May 12, 2014

X-Y plots of d3 scales and counter-intuitive domain/range effect

As I was working on a small d3-heavy project (my weird firefox homepage), I did use d3 scales for things like opacity of the item, depending on its relevance, and found these a bit counter-intuitive, but with no readily-available demo (i.e. X-Y graphs of scales with same fixed domain/range) on how they actually work.

Basically, I needed this:

d3 scales graph

I'll be first to admit that I'm no data scientist and not particulary good at math, but from what memories on the subject I have, intuition tells me that e.g. "d3.scale.pow().exponent(4)" should rise waaaay faster from the very start than "d3.scale.log()", but with fixed domain + range values, that's exactly the opposite of truth!

So, a bit confused about weird results I was getting, just wrote a simple script to plot these charts for all basic d3 scales.
And, of course, once I saw a graph, it's fairly clear how that works.

Here, it's obvious that if you want to pick something that mildly favors higher X values, you'd pick pow(2), and not sqrt.

Feel like such chart should be in the docs, but don't feel qualified enough to add it, and maybe it's counter-intuitive just for me, as I don't dabble with data visualizations much and/or might be too much of a visually inclined person.

In case someone needs the script to do the plotting (it's really trivial though):

May 12, 2014

My Firefox Homepage

Wanted to have some sort of "homepage with my fav stuff, arranged as I want to" in firefox for a while, and finally got resolve to do something about it - just finished a (first version of) script to generate the thing - firefox-homepage-generator.

Default "grid of page screenshots" never worked for me, and while there are other projects that do other layouts for different stuff, they just aren't flexible enough to do whatever horrible thing I want.

In this particular case, I wanted to experiment with chaotic tag cloud of bookmarks (so they won't ever be in the same place), relations graph for these tags and random picks for "links to read" from backlog.

Result is a dynamic d3 + (interactive example of this layout) page without much style:

homepage screenshot
"Mark of Chaos" button in the corner can fly/re-pack tags around.
Clicking tag shows bookmarks tagged as such and fades all other tags out in proportion to how they're related to the clicked one (i.e. how many links share the tag with others).

Started using FF bookmarks again in a meaningful way only recently, so not much stuff there yet, but it does seem to help a lot, especially with these handy awesome bar tricks.

Not entirely sure how useful the cloud visualization or actually having a homepage would be, but it's a fun experiment and a nice place to collect any useful web-surfing-related stuff I might think of in the future.

Repo link: firefox-homepage-generator

Mar 19, 2014

Shadowrun: Dragonfall

Dragonfall is probably the best CRPG (and game, given that it's my fav genre) I've played in a few years.
Right mix of setting, world, characters, tone, choices and mechanics, and it only gets more amazing towards the end.
I think all the praise it gets is well deserved - for me it's up there with early Bioware games (BGs, PST) and Fallouts.
Didn't quite expect it too after okay'ish Dead Man's Switch first SRR experience, and hopefully there's more to come from HBS, would even justify another kickstarter imo.

Nov 05, 2013

Conky eye candy clocks and meters

So my laptop broke anyway, but on the bright side - I've got fairly large (certainly by my display standards) desktop fullhd screen now.

While restoring OS there, decided to update ~/.conkyrc (see conky), as it was kinda small for this larger screen, so why not put some eye-candy there, while at it?

conky screenshot

Leftmost radial meters show (inner-to-outer) clock with hands and rings right next to them, blue-ish cpu arcs (right-bottom, outer one is load summary, inner ones are per-core), used (non-cache) memory/swap (left), network traffic (top-right, green/red arcs for up/down) and / and /home df arcs (outer top).

On the right it's good ol' binary clock.

All drawings are lua script, all text and graphs below is conky's magic.
Rings are adapted from "Clock Rings" script here, just added background planes and binary clock, because why not...

Whole script to draw the things can be found in de-setup repo on gh along with full conkyrc I currently use.

Nov 01, 2013

Software hacks to fix broken hardware - laptop fan

Had a fan in a laptop dying for a few weeks now, but international mail being universally bad (and me too hopeful about dying fan's lifetime), replacement from ebay is still on its looong way.

Meanwhile, thing started screeching like mad, causing strong vibration in the plastic and stopping/restarting every few seconds with an audible thunk.

Things not looking good, and me being too lazy to work hard enough to be able to afford new laptop, had to do something to postpone this one's imminent death.

