Automated git release tags
For projects tracked in some package repositories, apparently it's worth tagging releases in git repos (as in git tag 24.12.1 HEAD && git push --tags), for distro packagers/maintainers to check/link/use/compare new release from git, which seems easy enough to automate if pkg versions are stored in a repo file already.
One modern way of doing that in larger projects can be CI/CD pipelines, but they imply a lot more than just release tagging, so for some tiny python module like pyaml, don't see a reason to bother with them atm, and I know how git hooks work.
For release to be pushed to a repository like PyPI in the first place, project repo almost certainly has a version stored in a file somewhere, e.g. pyproject.toml for PyPI:
name = "pyaml"
version = "24.12.1"
Updates to this version string can be automated on their own (I use simple git-version-bump-filter script for that in some projects), or done manually when pushing a new release to package repo, and git tags can easily follow that.
E.g. when pyproject.toml changes in git commit, and that change includes version= line - that's a commit that should have that updated version tag on it.
Best place to add/update that tag in git after commit is post-commit hook:
set -eo pipefail
die() {
echo >&2 $'\ngit-post-commit :: ----------------------------------------'
echo >&2 "git-post-commit :: ERROR: $@"
echo >&2 $'git-post-commit :: ----------------------------------------\n'; exit 1; }
ver=$( git show --no-color --diff-filter=M -aU0 pyproject.toml |
gawk '/^\+version\s*=/ {
print v[1]+0 "." v[2]+0 "." v[3]+0}' )
[[ "$ver" =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ ]] || {
ver=$( gawk '/^version\s*=/ {
print v[1]+0 "." v[2]+0 "." v[3]+0}' pyproject.toml )
[[ "$ver" =~ ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$ ]] || \
die 'Failed to get version from git-show and pyproject.toml file'
ver_tag=$(git tag --sort=v:refname | tail -1)
[[ -n "$ver" && "$ver" = "$ver_tag" ]] || die 'No new release to tag,'`
`" and last git-tag [ $ver_tag ] does not match pyproject.toml version [ $ver ]"
echo $'\ngit-post-commit :: no new tag, last one matches pyproject.toml\n'; exit 0; }
git tag -f "$ver" HEAD # can be reassigning tag after --amend
echo -e "\ngit-post-commit :: tagged new release [ $ver ]\n"
git-show there picks version update line from just-created commit, which is then checked against existing tag and assigned or updated as necessary.
"Updated" part tends to be important too, as at least for me it's common to remember something that needs to be fixed/updated only when writing commit msg or even after git-push, so git commit --amend is common, and should update that same tag to a new commit hash.
Messages printed in this hook are nicely prepended to git's usual commit info output in the terminal, so that you remember when/where this stuff is happening, and any potential errors are fairly obvious.
Having tags assigned is not enough to actually have those on github/gitlab/codeberg and such, as git doesn't push those automatically.
There's --follow-tags option to push "annotated" tags only, but I don't see any reason why trivial version tags should have a message attached to them, so of course there's another way too - pre-push hook:
set -e
# Push tags on any pushes to "master" branch, with stdout logging
# Re-assigns tags, but does not delete them, use "git push --delete remote tag" for that
push_remote=$1 push_url=$2
master_push= master_oid=$(git rev-parse master)
while read local_ref local_oid remote_ref remote_oid
do [ "$local_oid" != "$master_oid" ] || master_push=t; done
[ -n "$master_push" ] || exit 0
prefix=$(printf 'git-pre-push [ %s %s ] ::' "$push_remote" "$push_url")
printf '\n%s --- tags-push ---\n' "$prefix"
git push --no-verify --tags -f "$push_url" # specific URL in case remote has multiple of those
printf '%s --- tags-push success ---\n\n' "$prefix"
It has an extra check for whether it's a push for a master branch, where release tags presumably are, and auto-runs git push --tags -f to the same URL.
Again -f here is to be able to follow any tag reassignments after --amend's, although it doesn't delete tags that were removed locally, but don't think that should happen often enough to bother (if ever).
pre-push position of the hook should abort the push if there're any issues pushing tags, and pushing to specific URLs allows to use multiple repo URLs in e.g. default "origin" remote (used with no-args git push), like in github + codeberg + self-hosted URL-combo that I typically use for redundancy and to avoid depending on silly policies of "free" third-party services (which is also why maintaining service-specific CI/CD stuff on those seems like a wasted effort).
With both hooks in place (under .git/hooks/), there should be no manual work involved in managing/maintaining git tags anymore, to forget that they exist again for all practical purposes.
Made both hooks for pyaml project repo (apparently packaged in some distro), where maybe more recent versions of those can be found:
Don't think git or sh/bash/gawk used in those ever change to bother updating them, but maybe there'll be some new corner-case or useful git workflow to handle, which I haven't bumped into yet.