Conky eye candy clocks and meters
So my laptop broke anyway, but on the bright side - I've got fairly large (certainly by my display standards) desktop fullhd screen now.
While restoring OS there, decided to update ~/.conkyrc (see conky), as it was kinda small for this larger screen, so why not put some eye-candy there, while at it?

Leftmost radial meters show (inner-to-outer) clock with hands and rings right next to them, blue-ish cpu arcs (right-bottom, outer one is load summary, inner ones are per-core), used (non-cache) memory/swap (left), network traffic (top-right, green/red arcs for up/down) and / and /home df arcs (outer top).
On the right it's good ol' binary clock.
Whole script to draw the things can be found in de-setup repo on gh along with full conkyrc I currently use.