Cleaning the dust and hairs out of fan's propeller and heatsink and changing thermal paste did make the thing a bit cooler, but given that it's fairly slim Acer S3 ultrabook, no local repair shop was able to offer any immediate replacement for the fan, so no clean hw fix in reach yet.

Interesting thing about broken fans though, is that they seem to start vibrating madly out of control only beyond certain speed, so one option was to slow the thing down, while keeping cpu cool somehow.

cpupower tool that comes with linux kernel can nicely downclock this i5 cpu to 800 MHz, but that's not really enough to keep fan from spinning madly - some default BIOS code seem to be putting it to 100% at 50C.

Besides, from what I've seen, it seem to be quite counter-productive, making everything (e.g. opening page in FF) much longer, keeping cpu at 100% of that lower rate all the time, which seem to heat it up slower, sure, but to the same or even higher level for the same task (e.g. opening that web page), with side effect being also wasting time.

Luckily, found out that fan on Acer laptops can be controlled using /dev/ports registers, as described on linlap wiki page.
50C doesn't seem to be high for these CPUs at all, and one previous laptop worked fine on 80C all the time, so making threshold for killing the fan higher seem to be a good idea - it's not like there's much to loose anyway.

As acers3fand script linked from the wiki was for a bit different purpose, wrote my own (also lighter and more self-contained) script - fan_control to only put more than ~50% of power to it after it goes beyond 60C and warns if it heats up way more without putting the fan into "wailing death" mode ever, with max being at about 75% power, also reaching for cpupower hack before that.

Such manual control opens up a possibility of cpu overheating though, or otherwise doesn't help much when you run cpu-intensive stuff, and I kinda don't want to worry about some cronjob, stuck dev script or hung DE app killing the machine while I'm away, so one additional hack I could think of is to just throttle CPU bandwidth enough so that:

  • short tasks complete at top performance, without delays.
  • long cpu-intensive stuff gets throttled to a point where it can't generate enough heat and cpu stays at some 60C with slow fan speed.
  • some known-to-be-intensive tasks like compilation get their own especially low limits.

So kinda like cpupower trick, but more fine-grained and without fixed presets one can slow things down to (as lowest bar there doesn't cut it).

Kernel Control Groups (cgroups) turned out to have the right thing for that - "cpu" resource controller there has cfs_quote_us/cfs_period_us knobs to control cpu bandwidth for threads within a specific cgroup.

New enough systemd has the concept of "slices" to control resources for a groups of services, which are applied automatically for all DE stuff as "user.slice" and its "user-<name>.slice" subslices, so all that had to be done is to echo the right values (which don't cause overheating or fan-fail) to that rc's /sys knobs.
Similar generic limitations are easy to apply to other services there by grouping them with Slice= option.

For distinct limits on daemons started from cli, there's "systemd-run" tool these days, and for more proper interactive wrapping, I've had pet cgroup-tools scripts for a while now (to limit cpu priority of heavier bg stuff like builds though).

With that last tweak, situation seem to be under control - no stray app can really kill the cpu and fan doesn't have to do all the hard work to prevent it either, seemingly solving that hardware fail with software measures for now.

Keeping mobile i5 cpu around 50 degrees apparently needs it to spin only barely, yet seem to allow all the desktop stuff to function without noticeable slowdowns or difference.
Makes me wonder why Intel did allow that low-power ARM things fly past it...

Now, if only replacement fan got here before I drop off the nets even with these hacks.

Sep 26, 2013

FAT32 driver in python

Wrote a driver for still common FAT32 recently, while solving the issue with shuffle on cheap "usb stick with microsd slot" mp3 player.

It's kinda amazing how crappy firmware in these things can be.

Guess one should know better than to get such crap with 1-line display, gapful playback, weak battery, rewind at non-accelerating ~3x speed, no ability to pick tracks while playing and plenty of other annoying "features", but the main issue I've had with the thing by far is missing shuffle functionality - it only plays tracks in static order in which they were uploaded (i.e. how they're stored on fs).

Seems like whoever built the thing made it deliberately hard to shuffle the tracks offline - just one sort by name would've made things a lot easier, and it's clear that device reads the full dir listing from the time it spends opening dirs with lots of files.

Most obvious way to do such "offline shuffle", given how the thing orders files, is to re-upload tracks in different order, which is way too slow and wears out flash ram.

Second obvious for me was to dig into FAT32 and just reorder entries there, which is what the script does.

