Jan 21, 2013
As I've been decompiling dynamic E config in the past
anyway, wanted to back it up to git repo along with the rest of them.
Quickly stumbled upon a problem though - while E doesn't really modify it
without me making some conscious changes, it reorders (or at least eet
produces such) sections and values there, making straight dump to git a bit
more difficult.
Plus, I have a
pet project to update
background, and it also introduces transient changes, so some pre-git
processing was in order.
e.cfg looks like this:
group "E_Config" struct {
group "xkb.used_options" list {
group "E_Config_XKB_Option" struct {
value "name" string: "grp:caps_toggle";
group "xkb.used_layouts" list {
group "E_Config_XKB_Layout" struct {
value "name" string: "us";
Simple way to make it "canonical" is just to order groups/values there
alphabetically, blanking-out some transient ones.
That needs a parser, and while regexps aren't really suited to that kind of
thing, pyparsing should work:
number = pp.Regex(r'[+-]?\d+(\.\d+)?')
string = pp.QuotedString('"') | pp.QuotedString("'")
value_type = pp.Regex(r'\w+:')
group_type = pp.Regex(r'struct|list')
value = number | string
block_value = pp.Keyword('value')\
+ string + value_type + value + pp.Literal(';')
block = pp.Forward()
block_group = pp.Keyword('group') + string\
+ group_type + pp.Literal('{') + pp.OneOrMore(block) + pp.Literal('}')
block << (block_group | block_value)
config = pp.StringStart() + block + pp.StringEnd()
Fun fact: this parser doesn't work.
Bails with some error in the middle of the large (~8k lines) real-world config,
while working for all the smaller pet samples.
I guess some buffer size must be tweaked (kinda unusual for python module
though), maybe I made a mistake there, or something like that.
So, yapps2-based parser:
parser eet_cfg:
ignore: r'[ \t\r\n]+'
token END: r'$'
token N: r'[+\-]?[\d.]+'
token S: r'"([^"\\]*(\\.[^"\\]*)*)"'
token VT: r'\w+:'
token GT: r'struct|list'
rule config: block END {{ return block }}
rule block: block_group {{ return block_group }}
| block_value {{ return block_value }}
rule block_group:
'group' S GT r'\{' {{ contents = list() }}
( block {{ contents.append(block) }} )*
r'\}' {{ return Group(S, GT, contents) }}
rule value: S {{ return S }} | N {{ return N }}
rule block_value: 'value' S VT value ';' {{ return Value(S, VT, value) }}
Less verbose (even with more processing logic here) and works.
Embedded in a python code (doing the actual sorting), it all looks like this (might be useful to work
with E configs, btw).
yapps2 actually generates quite readable code from it, and it was just
simpler (and apparently more bugproof) to write grammar rules in it.
ymmv, but it's a bit of a shame that pyparsing seem to be the about the only
developed parser-generator of such kind for python these days.
Had to package yapps2 runtime to install it properly, applying some community
patches (from debian package) in process and replacing some scary cli code
from 2003. Here's a fork.
Jan 16, 2013
It's a documented feature that 0.17.0 release (even if late
pre-release version was used before) throws existing configuration out of the
I'm not sure what warranted such a drastic usability bomb, but it's not
actually as bad as it seems - like 95% of configuration (and 100% of
*important* parts of it) can be just re-used (even if you've already started
new version!) with just a little bit of extra effort (thanks to ppurka in #e
for pointing me in the right direction here).
Sooo wasn't looking forward to restore all the keyboard bindings, for one
thing (that's why I actually did the update just one week ago or so).
E is a bit special (at least among wm's - fairly sure some de's do similar
things as well) in that it keeps its settings on disk compiled and compressed
(with eet) - but it's much easier
to work with than it might sound like at first.
So, to get the bits of config migrated, one just has to pull the old (pre-zero)
config out, then start zero-release e to generate new config, decompile both of
these, pull compatible bits from old into the new one, then compile it and put
back into "~/.e/e/config"
Before zero update, config can be found in "~/.e/e/config/standard/e.cfg"
If release version was started already and dropped the config, then old one
should be "~/.e/e/config/standard/e.1.cfg" (or any different number instead of
"1" there, just mentally substitute it in examples below).
Note that "standard" there is a profile name, if it might be called differently,
check "~/.e/e/config/profile.cfg" (profile name should be readable there, or use
"eet -x ~/.e/e/config/profile.cfg config").
