obviously be replaced with "nano" and copy-paste there, or copying same (or similar) scripts from card or whatever other paths (to avoid pasting them into shell, which might be less convenient than Ctrl+S in $EDITOR).

  • Reboot, test sshd, should work.

Anything other than sshd can also be added to that init script, to make some full-featured dns + web + mail + torrents server setup start in chroot.

With more than a few daemons, it'd probably be a good idea to start just one "daemon babysitter" app from there, such as runit, daemontools or whatever. Maybe even systemd will work, though unlikely, given how it needs udev, lots of kernel features and apis initialized in its own way, and such.

Obvious caveat for running a full-fledged linux separately from main OS is that it should probably be managed through local webui's or from some local terminal app, and won't care much about power management and playing nice with Android stuff.

Android shouldn't play nice with such parasite OS either, cutting network or suspending device when it feels convenient, without any regard for conventional apps running there, though can be easily configured not to.

As I'm unlikely to want this device as a phone ever (who needs these, anyway?), turning it into something more like wireless RPi2 with a connected management terminal (represented by Android userspace) sounds like the only good use for it so far.

Update 2016-05-16: Added note on ssh-keygen and rm for pacman package cache after pacstrap.

Sep 04, 2015

Parsing OpenSSH Ed25519 keys for fun and profit

Adding key derivation to git-nerps from OpenSSH keys, needed to get the actual "secret" or something deterministically (plus in an obvious and stable way) derived from it (to then feed into some pbkdf2 and get the symmetric key).

Idea is for liteweight ad-hoc vms/containers to have a single "master secret", from which all others (e.g. one for git-nerps' encryption) can be easily derived or decrypted, and omnipresent, secure, useful and easy-to-generate ssh key in ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 seem to be the best candidate.

Unfortunately, standard set of ssh tools from openssh doesn't seem to have anything that can get key material or its hash - next best thing is to get "fingerprint" or such, but these are derived from public keys, so not what I wanted at all (as anyone can derive that, having public key, which isn't secret).

And I didn't want to hash full openssh key blob, because stuff there isn't guaranteed to stay the same when/if you encrypt/decrypt it or do whatever ssh-keygen does.

What definitely stays the same is the values that openssh plugs into crypto algos, so wrote a full parser for the key format (as specified in PROTOCOL.key file in openssh sources) to get that.

While doing so, stumbled upon fairly obvious and interesting application for such parser - to get really and short easy to backup, read or transcribe string which is the actual secret for Ed25519.

I.e. that's what OpenSSH private key looks like:


And here's the only useful info in there, enough to restore whole blob above from, in the same base64 encoding:


Latter, of course, being way more suitable for tried-and-true "write on a sticker and glue at the desk" approach. Or one can just have a file with one host key per line - also cool.

That's the 32-byte "seed" value, which can be used to derive "ed25519_sk" field ("seed || pubkey") in that openssh blob, and all other fields are either "none", "ssh-ed25519", "magic numbers" baked into format or just padding.

So rolled the parser from git-nerps into its own tool - ssh-keyparse, which one can run and get that string above for key in ~/.ssh/id_ed25519, or do some simple crypto (as implemented by djb in, not me) to recover full key from the seed.

From output serialization formats that tool supports, especially liked the idea of Douglas Crockford's Base32 - human-readable one, where all confusing l-and-1 or O-and-0 chars are interchangeable, and there's an optional checksum (one letter) at the end:

% ssh-keyparse test-key --base32

% ssh-keyparse test-key --base32-nodashes

base64 (default) is still probably most efficient for non-binary (there's --raw otherwise) backup though.

[ssh-keyparse code link]

Sep 01, 2015

Transparent and easy encryption for files in git repositories

Have been installing things to an OS containers (/var/lib/machines) lately, and looking for proper configuration management in these.

Large-scale container setups use some hard-to-integrate things like etcd, where you have to template configuration from values in these, which is not very convenient and very low effort-to-results ratio (maintenance of that system itself) for "10 service containers on 3 hosts" case.

Besides, such centralized value store is a bit backwards for one-container-per-service case, where most values in such "central db" are specific to one container, and it's much easier to edit end-result configs then db values and then templates and then check how it all gets rendered on every trivial tweak.