It's based off example of a simpler fat16 parser in construct module repo and processes all the necessary metadata structures like PDRs, FATs (cluster maps) and directory tables with vfat long-name entries inside.

Given that directory table on FAT32 is just an array (with vfat entries linked to dentries after them though), it's kinda easy just to shuffle entries there and write data back to clusters from where it was read.

One less obvious solution to shuffle, coming from understanding how vfat lfn entries work, is that one can actually force fs driver to reorder them by randomizing filename length, as it'll be forced to move longer entries to the end of the directory table.

But that idea came a bit too late, and such parser can be useful for extending FAT32 to whatever custom fs (with e.g. FUSE or 9p interface) or implementing some of the more complex hacks.

It's interestng that fat dentries can (and apparently known to) store unix-like modes and uid/gid instead of some other less-useful attrs, but linux driver doesn't seem to make use of it.

OS'es also don't allow symlinks or hardlinks on fat, while technically it's possible, as long as you keep these read-only - just create dentries that point to the same cluster.

Should probably work for both files and dirs and allow to create multiple hierarchies of the same files, like several dirs where same tracks are shuffled with different seed, alongside dirs where they're separated by artist/album/genre or whatever other tags.

It's very fast and cheap to create these, as each is basically about "(name_length + 32B) * file_count" in size, which is like just 8 KiB for dir structure holding 100+ files.

So plan is to extend this small hack to use mutagen to auto-generate such hierarchies in the future, or maybe hook it directly into beets as an export plugin, combined with transcoding, webui and convenient music-db there.

Also, can finally tick off "write proper on-disk fs driver" from "things to do in life" list ;)

Aug 08, 2013

Encrypted root on a remote vds

Most advice wrt encryption on a remote hosts (VPS, VDS) don't seem to involve full-disk encryption as such, but is rather limited to encrypting /var and /home, so that machine will boot from non-crypted / and you'll be able to ssh to it, decrypt these parts manually, then start services that use data there.

That seem to be in contrast with what's generally used on local machines - make LUKS container right on top of physical disk device, except for /boot (if it's not on USB key) and don't let that encryption layer bother you anymore.

Two policies seem to differ in that former one is opt-in - you have to actively think which data to put onto encrypted part (e.g. /etc/ssl has private keys? move to /var, shred from /etc), while the latter is opt-out - everything is encrypted, period.

So, in spirit of that opt-out way, I thought it'd be a drag to go double-think wrt which data should be stored where and it'd be better to just go ahead and put everything possible to encrypted container for a remote host as well, leaving only /boot with kernel and initramfs in the clear.

Naturally, to enter encryption password and not have it stored alongside LUKS header, some remote login from the network is in order, and sshd seem to be the secure and easy way to go about it.
Initramfs in question should then also be able to setup network, which luckily dracut can. Openssh sshd is a bit too heavy for it though, but there are much lighter sshd's like dropbear.

Searching around for someone to tie the two things up, found a bit incomplete and non-packaged solutions like this RH enhancement proposal and a set of hacky scripts and instructions in dracut-crypt-wait repo on bitbucket.

Approach outlined in RH bugzilla is to make dracut "crypt" module to operate normally and let cryptsetup query for password in linux console, but also start sshd in the background, where one can login and use a simple tool to echo password to that console (without having it echoed).
dracut-crypt-wait does a clever hack of removing "crypt" module hook instead and basically creates "rescure" console on sshd, where user have to manually do all the decryption necessary and then signal initramfs to proceed with the boot.

I thought first way was rather more elegant and clever, allowing dracut to figure out which device to decrypt and start cryptsetup with all the necessary, configured and documented parameters, also still allowing to type passphrase into console - best of both worlds, so went along with that one, creating dracut-crypt-sshd project.

As README there explains, using it is as easy as adding it into dracut.conf (or passing to dracut on command line) and adding networking to grub.cfg, e.g.:

menuentry "My Linux" {
        linux /vmlinuz ro root=LABEL=root
                rd.luks.uuid=7a476ea0 rd.neednet=1
        initrd /dracut.xz

("ip=dhcp" might be simpler way to go, but doesn't yield default route in my case)

And there, you'll have sshd on that IP port 2222 (configurable), with pre-generated (during dracut build) keys, which might be a good idea to put into "known_hosts" for that ip/port somewhere. "authorized_keys" is taken from /root/.ssh by default, but also configurable via dracut.conf, if necessary.

