May 30, 2022

LESSOUTPUT filter workaround for broken unicode en-dash characters in manpages

Using man <something> in the terminal as usual, I've been noticing more and more manpages being broken by tools that produce them over the years in this one specific way - long command-line options with double-dash are being mangled into having unicode en-dash "–" prefix instead of "--".

Most recent example that irked me was yt-dlp(1) manpage, which looks like this atm (excerpt as of 2022-05-30):

-h, –help
  Print this help text and exit
  Print program version and exit
-i, –ignore-errors
  Ignore download and postprocessing errors. The download
  will be considered successful even if the postprocessing fails
  Continue with next video on download errors;
  e.g. to skip unavailable videos in a playlist (default)
  Abort downloading of further videos if an error occurs
  (Alias: –no-ignore-errors)

Update 2023-09-10: current feh(1) manpage has another issue - unicode hyphens instead of the usual ascii hyphen/minus signs (which look similar, but aren't the same thing - even more evil!):

       ‐A, ‐‐action [flag][[title]]action

If you habitually copy-paste any of the long opts there into a script (or yt-dlp config, as it happens), to avoid retyping these things, it won't work, because e.g –help cli option should of course actually be --help, i.e. have two ascii hyphens and not any kind of unicode dash characters.

From a brief look, this seem to happen because of conversion from markdown and probably not enough folks complaining about it, which is a pattern that I too chose to follow, and make a workaround instead of reporting a proper bug :)

(tbf, youtube-dl forks have like 1000s of these in tracker, and I'd rather not add to that, unless I have a patch for some .md tooling it uses, which I'm too lazy to look into)

"man" command (from man-db on linux) uses a pager tool to display its stuff in a terminal cli (controlled by PAGER= or MANPAGER= env vars), which is typically set to use less tool on desktop linuxes (with the exception of minimal distros like Alpine, where it comes from busybox).

"less" somewhat-infamously supports filtering of its output (which is occasionally abused in infosec contexts to make a file that installs rootkit if you run "less" on it), which can be used here for selective filtering and fixes when manpage is being displayed through it.

Relevant variable to set in ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc env for running a filter-script is:

LESSOPEN='|-man-less-filter %s'

With |- magic before man-less-filter %s command template indicating that command should be also used for pipes and when less is displaying stdin.

"man-less-filter" helper script should be in PATH, and can look something like this to fix issues in yt-dlp manpage excerpt above:

## Script to fix/replace bogus en-dash unicode chars in broken manpages
## Intended to be used with LESSOPEN='|-man-less-filter %s'

[ -n "$MAN_PN" ] || exit 0 # no output = use original input

# \x08 is backspace-overprint syntax that "man" uses for bold chars
# Bold chars are used in option-headers, while opts in text aren't bold
  `' s/\([ [:punct:]]\)–\([a-z0-9]\)/\1--\2/'
[ "$1" != - ] || exec sed "$seds"
exec sed "$seds" "$1"

It looks really funky for a reason - simply using s/–/--/ doesn't work, as manpages use old typewriter/teletype backspace-overtype convention for highlighting options in manpages.

So, for example, -h, –help line in manpage above is actually this sequence of utf-8 - -\x08-h\x08h,\x08, –\x08–h\x08he\x08el\x08lp\x08p\n - with en-dash still in there, but \x08 backspaces being used to erase and retype each character twice, which makes "less" display them in bold font in the terminal (using its own different set of code-bytes for that from ncurses/terminfo).

Simply replacing all dashes with double-hyphens will break that overtyping convention, as each backspace erases a single char before it, and double-dash is two of those.

Which is why the idea in the script above is to "exec sed" with two substitution regexps, first one replacing all overtyped en-dash chars with correctly-overtyped hyphens, and second one replacing all remaining dashes in the rest of the text which look like options (i.e. immediately followed by letter/number instead of space), like "Alias: –no-ignore-errors" in manpage example above, where text isn't in bold.

MAN_PN env-var check is to skip all non-manpage files, where "less" understands empty script output as "use original text without filtering". /bin/dash can be used instead of /bin/sh on some distros (e.g. Arch, where sh is usually symlinked to bash) to speed up this tiny script startup/runs.

Not sure whether "sed" might have to be a GNU sed to work with unicode char like that, but any other implementation can probably use \xe2\x80\x93 escape-soup instead of in regexps, which will sadly make them even less readable than usual.

Such manpage bugs should almost certainly be reported to projects/distros and fixed, instead of using this hack, but thought to post it here anyway, since google didn't help me find an exising workaround, and fixing stuff properly is more work.

Update 2023-09-10: Current man(1) from man-db has yet another issue to work around - it sanitizes environment before running "less", dropping LESSOPEN from there entirely.

Unfortunately, at least current "less" doesn't seem to support config file, to avoid relying entirely on apps passing env-vars around (maybe for a good reason, given how they like to tinker with its configuration), so easy fix is a tiny less.c wrapper for it:

#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  if (getenv("MAN_PN")) setenv("LESSOPEN", "|-man-less-filter %s", 1);
  execv("/usr/bin/less", argv); return 1; }

gcc -O2 less.c -o less && strip less, copy it to ~/bin or such, and make sure env uses PAGER=less or a wrapper path, instead of original /usr/bin/less.