Usual solution I have for these setups is simply putting all confs under git control, but leaving all the secrets (e.g. keys, passwords, auth data) out of the repo, in case it might be pulled from on other hosts, by different people and for purposes which don't need these sensitive bits and might leak them (e.g. giving access to contracted app devs).

For more transient container setups, something should definitely keep track of these "secrets" however, as "rm -rf /var/lib/machines/..." is much more realistic possibility and has its uses.

So my (non-original) idea here was to have one "master key" per host - just one short string - with which to encrypt all secrets for that host, which can then be shared between hosts and specific people (making these public might still be a bad idea), if necessary.

This key should then be simply stored in whatever key-management repo, written on a sticker and glued to a display, or something.

Git can be (ab)used for such encryption, with its "filter" facilities, which are generally used for opposite thing (normalization to one style), but are easy to adapt for this case too.

Git filters work by running "clear" operation on selected paths (can be a wildcard patterns like "*.c") every time git itself uses these and "smudge" when showing to user and checking them out to a local copy (where they are edited).

In case of encryption, "clear" would not be normalizing CR/LF in line endings, but rather wrapping contents (or parts of them) into a binary blob, and "smudge" should do the opposite, and gitattributes patterns would match files to be encrypted.

Looking for projects that already do that, found quite a few, but still decided to write my own tool, because none seem have all the things I wanted:

  • Use sane encryption.

    It's AES-CTR in the absolutely best case, and AES-ECB (wtf!?) in some, sometimes openssl is called with "password" on the command line (trivial to spoof in /proc).

    OpenSSL itself is a red flag - hard to believe that someone who knows how bad its API and primitives are still uses it willingly, for non-TLS, at least.

    Expected to find at least one project using AEAD through NaCl or something, but no such luck.

  • Have tool manage gitattributes.

    You don't add file to git repo by typing /path/to/myfile managed=version-control some-other-flags to some config, why should you do it here?

  • Be easy to deploy.

    Ideally it'd be a script, not some c++/autotools project to install build tools for or package to every setup.

    Though bash script is maybe taking it a bit too far, given how messy it is for anything non-trivial, secure and reliable in diff environments.

  • Have "configuration repository" as intended use-case.

So wrote git-nerps python script to address all these.

Crypto there is trivial yet solid PyNaCl stuff, marking files for encryption is as easy as git-nerps taint /what/ever/path and bootstrapping the thing requires nothing more than python, git, PyNaCl (which are norm in any of my setups) and git-nerps key-gen in the repo.

README for the project has info on every aspect of how the thing works and more on the ideas behind it.

I expect it'll have a few more use-case-specific features and convenience-wrapper commands once I'll get to use it in a more realistic cases than it has now (initially).

[project link]

Aug 22, 2015

Quick lzma2 compression showcase

On cue from irc, recently ran this experiment:

% a=(); for n in {1..100}; do f=ls_$n; cp /usr/bin/ls $f; echo $n >> $f; a+=( $f ); done
% 7z a test.7z "${a[@]}" >/dev/null
% tar -cf test.tar "${a[@]}"
% gzip < test.tar > test.tar.gz
% xz < test.tar > test.tar.xz
% rm -f "${a[@]}"

% ls -lahS test.*
-rw-r--r-- 1 fraggod fraggod  12M Aug 22 19:03 test.tar
-rw-r--r-- 1 fraggod fraggod 5.1M Aug 22 19:03 test.tar.gz
-rw-r--r-- 1 fraggod fraggod 465K Aug 22 19:03 test.7z
-rw-r--r-- 1 fraggod fraggod  48K Aug 22 19:03 test.tar.xz

Didn't realize that gz was that bad at such deduplication task.

Also somehow thought (and never really bothered to look it up) that 7z was compressing each file individually by default, which clearly is not the case, as overall size should be 10x of what 7z produced then.

Docs agree on "solid" mode being the default of course, meaning no easy "pull one file out of the archive" unless explicitly changed - useful to know.

Further 10x difference between 7z and xz is kinda impressive, even for such degenerate case.

May 19, 2015 VoDs (video-on-demand) downloading issues and fixes

Quite often recently VoDs on twitch for me are just unplayable through the flash player - no idea what happens at the backend there, but it buffers endlessly at any quality level and that's it.