Apart from sshd, that module includes two tools for interaction with console - console_peek and console_auth (derived from auth.c in the bugzilla link above).

Logging in to that sshd then yields sequence like this:

[214] Aug 08 13:29:54 lastlog_perform_login: Couldn't stat /var/log/lastlog: No such file or directory
[214] Aug 08 13:29:54 lastlog_openseek: /var/log/lastlog is not a file or directory!

# console_peek
[    1.711778] Write protecting the kernel text: 4208k
[    1.711875] Write protecting the kernel read-only data: 1116k
[    1.735488] dracut: dracut-031
[    1.756132] systemd-udevd[137]: starting version 206
[    1.760022] tsc: Refined TSC clocksource calibration: 2199.749 MHz
[    1.760109] Switching to clocksource tsc
[    1.809905] systemd-udevd[145]: renamed network interface eth0 to enp0s9
[    1.974202] 8139too 0000:00:09.0 enp0s9: link up, 100Mbps, full-duplex, lpa 0x45E1
[    1.983151] dracut: sshd port: 2222
[    1.983254] dracut: sshd key fingerprint: 2048 0e:14:...:36:f9  root@congo (RSA)
[    1.983392] dracut: sshd key bubblebabble: 2048 xikak-...-poxix  root@congo (RSA)
[185] Aug 08 13:29:29 Failed reading '-', disabling DSS
[186] Aug 08 13:29:29 Running in background
[    2.093869] dracut: luksOpen /dev/sda3 luks-...
Enter passphrase for /dev/sda3:
[213] Aug 08 13:29:50 Child connection from
[213] Aug 08 13:29:54 Pubkey auth succeeded for 'root' with key md5 0b:97:bb:...

# console_auth

First command - "console_peek" - allows to see which password is requested (if any) and second one allows to login.
Note that fingerprints of host keys are also echoed to console on sshd start, in case one has access to console but still needs sshd later.
I quickly found out that such initramfs with sshd is also a great and robust rescue tool, especially if "debug" and/or "rescue" dracut modules are enabled.
And as it includes fairly comprehensive network-setup options, might be a good way to boot multiple different OS'es with same (machine-specific) network parameters,

Probably obligatory disclaimer for such post should mention that crypto above won't save you from malicious hoster or whatever three-letter-agency that will coerce it into cooperation, should it take interest in your poor machine - it'll just extract keys from RAM image (especially if it's a virtualized VPS) or backdoor kernel/initramfs and force a reboot.

Threat model here is more trivial - be able to turn off and decomission host without fear of disks/images then falling into some other party's hands, which might also happen if hoster eventually goes bust or sells/scraps disks due to age or bad blocks.

Also, even minor inconvenience like forcing to extract keys like outlined above might be helpful in case of quite well-known "we came fishing to a datacenter, shut everything down, give us all the hardware in these racks" tactic employed by some agencies.

Absolute security is a myth, but these measures are fairly trivial and practical to be employed casually to cut off at least some number of basic threats.

So, yay for dracut, the amazingly cool and hackable initramfs project, which made it that easy.

Code link:

Jun 09, 2013

cjdns per-IP (i.e. per-peer) traffic accounting

I've been using Hyperboria darknet for about a month now, and after late influx of russian users there (after this article) got plently of peers, so node is forwarding a bit of network traffic.

Being a dorknet-proper, of course, you can't see what kind of traffic it is or to whom it goes (though cjdns doesn't have anonymity as a goal), but I thought it'd be nice to at least know when my internet lags due to someone launching DoS flood or abusing torrents.

Over the Internet (called "clearnet" here), cjdns peers using udp, but linux conntrack seem to be good enough to track these "connections" just as if they were stateful tcp flows.

Simple-ish traffic accounting on vanilla linux usually boils down to ulogd2, which can use packet-capturing interfaces (raw sockets via libpcap, netfilter ULOG and NFLOG targets), but it's kinda heavy-handed here - traffic is opaque, only endpoints matter, so another one of its interfaces seem to be better option - conntrack tables/events.

Handy conntrack-tools (or /proc/net/{ip,nf}_conntrack) cat track all the connections, including simple udp-based ones (like cjdns uses), producing entries like:

udp 17 179 \
        src= dst= sport=52728 dport=8131 \
        src= dst= sport=8131 dport=52728 \
        [ASSURED] mark=16 use=1

First trick is to enable the packet/byte counters there, which is a simple, but default-off sysctl knob:

# sysctl -w net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_acct=1

That will add "bytes=" and "packets=" values there for both directions.