"eet -d ~/.e/e/config/standard/e.cfg config" should produce perfectly readable
version of the config to stdout.
Below is how I went about the whole process.
Make a repository to track changes (will help if the process might take more
merge-test iterations than one):
% mkdir e_config_migration
% cd e_config_migration
% git init
Before zero update:
% cp ~/.e/e/config/standard/e.cfg e_pre_zero
% eet -d e_pre_zero config > e_pre_zero.cfg
Start E-release (wipes the config, produces a "default" new one there).
% cp ~/.e/e/config/standard/e.cfg e_zero
% eet -d e_zero config > e_zero.cfg
% git add e_*
% git commit -m "Initial pre/post configurations"
% emacs e_pre_zero.cfg e_zero.cfg
Then copy all the settings that were used in any way to e_zero.cfg.
I copied pretty much all the sections with relevant stuff, checking that the
keys in them are the same - and they were, but I've used 0.17.0alpha8 before
going for release, so if not, I'd just try "filling the blanks", or, failing
that, just using old settings as a "what has to be setup through settings-panel"
To be more specific - "xkb" options/layouts (have 2 of them setup),
shelves/gadgets (didn't have these, and was lazy to click-remove existing ones),
"remembers" (huge section, copied all of it, worked!), all "bindings" (pain to
setup these).
After all these sections, there's a flat list of "value" things, which turned
out to contain quite a lot of hard-to-find-in-menus parameters, so here's what I
- copy that list (~200 lines) from old config to some file - say,
"values.old", then from a new one to e.g. "values.new".
- sort -u values.old > values.old.sorted;
sort -u values.new > values.new.sorted
- diff -uw values.{old,new}.sorted
Should show everything that might need to be changed in the new config with
descriptive names and reveal all the genuinely new parameters.
Just don't touch "config_version" value, so E won't drop the resulting
After all the changes:
% eet -e e_zero config e_zero.cfg 1
% git commit -a -m Merged-1
% cp e_zero ~/.e/e/config/standard/e.cfg
% startx
New config worked for me for all the changes I've made - wasn't sure if I can
copy *that* much from the start, but it turned out that almost no
reconfiguration was necessary.
Caveat is, of course, that you should know what you're doing here, and be ready
to handle issues / rollback, if any, that's why putting all these changes in git
might be quite helpful.
Sep 16, 2012
Right now I was working on python-skydrive module and further integration of MS
SkyDrive into tahoe-lafs as a cloud backend, to keep the stuff you really care
about safe.
And even if you don't trust SkyDrive to keep stuff safe, you still have to
register your app with these guys, especially if it's an open module, because
"You are solely and entirely responsible for all uses of Live Connect occurring
under your Client ID." and it's unlikely that a generic python interface author
will vouch for all it's uses like that.
What do "register app" mean? Agreeing to yet another "Terms of Service", of course!
Do anyone ever reads these?
What the hell "You may only use the Live SDK and Live Connect APIs to create
software." sentence means there?
Did you know that "You are solely and entirely responsible for all uses of
Live Connect occurring under your Client ID." (and that's an app-id, given out
to the app developers, not users)?
How many more of such "interesting" stuff is there?
I hardly care enough to read, but there's an app for
exactly that, and it's relatively well-known by now.
What might be not as well-known, is that there's now a
campaign on IndieGoGo to keep the thing
alive and make it better.
Please consider supporting the movement in any way, even just by spreading the
word, right now, it's really one of the areas where filtering-out of all the
legalese crap and noise is badly needed.
Aug 16, 2012
A friend gave me this thing to play with (and eventually adapt to his purposes).
What's interesting here is that TI seem to give these things out for free.
Seriously, a box with a debug/programmer board and two microcontroller chips
(which are basically your
programmable computer with RAM, non-volatile flash memory, lots of interfaces,
temp sensor, watchdog, etc that can be powered from 2 AA cells), to any part of
the world with FedEx for a beer's worth - $5.
Guess it's time to put a computer into every doorknob indeed.
Aug 09, 2012
Having a bit of free time recently, worked a bit on
feedjack web rss reader / aggregator project.
To keep track of what's already read and what's not, historically I've used
js + client-side localStorage approach, which has quite a few advantages:
- Works with multiple clients, i.e. everyone has it's own state.
- Server doesn't have to store any data for possible-infinite number of
clients, not even session or login data.
- Same pages still can be served to all clients, some will just hide
unwanted content.
