Feb 06, 2017

nftables dnat from loopback to somewhere else

Honestly didn't think NAT'ing traffic from "lo" interface was even possible, because traffic to host's own IP doesn't go through *ROUTING chains with iptables, and never used "-j DNAT" with OUTPUT, which apparently works there as well.

And then also, according to e.g. Netfilter-packet-flow.svg, unlike with nat-prerouting, nat-output goes after routing decision was made, so no point mangling IPs there, right?

Wrong, totally possible to redirect "OUT=lo" stuff to go out of e.g. "eth0" with the usual dnat/snat, with something like this:

table ip nat {
  chain in { type nat hook input priority -160; }
  chain out { type nat hook output priority -160; }
  chain pre { type nat hook prerouting priority -90; }
  chain post { type nat hook postrouting priority 110; }

add rule ip nat out oifname lo \
  ip saddr $own-ip ip daddr $own-ip \
  tcp dport {80, 443} dnat $somehost
add rule ip nat post oifname eth0 \
  ip saddr $own-ip ip daddr $somehost \
  tcp dport {80, 443} masquerade

Note the bizarre oifname lo ip saddr $own-ip ip daddr $own-ip thing.

One weird quirk - if "in" (arbitrary name, nat+input hook is the important bit) chain isn't defined, dnat will only work one-way, not rewriting IPs in response packets.

One explaination wrt routing decision here might be arbitrary priorities that nftables allows to set for hooks (and -160 is before iptables mangle stuff).

So, from-loopback-and-back forwarding, huh.
To think of all the redundant socats and haproxies I've seen and used for this purpose earlier...