I also need to skip to some arbitrary part in the 7-hour stream (last wcs sc2 ro32), as I've watched half of it live, which turns out to complicate things a bit.

So the solution is to download the thing, which goes something like this:

  • It's just a video, right? Let's grab whatever stream flash is playing (with e.g. FlashGot FF addon).

    Doesn't work easily, since video is heavily chunked.
    It used to be 30-min flv chunks, which are kinda ok, but these days it's forced 4s chunks - apparently backend doesn't even allow downloading more than 4s per request.
  • Fine, youtube-dl it is.

    Nope. Doesn't allow seeking to time in stream.
    There's an open "Download range" issue for that.

    livestreamer wrapper around the thing doesn't allow it either.

  • Try to use ?t=3h30m URL parameter - doesn't work, sadly.

  • mpv supports youtube-dl and seek, so use that.

    Kinda works, but only for super-short seeks.
    Seeking beyond e.g. 1 hour takes AGES, and every seek after that (even skipping few seconds ahead) takes longer and longer.
  • youtube-dl --get-url gets m3u8 playlist link, use ffmpeg -ss <pos> with it.

    Apparently works exactly same as mpv above - takes like 20-30min to seek to 3:30:00 (3.5 hour offset).

    Dunno if it downloads and checks every chunk in the playlist for length sequentially... sounds dumb, but no clue why it's that slow otherwise, apparently just not good with these playlists.

  • Grab the m3u8 playlist, change all relative links there into full urls, remove bunch of them from the start to emulate seek, play that with ffmpeg | mpv.

    Works at first, but gets totally stuck a few seconds/minutes into the video, with ffmpeg doing bitrates of ~10 KiB/s.

    youtube-dl apparently gets stuck in a similar fashion, as it does the same ffmpeg-on-a-playlist (but without changing it) trick.

  • Fine! Just download all the damn links with curl.

    grep '^http:' pls.m3u8 | xargs -n50 curl -s | pv -rb -i5 > video.mp4

    Makes it painfully obvious why flash player and ffmpeg/youtube-dl get stuck - eventually curl stumbles upon a chunk that downloads at a few KiB/s.

    This "stumbling chunk" appears to be a random one, unrelated to local bandwidth limitations, and just re-trying it fixes the issue.

  • Assemble a list of links and use some more advanced downloader that can do parallel downloads, plus detect and retry super-low speeds.

    Naturally, it's aria2, but with all the parallelism it appears to be impossible to guess which output file will be which with just a cli.

    Mostly due to links having same url-path, e.g. index-0000000014-O7tq.ts?start_offset=955228&end_offset=2822819 with different offsets (pity that backend doesn't seem to allow grabbing range of that *.ts file of more than 4s) - aria2 just does file.ts, file.ts.1, file.ts.2, etc - which are not in playlist-order due to all the parallel stuff.

  • Finally, as acceptance dawns, go and write your own youtube-dl/aria2 wrapper to properly seek necessary offset (according to playlist tags) and download/resume files from there, in a parallel yet ordered and controlled fashion.

    This is done by using --on-download-complete hook with passing ordered "gid" numbers for each chunk url, which are then passed to the hook along with the resulting path (and hook renames file to prefix + sequence number).

Ended up with the chunk of the stream I wanted, locally (online playback lag never goes away!), downloaded super-fast and seekable.

Resulting script is twitch_vod_fetch (script source link).

Update 2017-06-01: rewritten it using python3/asyncio since then, so stuff related to specific implementation details here is only relevant for old py2 version (can be pulled from git history, if necessary).

aria2c magic bits in the script:

aria2c = subprocess.Popen([


  '--no-netrc', '--no-proxy',

], close_fds=True)

Didn't bother adding extra options for tweaking these via cli, but might be a good idea to adjust timeouts and limits for a particular use-case (see also the massive "man aria2c").

Seeking in playlist is easy, as it's essentially a VoD playlist, and every ~4s chunk is preceded by e.g. #EXTINF:3.240, tag, with its exact length, so script just skips these as necessary to satisfy --start-pos / --length parameters.