Of course, polling the table is a good way to introduce extra hangs into system (/proc files are basically hooks that tend to lock stuff to get consistent reads) and loose stuff in-between polls, so luckily there's an event-based netlink interface and ulogd2 daemon to monitor that.

One easy way to pick both incoming and outgoing udp flows in ulogd2 is to add connmarks to these:

-A INPUT -p udp --dport $cjdns_port -j CONNMARK --set-xmark 0x10/0x10
-A OUTPUT -p udp --sport $cjdns_port -j CONNMARK --set-xmark 0x10/0x10

Then setup filtering by these in ulogd.conf:






Should produce parseable log of all the traffic flows with IPs and such.

Fairly simple script can then be used to push this data to graphite, munin, ganglia, cacti or whatever time-series graphing/processing tool. Linked script is for graphite "carbon" interface.

Update: obsoleted/superseded by cjdns "InterfaceController_peerStats" admin api function and graphite-metrics cjdns_peer_stats collector.

Jun 06, 2013

Firefox - breaking free of webdevs' tyranny

Wanted to share three kinda-big-deal fixes I've added to my firefox:

  • Patch to remove sticky-on-top focus-grabbing "Do you want to activate plugins on this page?" popup.
  • Patch to prevent plugins (e.g. Abode Flash) from ever grabbing firefox hotkeys like "Ctrl + w" (close tab) or F5, forcing to do click outside e.g. YouTube video window to get back to ff.
  • Easy "toggle js" fix for JavaScript on pages grabbing controls like keyboard and mouse (e.g. overriding F5 to retweet instead of reload page, preventing copy-paste if forms and on pages, etc).

Lately, firefox seem to give more-and-more control into the hands of web developers, who seem to be hell-bent on abusing that to make browsing UX a living hell.

FF bug-reports about Flash grabbing all the focus date back to 2001 and are unresolved still.

Sites override Up/Down, Space, PgUp/PgDown, F5, Ctrl+T/W I've no idea why - guess some JS developers just don't use keyboard at all, which is somewhat understandable, combined with the spread of tablet-devices these days.

Overriding clicks in forms to prevent pasting email/password seem to be completely ignoring valid (or so I think) use-case of using some storage app for these.

And native "click-to-play" switch seem to be hilariously unusable in FF, giving cheerful "Hey, there's flash here! Let me pester you with this on every page load!" popups.

All are known, neither one seem to be going away anytime soon, so onwards to the fixes.

Removing "Do you want to activate plugins" thing seem to be straightforward js one-liner patch, as it's implemented in "browser/base/content/browser-plugins.js" - whole fix is adding this._notificationDisplayedOnce = true; to break the check there.
"notificationDisplayedOnce" thing is used to not popup that thing on the same page within the same browing session afaict.
With this patch applied (more up-to-date github link: no_plugins_popup.patch) it will never pester user again, ever \o/
Patch for plugin focus is clever - all one has to do is to switch focus to browser window (from embedded flash widget) before keypress gets processed and ff will handle it correctly.
Hackish plugin + ad-hoc perl script solution (to avoid patching/rebuilding ff) can be found here.
My hat goes to Alexander Rødseth however, who hacked the patch attached to ff-bug-78414 - this one is a real problem-solver, though a bit (not terribly - just context lines got shuffled around since) out-of-date.
More up-to-date (for current 21-ish stable ff from hg) fix is here: ff_loose_plugin_keygrab.patch (more future-proof github link).
JS-click/key-jacking issue seem to require some JS event firewalling, and sometimes (e.g. JS games or some weird-design sites) can be useful.
So my solution was simply to bind JS-toggle key, which allows not only to disable all that crap, but also speed some "load-shit-as-you-go" or JS-BTC-mining (or so it feels) sites rapidly.
I have KeyConfig extension, which allows to bind random JS to a key, so:
var prefs = Components.classes[';1']
  state = prefs.getBoolPref('javascript.enabled');
prefs.setBoolPref('javascript.enabled', !state);

That's the whole thing, bound to something like Ctrl+\ (the one above Enter here), makes a nice "Turbo and Get Off My JS" key. Fairly sure there are addons that allow to toggle prefs ("javascript.enabled" above) via keys without needing any code, but I have this one.

Damn glad there are open-source (and uglifyjs-like) browsers like that, hope proprietary google-ware won't take over the world in the nearest future.

