Aug 31, 2016
Lack of some basic tool to "wait for connection" in linux toolkit always annoyed
me to no end.
root@alarm~:~# reboot
Shared connection to closed.
% ssh root@
...time passes, ssh doesn't do anything...
ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host
% ssh root@
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
% ssh root@
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
% ssh root@
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
...[mashing Up/Enter] start it up already!...
% ssh root@
ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused
% ssh root@
Working a lot with ARM boards, can have this thing repeating few dozen times a day.
Same happens on every power-up, after fiddling with sd cards, etc.
And usually know for a fact that I'll want to reconnect to the thing in question
asap and continue what I was doing there, but trying luck a few times with
unresponsive or insta-failing ssh is rather counter-productive and just annoying.
% tping && ssh root@
That's it, no ssh timing-out or not retrying fast enough, no "Connection
refused" nonsense.
tping (code link, name is ping + fping + tcp ping) is a trivial ad-hoc
script that opens new TCP connection to specified host/port every second
(default for -r/--retry-delay) and polls connections for success/error/timeout
(configurable) in-between, exiting as soon as first connection succeeds, which
in example above means that sshd is now ready for sure.
Doesn't need extra privileges like icmp pingers do, simple no-deps python3 script.
Used fping as fping -qr20 && ssh root@ before finally
taking time to write that thing, but it does what it says on the tin - icmp
ping, and usually results in "Connection refused" error from ssh, as there's gap
between network and sshd starting.
One of these "why the hell it's not in coreutils or util-linux" tools for me now.
Aug 05, 2016
More D3 tomfoolery!
It's been a while since I touched the thing, but recently been asked to make a
simple replacement for processing common-case time-series from temperature +
relative-humidity (calling these "t" and "rh" here) sensors (DHT22, sht1x, or what
have you), that's been painstakingly done in MS Excel (from tsv data) until now.
So here's the plot:
Misc feats of the thing, in no particular order:
- Single-html d3.v4.js + ES6 webapp (assembed by html-embed script) that
can be opened from localhost or any static httpd on the net.
- Drag-and-drop or multi-file browse/pick box, for uploading any number of tsv
files (in whatever order, possibly with gaps in data) instantly to JS on the page.
- Line chart with two Y axes (one for t, one for rh).
- Smaller "overview" chart below that, where one can "brush" needed timespan
(i.e. subset of uploaded data) for all the other charts and readouts.
- Mouseover "vertical line" display snapping to specific datapoints.
- List of basic stats for picked range - min/max, timespan, value count.
- Histograms for value distribution, to easily see typical values for picked
timespan, one for t and rh.
Kinda love this sort of interactive vis stuff, and it only takes a bunch of
hours to put it all together with d3, as opposed to something like rrdtool,
its dead images and quirky mini-language.
Also, surprisingly common use-case for this particular chart, as having such
sensors connected to some RPi is pretty much first thing people usually want to
do (or maybe close second after LEDs and switches).
Will probably look a bit further to make it into an offline-first Service
Worker app, just for the heck of it, see how well this stuff works these days.
No point to this post, other than forgetting to write stuff for months is bad ;)
May 15, 2016
My current Razer E-Blue mouse had this issue since I've got it - Mouse-2 /
BTN_MIDDLE / middle-click (useful mostly as "open new tab" in browsers and
"paste" in X) sometimes produces two click events (in rapid succession) instead
of one.
It was more rare before, but lately it feels like it's harder to make it click
once than twice.
Seem to be either hardware problem with debouncing circuitry or logic in the
controller, or maybe a button itself not mashing switch contacts against each
other hard enough... or soft enough (i.e. non-elastic), actually, given that
they shouldn't "bounce" against each other.
Since there's no need to double-click that wheel-button ever, it looks rather
easy to debounce the click on Xorg input level, by ignoring repeated button
up/down events after producing the first full "click".
Easiest solution of that kind that I've found was to use guile (scheme) script
with xbindkeys tool to keep that click-state data and perform clicks
selectively, using xdotool:
(define razer-delay-min 0.2)
(define razer-wait-max 0.5)
(define razer-ts-start #f)
(define razer-ts-done #f)
(define razer-debug #f)
(define (mono-time)
"Return monotonic timestamp in seconds as real."