Queueing all downloads, each with its own particular gid, is done via JSON-RPC, as it seem to be impossible to:

  • Specify both link and gid in the --input-file for aria2c.
  • Pass an actual download URL or any sequential number to --on-download-complete hook (except for gid).

So each gid is just generated as "000001", "000002", etc, and hook script is a one-liner "mv" command.

Since all stuff in the script is kinda lenghty time-wise - e.g. youtube-dl --get-url takes a while, then the actual downloads, then concatenation, ... - it's designed to be Ctrl+C'able at any point.

Every step just generates a state-file like "my_output_prefix.m3u8", and next one goes on from there.
Restaring the script doesn't repeat these, and these files can be freely mangled or removed to force re-doing the step (or to adjust behavior in whatever way).
Example of useful restart might be removing *.m3u8.url and *.m3u8 files if twitch starts giving 404's due to expired links in there.
Won't force re-downloading any chunks, will only grab still-missing ones and assemble the resulting file.

End-result is one my_output_prefix.mp4 file with specified video chunk (or full video, if not specified), plus all the intermediate litter (to be able to restart the process from any point).

One issue I've spotted with the initial version:

05/19 22:38:28 [ERROR] CUID#77 - Download aborted. URI=...
Exception: [] errorCode=1 URI=...
  -> [] errorCode=1 Download aborted.
  -> []
    errorCode=1 total length mismatch. expected: 1924180, actual: 1789572
05/19 22:38:28 [NOTICE] Download GID#0035090000000000 not complete: ...

Seem to be a few of these mismatches (like 5 out of 10k chunks), which don't get retried, as aria2 doesn't seem to consider these to be a transient errors (which is probably fair).

Probably a twitch bug, as it clearly breaks http there, and browsers shouldn't accept such responses either.

Can be fixed by one more hook, I guess - either --on-download-error (to make script retry url with that gid), or the one using websocket and getting json notification there.

In any case, just running same command again to download a few of these still-missing chunks and finish the process works around the issue.

Update 2015-05-22: Issue clearly persists for vods from different chans, so fixed it via simple "retry all failed chunks a few times" loop at the end.

Update 2015-05-23: Apparently it's due to aria2 reusing same files for different urls and trying to resume downloads, fixed by passing --out for each download queued over api.

[script source link]

Apr 11, 2015

Skype setup on amd64 without multilib/multiarch/chroot

Did a kinda-overdue migration of a desktop machine to amd64 a few days ago.
Exherbo has multiarch there, but I didn't see much point in keeping (and maintaining in various ways) a full-blown set of 32-bit libs just for Skype, which I found that I still need occasionally.

Solution I've used before (documented in the past entry) with just grabbing 32-bit Skype binary and full set of libs it needs from whatever distro still works and applies here, not-so-surprisingly.

What I ended up doing is:

  • Grab the latest Fedora "32-bit workstation" iso (Fedora-Live-Workstation-i686-21-5.iso).

  • Install/run it on a virtual machine (plain qemu-kvm).

  • Download "Dynamic" Skype version (distro-independent tar.gz with files) from Skype site to/on a VM, "tar -xf" it.

  • ldd skype- | grep 'not found' to see which dependency-libs are missing.

  • Install missing libs - yum install qtwebkit libXScrnSaver

  • scp build_skype_env.bash (from skype-space repo that I have from old days of using skype + bitlbee) to vm, run it on a skype-dir - e.g. ./build_skype_env.bash skype-

    Should finish successfully and produce "skype_env" dir in the current path.

  • Copy that "skype_env" dir with all the libs back to pure-amd64 system.

  • Since skype binary has "/lib/" as a hardcoded interpreter (as it should be), and pure-amd64 system shouldn't have one (not to mention missing multiarch prefix) - patch it in the binary with patchelf:

    patchelf --set-interpreter ./ skype
  • Run it (from that env dir with all the libs):

    LD_LIBRARY_PATH=. ./skype --resources=.

    Should "just work" \o/

One big caveat is that I don't care about any features there except for simple text messaging, which is probably not how most people use Skype, so didn't test if e.g. audio would work there.
Don't think sound should be a problem though, especially since iirc modern skype could use pulseaudio (or even using it by default?).