Mentioned patches are available in (and integrated with-) the firefox-nightly exheres in my repo, forked off awesome sardemff7-pending firefox-scm.exheres-0 / mozilla-app.exlib work.

Apr 29, 2013

Recent fixes to great tools - 0bin and Convergence

I've tried both of these in the past, but didn't have attention budget to make them really work for me - which finally found now, so wanted to also give crawlers a few more keywords on these nice things.

0bin - leak-proof pastebin

As I pastebin a lot of stuff all the time - basically everything multiline - because all my IM happens in ERC over IRC (with bitlbee linking xmpp and all the proprietary crap like icq, skype and twitter), and IRC doesn't handle multiline messages at all.

All sorts of important stuff ends up there - some internal credentials, contacts, non-public code, bugs, private chat logs, etc - so I always winced a bit when pasting something in fear that google might index/data-mine it and preserve forever, so I figured it'll bite me eventually, somewhat like this:

massive security fail

Easy and acceptable solution is to use simple client-side crypto, with link having decryption key after hashmark, which never gets sent to pastebin server and doesn't provide crawlers with any useful data. ZeroBin does that.

But original ZeroBin is php, which I don't really want to touch, and have its share of problems - from the lack of command-line client (for e.g. grep stuff log | zerobinpaste), to overly-long urls and flaky overloaded interface.

Luckily, there's more hackable python version of it - 0bin, for which I hacked together a simple zerobinpaste tool, then simplified interface to bare minimum and updated to use shorter urls (#41, #42) and put to my host - result is - my own nice robot-proof pastebin.

URLs there aren't any longer than with regular pastebins:

Plus the links there expire reliably, and it's easy to force this expiration, having control over app backend.

Local fork should have all the not-yet-merged stuff as well as the non-upstreamable simpler white-bootstrap theme.

Convergence - better PKI for TLS keys

Can't really recommend this video highly enough to anyone with even the slightest bit of interest in security, web or SSL/TLS protocols.

There are lots of issues beyond just key distribution and authentication, but I'd dare anyone to watch that rundown of just-as-of-2011 issues and remain convinced that the PKI there is fine or even good enough.
Even fairly simple Convergence tool implementation is a vast improvement, giving a lot of control to make informed decisions about who to trust on the net.

I've been using the plugin in the past, but eventually it broke and I just disabled it until the better times when it'll be fixed, but Moxie seem to have moved on to other tasks and project never got the developers' attention it deserved.

So finally got around to fixing fairly massive list of issues around it myself.

Bugs around newer firefox plugin were the priority - one was compatibility thing from PR #170, another is endless hanging on all requests to notaries (PR #173), more minor issues with adding notaries, interfaces and just plain bugs that were always there.

Then there was one shortcoming of existing perspective-only verification mechanism that bugged me - it didn't utilize existing flawed CA lists at all, making decision of whether random site's cert is signed by at least some crappy CA or completely homegrown (and thus don't belong on e.g. "").
Not the deciding factor by any means, but allows to make much more informed decision than just perspectives for e.g. fishing site with typo in URL.

So was able to utilize (and extend a bit) the best part of Convergence - agility of its trust decision-making - by hacking together a verifier (which can be easily run on desktop localhost) that queries existing CA lists.

Enabling Convergence with that doesn't even force to give up the old model - just adds perspective checks on top, giving a clear picture of which of the checks have failed on any inconsistencies.

Other server-side fixes include nice argparse interface, configuration file support, loading of verifiers from setuptools/distribute entry points (can be installed separately with any python package), hackish TLS SNI support (Moxie actually filed twisted-5374 about more proper fix), sane logging, ...

Filed only a few PR for the show-stopper client bugs, but looks like upstream repo is simply dead, pity ;(

But all this stuff should be available in my fork in the meantime.
Top-level README there should provide a more complete list of links and changes.
Hopefully, upstream development will be picked-up at some point, or maybe shift to some next incarnation of the idea - CrossBear seem to potentially be one.
Until then, at least was able to salvage this one, and hacking ctypes-heavy ff extension implementing SOCKS MitM proxy was quite rewarding experience all by itself... certainly broadens horizons on just how damn accessible and simple it is to implement such seemingly-complex protocol wrappers.

Plan to also add a few other internet-observatory (like OONI, CrossBear crawls, EFF Observatory, etc) plugins there in the near future, plus some other things listed in the README here.

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