(+ 0.0 (/ (get-internal-real-time) internal-time-units-per-second)))
(xbindkey-function '("b:8") (lambda ()
(let ((ts (mono-time)))
;; Enforce min ts diff between "done" and "start" of the next one
(or (not razer-ts-done) (>= (- ts razer-ts-done) razer-delay-min))
(set! razer-ts-start ts)))))
(xbindkey-function '(Release "b:8") (lambda ()
(let ((ts (mono-time)))
(when razer-debug
(format #t "razer: ~a/~a delay=~a[~a] wait=~a[~a]\n"
razer-ts-start razer-ts-done
(and razer-ts-done (- ts razer-ts-done)) razer-delay-min
(and razer-ts-start (- ts razer-ts-start)) razer-wait-max))
;; Enforce min ts diff between previous "done" and this one
(or (not razer-ts-done) (>= (- ts razer-ts-done) razer-delay-min))
;; Enforce max "click" wait time
(and razer-ts-start (<= (- ts razer-ts-start) razer-wait-max)))
(set! razer-ts-done ts)
(when razer-debug (format #t "razer: --- click!\n"))
(run-command "xdotool click 2")))))
Note that xbindkeys actually grabs "b:8" here, which is a "mouse button 8", as
if it was "b:2", then "xdotool click 2" command will recurse into same code, so
wheel-clicker should be bound to button 8 in X for that to work.
Rebinding buttons in X is trivial to do on-the-fly, using standard "xinput" tool
- e.g. xinput set-button-map "My Mouse" 1 8 3 (xinitrc.input script can
be used as an extended example).
Running "xdotool" to do actual clicks at the end seem a bit wasteful, as
xbindkeys already hooks into similar functionality, but unfortunately there's no
"send input event" calls exported to guile scripts (as of 1.8.6, at least).
Still, works well enough as it is, fixing that rather annoying issue.
[xbindkeysrc.scm on github]
Mar 03, 2016
I've been really conservative with the whole py2 -> py3 migration (shiny new
langs don't seem to be my thing), but one feature that finally makes it worth
the effort is well-integrated - by now (Python-3.5 with its "async" and "await"
statements) - asyncio eventloop framework.
Basically, it's a twisted core, including eventloop hooked into standard
socket/stream ops, sane futures implementation, all the
Transports/Protocols/Tasks base classes and such concepts, standardized right
there in Python's stdlib.
On one hand, baking this stuff into language core seem to be somewhat backwards,
but I think it's actually really smart thing to do - not only it eliminates
whole "tech zoo" problem nodejs ecosystem has, but also gets rid of "require
huge twisted blob or write my own half-assed eventloop base" that pops-up in
every second script, even the most trivial ones.
Makes it worth starting any py script with py3 shebang for me, at last \o/
Dec 29, 2015
There's multitail thing to tail multiple logs, potentially interleaved, in
one curses window, which is a painful-to-impossible to browse through, as you'd
do with simple "less".
There's lnav for parsing and normalizing a bunch of logs, and continuously
monitoring these, also interactive.
There's rainbow to color specific lines based on regexp, which can't really do
any interleaving.
And this has been bugging me for a while - there seem to be no easy way to get this:
This is an interleaved output from several timestamped log files, for events
happening at nearly the same time (which can be used to establish the sequence
between these and correlate output of multiple tools/instances/etc), browsable
via the usual "less" (or whatever other $PAGER) in an xterm window.
In this case, logfiles are from "btmon" (bluetooth sniffer tool), "bluetoothd"
(bluez) debug output and an output from gdb attached to that bluetoothd pid
(showing stuff described in previous entry about gdb).
Output for neither of these tools have timestamps by default, but this is easy
to fix by piping it through any tool which would add them into every line,
svlogd for example.
To be concrete (and to show one important thing about such log-from-output
approach), here's how I got these particular logs:
# mkdir -p debug_logs/{gdb,bluetoothd,btmon}
# gdb -ex 'source gdb_device_c_ftrace.txt' -ex q --args\
/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd --nodetach --debug\
1> >(svlogd -r _ -ttt debug_logs/gdb)\
2> >(svlogd -r _ -ttt debug_logs/bluetoothd)
# stdbuf -oL btmon |\
svlogd -r _ -ttt debug_logs/btmon
Note that "btmon" runs via coreutils stdbuf tool, which can be critical for
anything that writes to its stdout via libc's fwrite(), i.e. can have
buffering enabled there, which causes stuff to be output delayed and in batches,
not how it'd appear in the terminal (where line buffering is used), resulting in
incorrect timestamps, unless stdbuf or any other option disabling such
buffering is used.