Given that skype itself a huge opaque binary, I do have AppArmor profile for the thing (uses "~/.Skype/env/" dir for bin/libs) -

Mar 28, 2015

Bluetooth PAN Network Setup with BlueZ 5.X

It probably won't be a surprise to anyone that Bluetooth has profiles to carry regular network traffic, and BlueZ has support for these since forever, but setup process has changed quite a bit between 2.X - 4.X - 5.X BlueZ versions, so here's my summary of it with 5.29 (latest from fives atm).

First step is to get BlueZ itself, and make sure it's 5.X (at least for the purposes of this post), as some enerprisey distros probably still have 4.X if not earlier series, which, again, have different tools and interfaces.
Should be easy enough to do with bluetoothctl --version, and if BlueZ doesn't have "bluetoothctl", it's definitely some earlier one.

Hardware in my case was two linux machines with similar USB dongles, one of them was RPi (wanted to setup wireless link for that), but that shouldn't really matter.

Aforementioned bluetoothctl allows to easily pair both dongles from cli interactively (and with nice colors!), that's what should be done first and serves as an authentication, as far as I can tell.

--- machine-1
% bluetoothctl
[NEW] Controller 00:02:72:XX:XX:XX malediction [default]
[bluetooth]# power on
Changing power on succeeded
[CHG] Controller 00:02:72:XX:XX:XX Powered: yes
[bluetooth]# discoverable on
Changing discoverable on succeeded
[CHG] Controller 00:02:72:XX:XX:XX Discoverable: yes
[bluetooth]# agent on

--- machine-2 (snipped)
% bluetoothctl
[NEW] Controller 00:02:72:YY:YY:YY rpbox [default]
[bluetooth]# power on
[bluetooth]# scan on
[bluetooth]# agent on
[bluetooth]# pair 00:02:72:XX:XX:XX
[bluetooth]# trust 00:02:72:XX:XX:XX

Not sure if the "trust" bit is really necessary, and what it does - probably allows to setup agent-less connections or something.

As I needed to connect small ARM board to what amounts to an access point, "NAP" was the BT-PAN mode of choice for me, but there are also "ad-hoc" modes in BT like PANU and GN, which seem to only need a different topology (who connects to who) and pass different UUID parameter to BlueZ over dbus.

For setting up a PAN network with BlueZ 5.X, essentially just two dbus calls are needed (described in "doc/network-api.txt"), and basic cli tools to do these are bundled in "test/" dir with BlueZ sources.

Given that these aren't very suited for day-to-day use (hence the "test" dir) and are fairly trivial, did rewrite them as a single script, more suited for my purposes - bt-pan.

Update 2015-12-10: There's also "bneptest" tool, which comes as a part of e.g. "bluez-utils" package on Arch, which seem to do same thing with its "-s" and "-c" options, just haven't found it at the time (or maybe it's a more recent addition).

General idea is that one side (access point in NAP topology) sets up a bridge and calls "org.bluez.NetworkServer1.Register()", while the other ("client") does "org.bluez.Network1.Connect()".

On the server side (which also applies to GN mode, I think), bluetoothd expects a bridge interface to be setup and configured, to which it adds individual "bnepX" interfaces created for each client by itself.

Such bridge gets created with "brctl" (from bridge-utils), and should be assigned the server IP and such, then server itself can be started, passing name of that bridge to BlueZ over dbus in "org.bluez.NetworkServer1.Register()" call:



[[ -n "$(brctl show $br 2>&1 1>/dev/null)" ]] && {
  brctl addbr $br
  brctl setfd $br 0
  brctl stp $br off
  ip addr add dev $br
  ip link set $br up

exec bt-pan --debug server $br

(as mentioned above, bt-pan script is from fgtk github repo)

Update 2015-12-10: This is "net.bnep" script, as referred-to in "net-bnep.service" unit just below.

Update 2015-12-10: These days, systemd can easily create and configure bridge, forwarding and all the interfaces involved, even running built-in DHCP server there - see "man systemd.netdev" and "man", for how to do that, esp. examples at the end of both.

Just running this script will then setup a proper "bluetooth access point", and if done from systemd, should probably be a part of and get stopped along with bluetoothd (as it doesn't make any sense running without it):




Update 2015-12-10: Put this into e.g. /etc/systemd/system/net-bnep.service and enable to start with "" (see "man systemd.special") by running systemctl enable net-bnep.service.