- Previous point leads to pages being very cache-friendly.
- No need to "recognize" client in any way, which is commonly acheived
with authentication.
- No interation of "write" kind with the server means much less
potential for abuse (DDoS, spam, other kinds of exploits).
Flip side of that rosy picture is that localStorage only works in one browser
(or possibly several synced instances), which is quite a drag, because one
advantage of a web-based reader is that it can be accessed from anywhere, not
just single platform, where you might as well install specialized app.
To fix that unfortunate limitation, about a year ago I've added ad-hoc storage
mechanism to just dump localStorage contents as json to some persistent
storage on server, authenticated by special "magic" header from a browser.
It was never a public feature, requiring some browser tweaking and being a
server admin, basically.
Recently, however, remoteStorage project from
unhosted group has caught my attention.
Idea itself and the movement's goals are quite ambitious and otherwise
awesome - to return to "decentralized web" idea, using simple already
available mechanisms like webfinger for service discovery (reminds of
Thimbl concept by telekommunisten.net), WebDAV for storage and
OAuth2 for authorization (meaning no special per-service passwords or similar
But the most interesting thing I've found about it is that it should be
actually easier to use than write ad-hoc client syncer and server storage
implementation - just put off-the-shelf remoteStorage.js to the page (it even
includes "syncer" part to sync localStorage to remote server) and depoy or
find any remoteStorage provider and you're all set.
In practice, it works as advertised, but will have quite significant changes
soon (with the release of 0.7.0 js version) and had only ad-hoc
proof-of-concept server implementation in python (though there's also
ownCloud in php and node.js/ruby versions), so I
implementation, being basically a glue between simple WebDAV,
oauth2app and Django Storage API (which
backends for
Using that thing in feedjack now (
here, for example) instead of that hacky
json cache I've had with django-unhosted deployed on my server, allowing to
also use it with all the
apps with support out there.
Looks like a really neat way to provide some persistent storage for any webapp
out there, guess that's one problem solved for any future webapps I might
deploy that will need one.
With JS being able to even load and use binary blobs (like images) that way
now, it becomes possible to write even unhosted facebook, with only events
like status updates still aggregated and broadcasted through some central
I bet there's gotta be something similar, but with facebook, twitter or maybe
github backends, but as proven in many cases, it's not quite sane to rely on
these centralized platforms for any kind of service, which is especially a
pain if implementation there is one-platform-specific, unlike one
remoteStorage protocol for any of them.
Would be really great if they'd support some protocol like that at some point
But aside for short-term "problem solved" thing, it's really nice to see such
movements out there, even though whole stack of market incentives (which
heavily favors
control over data, centralization and monopolies) is against them.
Jun 16, 2012
Update 2015-01-12: There's a follow-up post with a different way to do that,
enabled by "systemd-escape" tool available in more recent systemd versions.
I use a smartcard token which requires long-running (while device is plugged)
handler process to communicate with the chip.
Basically, udev has to start a daemon process when the device get plugged.
Until recently, udev didn't mind doing that via just RUN+="/path/to/binary
...", but in recent merged systemd-udevd versions this behavior was
Starting daemons or other long running processes is not appropriate for
udev; the forked processes, detached or not, will be unconditionally killed
after the event handling has finished.
I think it's for the best - less accumulating cruft and unmanageable pids forked
from udevd, but unfortunately it also breaks existing udev rule-files, the ones
which use RUN+="..." to do just that.
One of the most obvious breakage for me was the smartcard failing, so decided to
fix that. Documentation on the whole migration process is somewhat lacking
(hence this post), even though docs on all the individual pieces are there
(which are actually awesome).
Main doc here is systemd.device(5) for the reference on the udev attributes
which systemd recognizes, and of course udev(7) for a generic syntax
In my case, when device (usb smartcard token) get plugged, ifdhandler process
should be started via openct-control (OpenCT sc middleware), which then creates unix socket
through which openct libraries (used in turn by OpenSC PKCS#11 or PCSClite) can
access the hardware.
So, basically I've had something like this (there are more rules for different
hw, of course, but for the sake of clarity...):
SUBSYSTEM!="usb", GOTO="openct_rules_end"
ACTION!="add", GOTO="openct_rules_end"
PROGRAM="/bin/sleep 0.1"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device",\
ENV{ID_VENDOR_ID}=="0529", ENV{ID_MODEL_ID}=="0600",\
RUN+="/usr/sbin/openct-control attach usb:$env{PRODUCT} usb $env{DEVNAME}"
Instead of RUN here, ENV{SYSTEMD_WANTS} can be used to start a properly-handled
service, but note that some hardware parameters are passed from udev properties
and in general systemd unit can't reference these.