With three separate logs from above snippet, natural thing you'd want is to see
these all at the same time, so for each logical "event", there'd be output from
btmon (network packet), bluetoothd (debug logging output) and gdb's function
call traces.
It's easy to concatenate all three logs and sort them to get these interleaved,
but then it can be visually hard to tell which line belongs to which file,
especially if they are from several instances of the same app (not really the
case here though).
Simple fix is to add per-file distinct color to each line of each log, but then
you can't sort these, as color sequences get in the way, it's non-trivial to do
even that, and it all adds-up to a script.
Seem to be hard to find any existing tools for the job, so wrote a script to do
it - liac (in the usual mk-fg/fgtk github repo), which was used to produce
output in the image above - that is, interleave lines (using any field for
sorting btw), add tags for distinct ANSI colors to ones belonging to different
files and optional prefixes.
Thought it might be useful to leave a note for anyone looking for something
[script source link]
Dec 29, 2015
Maybe I'm doing debugging wrong, but messing with code written by other people,
first question for me is usually not "what happens in function X" (done by
setting a breakpoint on it), but rather "which file/func do I look into".
I.e. having an observable effect - like "GET_REPORT messages get sent on HID
level to bluetooth device, and replies are ignored", it's easy to guess that
it's either linux kernel or bluetoothd - part of BlueZ.
Question then becomes "which calls in app happen at the time of this observable
effect", and luckily there's an easy, but not very well-documented (unless my
google is that bad) way to see it via gdb for C apps.
For scripts, it's way easier of course, e.g. in python you can do python -m
trace ... and it can dump even every single line of code it runs.
First of all, app in question has to be compiled with "-g" option and not
"stripped", of course, which should be easy to set via CFLAGS, usually, defining
these in distro-specific ways if rebuilding a package to include that (e.g. for
Arch - have debug !strip in OPTIONS line from /etc/makepkg.conf).
Then running app under gdb can be done via something like gdb --args someapp
arg1 arg2 (and typing "r" there to start it), but if the goal is to get a log
of all function calls (and not just in a "call graph" way profiles like gprof
do) from a specific file, first - interactivity has to go, second - breakpoints
have to be set for all these funcs and then logged when app runs.
Alas, there seem to be no way to add break point to every func in a file.
One common suggestion (does NOT work, don't copy-paste!) I've seen is doing
rbreak device\.c: ("rbreak" is a regexp version of "break") to match
e.g. profiles/input/device.c:extract_hid_record (as well as all other funcs
there), which would be "filename:funcname" pattern in my case, but it doesn't
work and shouldn't work, as "rbreak" only matches "filename".
So trivial script is needed to a) get list of funcs in a source file (just name
is enough, as C has only one namespace), and b) put a breakpoint on all of them.
This is luckily quite easy to do via ctags, with this one-liner:
% ctags -x --c-kinds=fp profiles/input/device.c |
awk 'BEGIN {print "set pagination off\nset height 0\nset logging on\n\n"}\
{print "break", $1 "\ncommands\nbt 5\necho ------------------\\n\\n\nc\nend\n"}\
END {print "\n\nrun"}' > gdb_device_c_ftrace.txt
Should generate a script for gdb, starting with "set pagination off" and
whatever else is useful for logging, with "commands" block after every "break",
running "bt 5" (displays backtrace) and echoing a nice-ish separator (bunch of
hyphens), ending in "run" command to start the app.
Resulting script can/should be fed into gdb with something like this:
% gdb -ex 'source gdb_device_c_ftrace.txt' -ex q --args\
/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd --nodetach --debug
This will produce the needed list of all the calls to functions from that
"device.c" file into "gdb.txt" and have output of the app interleaved with these
in stdout/stderr (which can be redirected, or maybe closed with more gdb
commands in txt file or before it with "-ex"), and is non-interactive.
From here, seeing where exactly the issue seem to occur, one'd probably want to
look thru the code of the funcs in question, run gdb interactively and inspect
what exactly is happening there.
Definitely nowhere near the magic some people script gdb with, but haven't found
similar snippets neatly organized anywhere else, so here they go, in case
someone might want to do the exact same thing.