On the client side, it's even simpler - BlueZ will just create a "bnepX" device and won't need any bridge, as it is just a single connection:


ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/bt-pan client --wait 00:02:72:XX:XX:XX


Update 2015-12-10: Can be /etc/systemd/system/net-bnep-client.service, don't forget to enable it (creates symlink in ""), same as for other unit above (which should be running on the other machine).

Update 2015-12-10: Created "bnepX" device is also trivial to setup with systemd on the client side, see e.g. "Example 2" at the end of "man".

On top of "bnepX" device on the client, some dhcp client should probably be running, which systemd-networkd will probably handle by default on systemd-enabled linuxes, and some dhcpd on the server-side (I used udhcpd from busybox for that).

Enabling units on both machines make them setup AP and connect on boot, or as soon as BT donges get plugged-in/detected.

Fairly trivial setup for a wireless one, especially wrt authentication, and seem to work reliably so far.

Update 2015-12-10: Tried to clarify a few things above for people not very familiar with systemd, where noted. See systemd docs for more info on all this.

In case something doesn't work in such a rosy scenario, which kinda happens often, first place to look at is probably debug info of bluetoothd itself, which can be enabled with systemd via systemctl edit bluetooth and adding a [Service] section with override like ExecStart=/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd -d, then doing daemon-reload and restart of the unit.

This should already produce a ton of debug output, but I generally find something like bluetoothd[363]: src/device.c:device_bonding_failed() status 14 and bluetoothd[363]: plugins/policy.c:disconnect_cb() reason 3 in there, which is not super-helpful by itself.

"btmon" tool which also comes with BlueZ provides a much more useful output with all the stuff decoded from the air, even colorized for convenience (though you won't see it here):

> ACL Data RX: Handle 11 flags 0x02 dlen 20               [hci0] 17.791382
      L2CAP: Information Response (0x0b) ident 2 len 12
        Type: Fixed channels supported (0x0003)
        Result: Success (0x0000)
        Channels: 0x0000000000000006
          L2CAP Signaling (BR/EDR)
          Connectionless reception
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5    [hci0] 17.793368
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 11
        Count: 2
> ACL Data RX: Handle 11 flags 0x02 dlen 12               [hci0] 17.794006
      L2CAP: Connection Request (0x02) ident 3 len 4
        PSM: 15 (0x000f)
        Source CID: 64
< ACL Data TX: Handle 11 flags 0x00 dlen 16               [hci0] 17.794240
      L2CAP: Connection Response (0x03) ident 3 len 8
        Destination CID: 64
        Source CID: 64
        Result: Connection pending (0x0001)
        Status: Authorization pending (0x0002)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5    [hci0] 17.939360
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 11
        Count: 1
< ACL Data TX: Handle 11 flags 0x00 dlen 16               [hci0] 19.137875
      L2CAP: Connection Response (0x03) ident 3 len 8
        Destination CID: 64
        Source CID: 64
        Result: Connection refused - security block (0x0003)
        Status: No further information available (0x0000)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5    [hci0] 19.314509
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 11
        Count: 1
> HCI Event: Disconnect Complete (0x05) plen 4            [hci0] 21.302722
        Status: Success (0x00)
        Handle: 11
        Reason: Remote User Terminated Connection (0x13)
@ Device Disconnected: 00:02:72:XX:XX:XX (0) reason 3

That at least makes it clear what's the decoded error message is, on which protocol layer and which requests it follows - enough stuff to dig into.

BlueZ also includes a crapton of cool tools for all sorts of diagnostics and manipulation, which - alas - seem to be missing on some distros, but can be built along with the package using --enable-tools --enable-experimental configure-options (all under "tools" dir).

I had to resort to these tricks briefly when trying to setup PANU/GN-mode connections, but as I didn't really need these, gave up fairly soon on that "Connection refused - security block" error (from that "policy.c" plugin) - no idea why BlueZ throws it in this context and google doesn't seem to help much, maybe polkit thing, idk.

Didn't need these modes though, so whatever.