I.e. if just ENV{SYSTEMD_WANTS}="openct-handler.service" (or more generic
smartcard.target) is started, it won't know which device to pass to
"openct-control attach" command.
One way might be storing these parameters in some dir, where they'll be picked
by some path unit, a bit more hacky way would be scanning usb bus in the
handler, and yet another one (which I decided to go along with) is to use
systemd unit-file templating to pass these parameters.
ExecStart=/bin/sh -c "exec openct-control attach %I"
Note that it requires openct.service, which is basically does "openct-control
init" once per boot to setup paths and whatnot:
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/openct-control init
ExecStop=/usr/sbin/openct-control shutdown
Another thing to note is that "sh" used in the handler.
It's intentional, because just %I will be passed by systemd as a single
argument, while it should be three of them after "attach".
Finally, udev rules file for the device:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ACTION="add", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", \
ENV{ID_VENDOR_ID}=="0529", ENV{ID_MODEL_ID}=="0600", \
GROUP="usb", TAG+="systemd", \
(I highly doubt newline escaping in ENV{SYSTEMD_WANTS} above will work
- added them just for readability, so pls strip these in your mind to a single
line without spaces)
Systemd escaping in the rule above is described in systemd.unit(5) and produces
a name - and start a service - like this one:
Which then invokes:
sh -c "exec openct-control attach\
usb:0529/0600/0100 usb /dev/bus/usb/002/003"
And it forks ifdhandler process, which works with smartcard from then on.
ifdhandler seem to be able to detect unplugging events and exits gracefully, but
otherwise BindTo= unit directive can be used to stop the service when udev
detects that device is unplugged.
Note that it might be more obvious to just do RUN+="systemctl start
whatever.service", but it's a worse way to do it, because you don't bind that
service to a device in any way, don't produce the "whatever.device" unit and
there are lot of complications due to systemctl being a tool for the user, not
the API proper.
Feb 28, 2012
When something is wrong and you look at the system, most often you'll see
that... well, it works. There's some cpu, disk, ram usage, some number of
requests per second on different services, some stuff piling up, something in
short supply here and there...
And there's just no way of telling what's wrong without answers to the questions
like "so, what's the usual load average here?", "is the disk always loaded with
requests 80% of time?", "is it much more requests than usual?", etc, otherwise
you might be off to some wild chase just to find out that load has always been
that high, or solve the mystery of some unoptimized code that's been there for
ages, without doing anything about the problem in question.
Historical data is the answer, and having used rrdtool with stuff like (customized) cacti and snmpd (with some my
hacks on top) in the past, I was overjoyed
when I stumbled upon a graphite project at some point.
From then on, I strived to collect as much metrics as possible, to be able to
look at history of anything I want (and lots of values can be a reasonable
symptom for the actual problem), without any kind of limitations.
carbon-cache does magic by batching writes and carbon-aggregator does a great
job at relieving you of having to push aggregate metrics along with a granular
ones or sum all these on graphs.
Initially, I started using it with just collectd (and
still using it), but there's a need for something to convert metric names to a
graphite hierarcy.
After looking over quite a few solutions to collecd-carbon bridge, decided to
use bucky, with a few fixes of my own and quite large translation config.
Bucky can work anywhere, just receiving data from collectd network plugin,
understands collectd types and properly translates counter increments to N/s
rates. It also includes
statsd daemon,
which is brilliant at handling data from non-collector daemons and scripts and
more powerful
metricsd implementation.
Downside is that it's only maintained in forks, has bugs in less-used code
(like metricsd), quite resource-hungry (but can be easily scaled-out) and
there's kinda-official
collectd-carbon plugin now (although I found it
buggy as well, not to mention much less featureful, but hopefully that'll be
addressed in future collectd versions).
Some of the problems I've noticed with such collectd setup:
- Disk I/O metrics are godawful or just doesn't work - collected
metrics of read/write either for processes of device are either
zeroes, have weird values detached from reality (judging by actual
problems and tools like atop and
sysstat provide)
or just useless.
