Oct 18, 2022

Revisiting POSIX ACLs and Capabilities in python some 15 years later

A while ago as I've discovered for myself using xattrs, ACLs and capabilities for various system tasks, and have been using those in python2-based tools via C wrappers for libacl and libcap (in old mk-fg/fgc repo) pretty much everywhere since then.

Tools worked without any issues for many years now, but as these are one of the last scripts left still in python2, time has come to update those, and revisit how to best access same things in python3.

Somewhat surprisingly, despite being supported on linux since forever, and imo very useful, support for neither ACLs nor capabilities haven't made it into python 3.10's stdlib, but there is now at least built-in support for reading/writing extended attributes (without ctypes, that is), and both of these are simple structs stored in them.

So, disregarding any really old legacy formats, parsing ACL from a file in a modern python can be packed into something like this:

import os, io, enum, struct, pwd, grp

class ACLTag(enum.IntEnum):
  uo = 0x01; u = 0x02; go = 0x04; g = 0x08
  mask = 0x10; other = 0x20
  str = property(lambda s: s._name_)

class ACLPerm(enum.IntFlag):
  r = 4; w = 2; x = 1
  str = property(lambda s: ''.join(
    (v._name_ if v in s else '-') for v in s.__class__ ))

def parse_acl(acl, prefix=''):
  acl, lines = io.BytesIO(acl), list()
  if (v := acl.read(4)) != b'\2\0\0\0':
    raise ValueError(f'ACL version mismatch [ {v} ]')
  while True:
    if not (entry := acl.read(8)): break
    elif len(entry) != 8: raise ValueError('ACL length mismatch')
    tag, perm, n = struct.unpack('HHI', entry)
    tag, perm = ACLTag(tag), ACLPerm(perm)
    match tag:
      case ACLTag.uo | ACLTag.go:
      case ACLTag.u | ACLTag.g:
          name = ( pwd.getpwuid(n).pw_name
            if tag is tag.u else grp.getgrgid(n).gr_name )
        except KeyError: name = str(n)
      case ACLTag.other: lines.append(f'o::{perm.str}')
      case ACLTag.mask: lines.append(f'm::{perm.str}')
      case _: raise ValueError(tag)
  lines.sort(key=lambda s: ('ugmo'.index(s[0]), s))
  return '\n'.join(f'{prefix}{s}' for s in lines)

p = 'myfile.bin'
xattrs = dict((k, os.getxattr(p, k)) for k in os.listxattr(p))
if acl := xattrs.get('system.posix_acl_access'):
  print('Access ACLs:\n' + parse_acl(acl, '  '))
if acl := xattrs.pop('system.posix_acl_default', ''):
  print('Default ACLs:\n' + parse_acl(acl, '  d:'))

Where it's just a bunch of 8B entries with uids/gids and permission bits in them, and capabilities are even simpler, except for ever-growing enum of them:

import os, io, enum, struct, dataclasses as dcs

CapSet = enum.IntFlag('CapSet', dict((cap, 1 << n) for n, cap in enumerate((
  ' chown dac_override dac_read_search fowner fsetid kill setgid setuid setpcap'
  ' linux_immutable net_bind_service net_broadcast net_admin net_raw ipc_lock'
  ' ipc_owner sys_module sys_rawio sys_chroot sys_ptrace sys_pacct sys_admin'
  ' sys_boot sys_nice sys_resource sys_time sys_tty_config mknod lease'
  ' audit_write audit_control setfcap mac_override mac_admin syslog wake_alarm'
  ' block_suspend audit_read perfmon bpf checkpoint_restore' ).split())))

class Caps: effective:bool; permitted:CapSet; inheritable:CapSet

def parse_caps(cap):
  cap = io.BytesIO(cap)
  ver, eff = ((v := struct.unpack('I', cap.read(4))[0]) >> 3*8) & 0xff, v & 1
  if ver not in [2, 3]: raise ValueError(f'Unsupported capability v{ver}')
  perm1, inh1, perm2, inh2 = struct.unpack('IIII', cap.read(16))
  if (n := len(cap.read())) != (n_tail := {2:0, 3:4}[ver]):
    raise ValueError(f'Cap length mismatch [ {n} != {n_tail} ]')
  perm_bits, inh_bits = perm2 << 32 | perm1, inh2 << 32 | inh1
  perm, inh = CapSet(0), CapSet(0)
  for c in CapSet:
    if perm_bits & c.value: perm |= c; perm_bits -= c.value
    if inh_bits & c.value: inh |= c; inh_bits -= c.value
  if perm_bits or inh_bits:
    raise ValueError(f'Unrecognized cap-bits: P={perm_bits:x} I={inh_bits:x}')
  return Caps(eff, perm, inh)

p = 'myfile.bin'
try: print(parse_caps(os.getxattr(p, 'security.capability')))
except OSError: pass

Bit weird that wrappers along these lines can't be found in today's python 3.10, but maybe most people sadly still stick to suid and more crude hacks where more complex access permissions are needed.

One interesting thing I found here is how silly my old py2 stracl.c and strcaps.c look in comparison - it's screenfuls of lines of more complicated C code, tied into python's c-api, and have to be compiled wherever these tools are used, with an extra python wrappers on top - all for parsing a couple of trivial structs, which under linux ABI compatibility promises, can be relied upon to be stable enough anyway.

Somehow it's been the obvious solution back then, to have compiler check all headers and link these libs as compatibility wrappers, but I'd never bother these days - it'll be either ctypes wrapper, or parsing simple stuff in python, to avoid having extra jank and hassle of dependencies where possible.

Makes me wonder if that's also the dynamic behind relatively new js/rust devs dragging in a bunch of crap (like the infamous left-pad) into their apps, still thinking that it'd make life simpler or due to some "good practice" dogmas.