Mar 25, 2015

gnuplot for live "last 30 seconds" sliding window of "free" (memory) data

Was looking at a weird what-looks-like-a-memleak issue somewhere in the system on changing desktop background (somewhat surprisingly complex operation btw) and wanted to get a nice graph of "last 30s of free -m output", with some labels and easy access to data.

A simple enough task for gnuplot, but resulting in a somewhat complicated solution, as neither "free" nor gnuplot are perfect tools for the job.

First thing is that free -m -s1 doesn't actually give a machine-readable data, and I was too lazy to find something better (should've used sysstat and sar!) and thought "let's just parse that with awk":

free -m -s $interval |
  awk '
    BEGIN {
      exports="total used free shared available"
    $1=="total" {
      for (n=1;n<=NF;n++)
        if (index(exports,$n)) headers[n+1]=$n }
    $1=="Mem:" {
      printf "" >dst
      for (n in headers) {
        if (!first) {
          printf " " >>agg
          printf " " >>dst }
        printf "%d", $n >>agg
        printf "%s", headers[n] >>dst
        first=0 }
      printf "\n" >>agg
      printf "\n" >>dst
      system("tail -n '$points' " agg " >>" dst) }'

That might be more awk than one ever wants to see, but I imagine there'd be not too much space to wiggle around it, as gnuplot is also somewhat picky in its input (either that or you can write same scripts there).

I thought that visualizing "live" stream of data/measurements would be kinda typical task for any graphing/visualization solution, but meh, apparently not so much for gnuplot, as I haven't found better way to do it than "reread" command.

To be fair, that command seem to do what I want, just not in a much obvious way, seamlessly updating output in the same single window.

Next surprising quirk was "how to plot only last 30 points from big file", as it seem be all-or-nothing with gnuplot, and googling around, only found that people do it via the usual "tail" before the plotting.

Whatever, added that "tail" hack right to the awk script (as seen above), need column headers there anyway.

Then I also want nice labels - i.e.:

  • How much available memory was there at the start of the graph.
  • How much of it is at the end.
  • Min for that parameter on the graph.
  • Same, but max.
stats won't give first/last values apparently, unless I missed those in the PDF (only available format for up-to-date docs, le sigh), so one solution I came up with is to do a dry-run plot command with set terminal unknown and "grab first value" / "grab last value" functions to "plot".
Which is not really a huge deal, as it's just a preprocessed batch of 30 points, not a huge array of data.

Ok, so without further ado...

y0=100; y1=2000;
set xrange [1:30]
set yrange [y0:y1]

# --------------------
set terminal unknown
stats src using 5 name 'y' nooutput

is_NaN(v) = v+0 != v
grab_first_y(y) = y_first = y_first!=0 && !is_NaN(y_first) ? y_first : y
grab_last_y(y) = y_last = y

plot src u (grab_first_y(grab_last_y($5)))

# --------------------
set label 1 sprintf('first: %d', y_first) at x_first,y_first left offset 5,-1
set label 2 sprintf('last: %d', y_last) at x_last,y_last right offset 0,1
set label 3 sprintf('min: %d', y_min) at 0,y0-(y1-y0)/15 left offset 5,0
set label 4 sprintf('max: %d', y_max) at 0,y0-(y1-y0)/15 left offset 5,1

# --------------------
set terminal x11 nopersist noraise enhanced
set xlabel 'n'
set ylabel 'megs'

set style line 1 lt 1 lw 1 pt 2 pi -1 ps 1.5
set pointintervalbox 2

  src u 5 w linespoints linestyle 1 t columnheader,\
  src u 1 w lines title columnheader,\
  src u 2 w lines title columnheader,\
  src u 3 w lines title columnheader,\
  src u 4 w lines title columnheader,\

# --------------------
pause 1

Probably the most complex gnuplot script I composed to date.

Yeah, maybe I should've just googled around for an app that does same thing, though I like how this lore potentially gives ability to plot whatever other stuff in a similar fashion.

That, and I love all the weird stuff gnuplot can do.

For instance, xterm apparently has some weird "plotter" interface hardware terminals had in the past:

gnuplot and Xterm Tektronix 4014 Mode

And there's also the famous "dumb" terminal for pseudographics too.