- Lots of metrics for network and memory (vmem, slab) and from various
plugins have naming, inconsistent with linux /proc or documentation
- Some useful metrics that are in, say, sysstat doesn't seem to work
with collectd, like sensor data, nfsv4, some paging and socket
- Some metrics need non-trivial post-processing to be useful - disk
utilization % time is one good example.
- Python plugins leak memory on every returned value. Some plugins
(ping, for example) make collectd segfault several times a day.
- One of the most useful info is the metrics from per-service cgroup
hierarchies, created by
systemd - there
you can compare resource usage of various user-space components,
totally pinpointing exactly what caused the spikes on all the other
graphs at some time.
- Second most useful info by far is produced from logs and while
collectd has a damn powerful tail
plugin, I still
found it to be too limited or just too complicated to use, while
simple log-tailing code does the better job and is actually simpler
due to more powerful language than collectd configuration. Same
problem with table
plugin and /proc.
- There's still a need for lagre post-processing chunk of code and
pushing the values to carbon.
Of course, I wanted to add systemd cgroup metrics, some log values and missing
(and just properly-named) /proc tables data, and initially I wrote a collectd
plugin for that. It worked, leaked memory, occasionally crashed (with
collectd itself), used some custom data types, had to have some metric-name
post-processing code chunk in bucky...
Um, what the hell for, when sending metric value directly takes just "echo
some.metric.name $val $(printf %(%s)T -1) >/dev/tcp/carbon_host/2003"?
So off with collectd for all the custom metrics.
Wrote a simple "while True: collect_and_send() && sleep(till_deadline);" loop in python, along with the cgroup
data collectors (there are even proper "block io" and "syscall io" per-service
values!), log tailer and sysstat data processor (mainly for disk and network
metrics which have batshit-crazy values in collectd plugins).
Another interesting data-collection alternative I've explored recently is
Redundant gmond collectors and aggregators, communicating efficiently over
multicast are nice. It has support for python plugins, and is very easy to
use - pulling data from gmond node network can be done with one telnet or nc
command, and it's fairly comprehensible xml, not some binary protocol. Another
nice feature is that it can re-publish values only on some significant changes
(where you define what "significant" is), thus probably eliminating traffic
for 90% of "still 0" updates.
But as I found out while trying to use it as a collectd replacement
(forwarding data to graphite through amqp via
custom scripts), there's a fatal flaw -
gmond plugins can't handle dynamic number of values, so writing a plugin that
collects metrics from systemd services' cgroups without knowing how many of
these will be started in advance is just impossible.
Also it has no concept for timestamps of values - it only has "current" ones,
making plugins like "sysstat data parser" impossible to implement as well.
collectd, in contrast, has no constraint on how many values plugin returns and
has timestamps, but with limitations on how far backwards they are.
Pity, gmond looked like a nice, solid and resilent thing otherwise.
I still like the idea to pipe graphite metrics through AMQP (like rocksteady does), routing them there not only to
graphite, but also to some proper threshold-monitoring daemon like shinken (basically nagios, but distributed and more powerful), with alerts,
escalations, trending and flapping detection, etc, but most of the existing
all seem to use graphite and whisper directly, which seem kinda wasteful.
Looking forward, I'm actually deciding between replacing collectd completely for
a few most basic metrics it now collects, pulling them from sysstat or just
/proc directly or maybe integrating my collectors back into collectd as plugins,
extending collectd-carbon as needed and using collectd threshold monitoring and
matches/filters to generate and export events to nagios/shinken... somehow first
option seem to be more effort-effective, even in the long run, but then maybe I
should just work more with collectd upstream, not hack around it.
Feb 07, 2012
Having used git excessively for the last few days decided to ditch
fossil scm at last.
Will probably re-import meta stuff (issues, wikis) from there into the main
tree, but still can't find nice-enough tool for that.
Closest thing seem to be
but it's for mercurial, so I'll probably need to port it to git first,
shouldn't be too hard.
Also, I'm torn at this point between the thoughts along the lines "selection of
modern DVCS spoil us" against "damn, why they there is no clear popular +
works-for-everything thing", but it's probably normal, as I have (or had)
similar thoughts about lot of technologies.
Feb 03, 2012
Following another hiatus from a day job, I finally have enough spare time to
read some of the internets and do something about them.
For quite a while I had lots of quite small scripts and projects, which I
kinda documented here (and on the site pages before that).