Can also be used to log a bunch of calls from multiple files, of course, by
giving "ctags" more files to parse.
Dec 09, 2015
Following-up on my gpg replacement endeavor, also needed to add transparent
decryption for buffers loaded from *.ghg files, and encryption when writing
stuff back to these.
git filters (defined via gitattributes file) do same thing when interacting
with the repo.
Such thing is already done by a few exising elisp modules, such as jka-compr.el
for auto-compression-mode (opening/saving .gz and similar files as if they were
plaintext), and epa.el for transparent gpg encryption.
While these modules do this The Right Way by adding "file-name-handler-alist"
entry, googling for a small ad-hoc boilerplate, found quite a few examples that
do it via hooks, which seem rather unreliable and with esp. bad failure modes
wrt transparent encryption.
So, in the interest of providing right-er boilerplate for the task (and because
I tend to like elisp) - here's fg_sec.el example (from mk-fg/emacs-setup)
of how it can be implemented cleaner, in similar fashion to epa and jka-compr.
Code calls ghg -do when visiting/reading files (with contents piped to
stdin) and ghg -eo (with stdin/stdout buffers) when writing stuff back.
Entry-point/hook there is "file-name-handler-alist", where regexp to match
*.ghg gets added to call "ghg-io-handler" for every i/o operation (including
path ops like "expand-file-name" or "file-exists-p" btw), with only
"insert-file-contents" (read) and "write-region" (write) being overidden.
Unlike jka-compr though, no temporary files are used in this implementation,
only temp buffers, and "insert-file-contents" doesn't put unauthenticated data
into target buffer as it arrives, patiently waiting for subprocess to exit with
success code first.
Fairly sure that this bit of elisp can be used for any kind of processing, by
replacing "ghg" binary with anything else that can work as a pipe (stdin ->
processing -> stdout), which opens quite a lot of possibilities.
For example, all JSON files can be edited as a pretty YAML version, without
strict syntax and all the brackets of JSON, or the need to process/convert them
purely in elisp's json-mode or something - just plug python -m pyaml and
python -m json commands for these two i/o ops and it should work.
Suspect there's gotta be something that'd make such filters easier in MELPA
already, but haven't been able to spot anything right away, maybe should put up
a package there myself.
[fg_sec.el code link]
Dec 08, 2015
Have been using gpg for many years now, many times a day, as I keep lot of stuff
in .gpg files, but still can't seem to get used to its quirky interface and
Most notably, it's "trust" thing, keyrings and arcane key editing, expiration
dates, gpg-agent interaction and encrypted keys are all sources of dread and
stress for me.
Last drop, following the tradition of many disastorous interactions with the
tool, was me loosing my master signing key password, despite it being written
down on paper and working before. #fail ;(
Certainly my fault, but as I'll be replacing the damn key anyway, why not throw
out the rest of that incomprehensible tangle of pointless and counter-productive
practices and features I never use?
Took ~6 hours to write a replacement ghg tool - same thing as gpg, except with
simple and sane key management (which doesn't assume you entering anything,
ever!!!), none of that web-of-trust or signing crap, good (and non-swappable)
djb crypto, and only for file encryption.
Does everything I've used gpg for from the command-line, and has one flat file
for all the keys, so no more hassle with --edit-key nonsense.
Highly suggest to anyone who ever had trouble and frustration with gpg to check
ghg project out or write their own (trivial!) tool, and ditch the old thing -
life's too short to deal with that constant headache.
Dec 07, 2015
One other thing I've needed to do recently is to have Raspberry Pi OS resize
its /boot FAT32 partition to full card size (i.e. "make it as large as possible")
from right underneath itself.
RPis usually have first FAT (fat16 / fat32 / vfat) partition needed by firmware
to load config.txt and uboot stuff off, and that is the only partition one can
see in Windows OS when plugging microSD card into card-reader (which is a kinda
arbitrary OS limitation).
Map of the usual /dev/mmcblk0 on RPi (as seen in parted):
Number Start End Size Type File system Flags
32.3kB 1049kB 1016kB Free Space
1 1049kB 106MB 105MB primary fat16 lba
2 106MB 1887MB 1782MB primary ext4
Resizing that first partition is naturally difficult, as it is followed by ext4
one with RPi's OS, but when you want to have small (e.g. <2G) and easy-to-write
"rpi.img" file for any microSD card, there doesn't seem to be a way around
that - img have to have as small initial partitions as possible to fit on any
Things get even more complicated by the fact that there don't seem to be any
tools around for resizing FAT fs'es, so it has to be re-created from scratch.