Regular x11 output looks nice and clean enough though:

gnuplot x11 output

It updates smoothly, with line crawling left-to-right from the start and then neatly flowing through. There's a lot of styling one can do to make it prettier, but I think I've spent enough time on such a trivial thing.

Didn't really help much with debugging though. Oh well...

Full "free | awk | gnuplot" script is here on github.

Mar 11, 2015

Adding hotkey for any addon button in Firefox - one unified way

Most Firefox addons add a toolbar button that does something when clicked, or you can add such button by dragging it via Customize Firefox interface.

For example, I have a button for (an awesome) Column Reader extension on the right of FF menu bar (which I have always-visible):

ff extension button

But as far as I can tell, most simple extensions don't bother with some custom hotkey-adding interface, so there seem to be no obvious way to "click" that button by pressing a hotkey.

In case of Column Reader, this is more important because pressing its button is akin to "inspect element" in Firebug or FF Developer Tools - allows to pick any box of text on the page, so would be especially nice to call via hotkey + click, (as you'd do with Ctrl+Shift+C + click).

As I did struggle with binding hotkeys for specific extensions before (in their own quirky ways), found one sure-fire way to do exactly what you'd get on click this time - by simulating a click event itself (upon pressing the hotkey).

Whole process can be split into several steps:

  • Install Keyconfig or similar extension, allowing to bind/run arbitrary JavaScript code on hotkeys.

    One important note here is that such code should run in the JS context of the extension itself, not just some page, as JS from page obviously won't be allowed to send events to Firefox UI.

    Keyconfig is very simple and seem to work perfectly for this purpose - just "Add a new key" there and it'll pop up a window where any privileged JS can be typed/pasted in.

  • Install DOM Inspector extension (from AMO).

    This one will be useful to get button element's "id" (similar to DOM elements' "id" attribute, but for XUL).

    It should be available (probably after FF restart) under "Tools -> Web Developer -> DOM Inspector".

  • Run DOM Inspector and find the element-to-be-hotkeyed there.

    Under "File" select "Inspect Chrome Document" and first document there - should update "URL bar" in the inspector window to "chrome://browser/content/browser.xul".

    Now click "Find a node by clicking" button on the left (or under "Edit -> Select Element by Click"), and then just click on the desired UI button/element - doesn't really have to be an extension button.

    It might be necessary to set "View -> Document Viewer -> DOM Nodes" to see XUL nodes on the left, if it's not selected already.

    ff extension button 'id' attribute

    There it'd be easy to see all the neighbor elements and this button element.

    Any element in that DOM Inspector frame can be right-clicked and there's "Blink Element" option to show exactly where it is in the UI.

    "id" of any box where click should land will do (highlighted with red in my case on the image above).

  • Write/paste JavaScript that would "click" on the element into Keyconfig (or whatever other hotkey-addon).

    I did try HTML-specific ways to trigger events, but none seem to have worked with XUL elements, so JS below uses nsIDOMWindowUtils XPCOM interface, which seem to be designed specifically with such "simulation" stuff in mind (likely for things like Selenium WebDriver).

    JS for my case:

    var el_box = document.getElementById('columnsreader').boxObject;
    var domWindowUtils =
    domWindowUtils.sendMouseEvent('mousedown', el_box.x, el_box.y, 0, 1, 0);
    domWindowUtils.sendMouseEvent('mouseup', el_box.x, el_box.y, 0, 1, 0);

    "columnsreader" there is an "id" of an element-to-be-clicked, and should probably be substituted for whatever else from the previous step.

    There doesn't seem to be a "click" event, so "mousedown" + "mouseup" it is.

    "0, 1, 0" stuff is: left button, single-click (not sure what it does here), no modifiers.

    If anything goes wrong in that JS, the usual "Tools -> Web Developer -> Browser Console" (Ctrl+Shift+J) window should show errors.

    It should be possible to adjust click position by adding/subtracting pixels from el_box.x / el_box.y, but left-top corner seem to work fine for buttons.

  • Save time and frustration by not dragging stupid mouse anymore, using trusty hotkey instead \o/

Wish there was some standard "click on whatever to bind it to specified hotkey" UI option in FF (like there is in e.g. Claws Mail), but haven't seen one so far (FF 36).
Maybe someone should write addon for that!
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