I always kept them in some kind of scm - be it system-wide repo for
configuration files, ~/.cFG repo for DE and misc user configuration and ~/bin
scripts, or ~/hatch repo I keep for misc stuff, but as their number grows, as
well as the size and complexity, I think maybe some of this stuff deserves
some kind of repo, maybe attention, and best-case scenario, will even be
useful to someone but me.
So I thought to gradually push all this stuff out to github and/or bitbucket
(still need to learn or at least look at hg for that!). github being the most
obvious and easiest choice, just created a few repos there and started the
migration. More to come.
Still don't really trust a silo like github to keep anything reliably (besides
it lags like hell here, especially compared to local servers I'm kinda used
to), so need to devise some mirroring scheme asap.
Initial idea is to take some flexible tool (hg seem to be ideal, being python
and scm proper) and build a hooks into local repos to push stuff out to
mirrors from there, ideally both bitbucket and github, also exploiting their
metadata APIs to fetch stuff like tickets/issues and commit history of these
into separate repo branch as well.
Effort should be somewhat justified by the fact that such repos will be
geo-distributed backups, shareable links and I can learn more SCM internals by
the way.
For now - me on github.
Nov 12, 2011
Should've done it a long time ago, actually. I was totally sure it'd be much
harder task, but then recently I've had some spare time and decided to do
something about this binary crap, and looking for possible solutions stumbled
upon apparmor.
A while ago I've used
SELinux (which was the
reason why I thought it'd have to be hard) and kinda considered LSM-based
security as kind of heavy-handed no-nonsense shit you chose NOT to deal with
if you have such choice, but apparmor totally proved this to be a silly
misconception, which I'm insanely happy about.
With apparmor, it's just one file with a set of permissions, which can be
loaded/enforced/removed at runtime, no xattrs (and associated maintenance
burden) or huge and complicated policies like SELinux has.
For good whole-system security SELinux still seem to be a better approach, but
not for confining a few crappy apps on a otherwise general system.
On top of that, it's also trivially easy to install on a general system - only
kernel LSM and one userspace package needed.
Case in point - skype apparmor profile, which doesn't allow it to access
anything but ~/.Skype, /opt/skype and a few other system-wide things:
#include <tunables/global>
/usr/bin/skype {
#include <abstractions/base>
#include <abstractions/user-tmp>
#include <abstractions/pulse>
#include <abstractions/nameservice>
#include <abstractions/ssl_certs>
#include <abstractions/fonts>
#include <abstractions/X>
#include <abstractions/freedesktop.org>
#include <abstractions/kde>
#include <abstractions/site/base>
#include <abstractions/site/de>
/usr/bin/skype mr,
/opt/skype/skype pix,
/opt/skype/** mr,
/usr/share/fonts/X11/** m,
@{PROC}/*/net/arp r,
@{PROC}/sys/kernel/ostype r,
@{PROC}/sys/kernel/osrelease r,
/dev/ r,
/dev/tty rw,
/dev/pts/* rw,
/dev/video* mrw,
@{HOME}/.Skype/ rw,
@{HOME}/.Skype/** krw,
deny @{HOME}/.mozilla/ r, # no idea what it tries to get there
deny @{PROC}/[0-9]*/fd/ r,
deny @{PROC}/[0-9]*/task/ r,
deny @{PROC}/[0-9]*/task/** r,
"deny" lines here are just to supress audit warnings about this paths,
everything is denied by default, unless explicitly allowed.
Compared to "default" linux DAC-only "as user" confinement, where it has access
to all your documents, activities, smartcard, gpg keys and processes, ssh keys
and sessions, etc - it's a huge improvement.
Even more useful confinement is firefox and it's plugin-container process
(which can - and does, in my configuration - have separate profile), where
known-to-be-extremely-exploitable adobe flash player runs.
Before apparmor, I mostly relied on FlashBlock extension to keep Flash in
check somehow, but at some point I noted that plugin-container with
libflashplayer.so seem to be running regardless of FlashBlock and whether
flash is displayed on pages or not. I don't know if it's just a warm-start,
check-run or something, but still looks like a possible hole.
I'm actually quite surprised that I failed to find functional profiles for
common apps like firefox and pulseaudio on the internets, aside from some blog
posts like this one.
In theory, Ubuntu and SUSE should have these, since apparmor is developed and
deployed there by default (afaik), so maybe google just haven't picked these
files up in the package manifests, and all I needed was to go over them by
hand. Not sure if it was much faster or more productive than writing them
myself though.