There is quite an easy way around all these issues however, which can be
summed-up as a sequence of the following steps:
Start while rootfs is mounted read-only or when it can be remounted as such,
i.e. on early boot.
Before=systemd-remount-fs.service in systemd terms.
Grab sfdisk/parted map of the microSD and check if there's "Free Space" chunk
left after last (ext4/os) partition.
If there is, there's likely a lot of it, as SD cards increase in 2x size
factors, so 4G image written on larger card will have 4+ gigs there, in fact a
lot more for 16G or 32G cards.
Or there can be only a few megs there, in case of matching card size, where
it's usually a good idea to make slightly smaller images, as actual cards do
vary in size a bit.
"dd" whole rootfs to the end of the microSD card.
This is safe with read-only rootfs, and dumb "dd" approach to copying it (as
opposed to dmsetup + mkfs + cp) seem to be simplest and least error-prone.
Update partition table to have rootfs in the new location (at the very end of
the card) and boot partition covering rest of the space.
Initiate reboot, so that OS will load from the new rootfs location.
Starting on early-boot again, remount rootfs rw if necessary, temporary copy
all contents of boot partition (which should still be small) to rootfs.
Run mkfs.vfat on the new large boot partition and copy stuff back to it from
Reboot once again, in case whatever boot timeouts got triggered.
Avoid running same thing on all subsequent boots.
E.g. touch /etc/boot-resize-done and have
ConditionPathExists=!/etc/boot-resize-done in the systemd unit file.
That should do it \o/
resize-rpi-fat32-for-card (in fgtk repo) is a script I wrote to do all of
this stuff, exactly as described.
systemd unit file for the thing (can also be printed by running script with
"--print-systemd-unit" option):
Before=systemd-remount-fs.service -.mount
It does use lsblk -Jnb JSON output to get rootfs device and partition, and
get whether it's mounted read-only, then parted -ms /dev/... unit B print
free to grab machine-readable map of the device.
sfdisk -J (also JSON output) could've been better option than parted (extra
dep, which is only used to get that one map), except it doesn't conveniently
list "free space" blocks and device size, pity.
If partition table doesn't have extra free space at the end, "fsstat" tool from
sleuthkit is used to check whether FAT filesystem covers whole partition and
needs to be resized.
After that, and only if needed, either "dd + sfdisk" or "cp + mkfs.vfat + cp
back" sequence gets executed, followed by a reboot command.
Extra options for the thing:
"--skip-ro-check" - don't bother checkin/forcing read-only rootfs before "dd"
step, which should be fine, if there's no activity there (e.g. early boot).
"--done-touch-file" - allows to specify location of file to create (if
missing) when "no resize needed" state gets reached.
Script doesn't check whether this file exists and always does proper checks of
partition table and "fsstat" when deciding whether something has to be done,
only creates the file at the end (if it doesn't exist already).
"--overlay-image" uses splash.go tool that I've mentioned earlier (be
sure to compile it first, ofc) to set some "don't panic, fs resize in
progress" image (resized/centered and/or with text and background) during the
whole process, using RPi's OpenVG GPU API, covering whatever console output.
Misc other stuff for setup/debug - "--print-systemd-unit", "--debug",
Easy way to debug the thing with these might be to add StandardOutput=tty
to systemd unit's Service section and ... --debug --reboot-delay 60
options there, or possibly adding extra ExecStart=/bin/sleep 60 after the
script (and changing its ExecStart= to ExecStart=-, so delay will
still happen on errors).
This should provide all the info on what's happening in the script (has plenty
of debug output) to the console (one on display or UART).
One more link to the script: resize-rpi-fat32-for-card
Nov 28, 2015
Imagine you have RPi with some target app (e.g. kiosk-mode browser) starting in
X session, and want to have a full-screen splash for the whole time that device
will be booting, and no console output or getty's of any kind, and no other
splash screens in there - only black screen to logo to target app.
In case of average Raspberry Pi boot, there is:
A firmware "color test" splash when device gets powered-on.
Removed with disable_splash=1 in /boot/config.txt.
"Rainbow-colored square" over-current indicator popping up on the right,
regardless of PSU or cables, it seems.
avoid_warnings=1 in the same config.txt
As kernel boots - Raspberry Pi logo embedded in it.
logo.nologo to /boot/cmdline.txt.
Replacing that logo with proper splash screen is not really an option, as
logos that work there have to be tiny - like 80x80 pixels tiny.
Anything larger than that gives fbcon_init: disable boot-logo (boot-logo
bigger than screen), so in-kernel logo isn't that useful, and it's a pain to
embed it there anyway (kernel rebuild!).
Lots of console output - from kernel and init both.
cmdline.txt: console=null quiet
Getty showing its login prompt.
systemctl disable getty@tty1
More printk stuff, as various kernel modules get initialized and hardware
console=null in cmdline.txt should've removed all that.
consoleblank=0 loglevel=1 rootfstype=ext4 helps if console=null is not
an option, e.g. because "fbi" should set logo there (see below).
Need for "rootfstype" is kinda funny, because messages from kernel trying to
mount rootfs as ext2/ext3 seem to be emergency-level or something.
Removing all the stuff above should (finally!) get a peaceful black screen,
but what about the actual splash image?
fbi -d /dev/fb0 --once --noverbose\
--autozoom /path/to/image.png </dev/tty1 >/dev/tty1
Or, in early-boot-systemd terms:
ExecStart=/usr/bin/fbi -d /dev/fb0\
--once --noverbose --autozoom /path/to/image.png
"fbi" is a tool from fbida project.
console=null should NOT be in cmdline for this tool to work (see above).
First time you run it, you'll probably get:
ioctl VT_GETSTATE: Inappropriate ioctl for device (not a linux console?)
A lot of people on the internets seem to suggest something like "just run it
from Alt + F1 console", which definitely isn't an option for this case, but
I/O redirection to /dev/tty (as shown above) seem to work.
Blank black screen and whatever flickering on X startup.
Running X on a different VT from "fbi" seem to have nice effect that if X will
have to be restarted for some reason (e.g. whole user session gets restarted
due to target app's watchdog + StartLimitAction=), VT will switch back to a
nice logo, not some text console.
To fix blackness in X before-and-after WM, there're tools like feh:
feh --bg-scale /path/to/image.png
That's not instant though, as X usually takes its time starting up, so see
more on it below.
Target app startup cruft - e.g. browser window without anything loaded yet, or
worse - something like window elements being drawn.
There can be some WM tricks to avoid showing unprepared window, including
"start minimized, then maximize", switching "virtual desktops", overlay
windows, transparency with compositors, etc.
Depends heavily on WM, obviously, and needs one that can be controlled from
the script (which is rather common among modern standalone WMs).
Another trick is to start whole X without switching VT -
i.e. X -novtswitch vt2 - and switch to that VT later when both X and app
signal that they're ready, or just been given enough time.
Until switch happens, splash logo is displayed, courtesy of "fbi" tool.
On Raspberry Pi in particular, there're some direct-to-display VideoCore
APIs, which allow to overlay anything on top of whatever Linux or X draw
in their VTs while starting-up.
This is actually a cool thing - e.g. starting omxplayer --no-osd --no-keys
/path/to/image.png.mp4 (mp4 produced from still image) early on boot (it
doesn't need X or anything!) will remove the need for most previous steps,
as it will eclipse all the other video output.
"omxplayer" maybe isn't the best tool for the job, as it's not really meant
to display still images, but it's fast and liteweight enough.
Better alternative I've found is to use OpenVG API via openvg lib, which
has nice Go (golang) version, and wrote an overlay-image.go tool to
utilize it for this simple "display image and hang forever" (to be stopped
when boot finishes) purpose.
Aforementioned Go tool has "-resize" flag to scale the image to current
display size with "convert" and cache it with ".cache-WxH" suffix, and
"-bg-color" option to set margins' color otherwise (for e.g. logo centered
with solid color around it).
Can be built (be sure to set $GOPATH first) with: go get && go build .
Finally some destination state with target app showing what it's supposed to.
Yay, we got here!
Not a very comprehensive or coherent guide, but might be useful to sweep all the
RPi nasties under an exquisite and colorful rug ;)
Update 2015-11-30: Added link to overlay-image.go tool.
Update 2015-11-30: A bit different version (cleaned-up, with build-dep on
"" instead of optional call to "convert") of this
tool has been added to openvg lib repo under "go-client/splash".