Oct 22, 2015

Arch Linux chroot and sshd from boot on rooted Android with SuperSU

Got myself Android device only recently, and first thing I wanted to do, of course, was to ssh into it.

But quick look at the current F-Droid and Play apps shows that they either based on a quite limited dropbear (though perfectly fine for one-off shell access) or "based on openssh code", where infamous Debian OpenSSL code patch comes to mind, not to mention that most look like ad-ridden proprietary piece of crap.

Plus I'd want a proper package manager, shell (zsh), tools and other stuff in there, not just some baseline bash and busybox, and chroot with regular linux distro is a way to get all that plus standard OpenSSH daemon.

Under the hood, modern Android (5.11 in my case, with CM 12) phone is not much more than Java VM running on top of SELinux-enabled (which I opted to keep for Android stuff) Linux kernel, on top of some multi-core ARMv7 CPU (quadcore in my case, rather identical to one in RPi2).

Steps I took to have sshd running on boot with such device:

  • Flush stock firmware (usually loaded with adware and crapware) and install some pre-rooted firmware image from xda-developers.com or 4pda.ru.

    My phone is a second-hand Samsung Galaxy S3 Neo Duos (GT-I9300I), and I picked resurrection remix CM-based ROM for it, built for this phone from t3123799, with Open GApps arm 5.1 Pico (minimal set of google stuff).

    That ROM (like most of them, it appears) comes with bash, busybox and - most importantly - SuperSU, which runs its unrestricted init, and is crucial to getting chroot-script to start on boot. All three of these are needed.

    Under Windows, there's Odin suite for flashing zip with all the goodies to USB-connected phone booted into "download mode".

    On Linux, there's Heimdall (don't forget to install adb with that, e.g. via pacman -S android-tools android-udev on Arch), which can dd img files for diff phone partitions, but doesn't seem to support "one zip with everything" format that most firmwares come in.

    Instead of figuring out which stuff from zip to upload where with Heimdall, I'd suggest grabbing a must-have TWRP recovery.img (small os that boots in "recovery mode", grabbed one for my phone from t2906840), flashing it with e.g. heimdall flash --RECOVERY recovery.twrp- and then booting into it to install whatever main OS and apps from zip's on microSD card.

    TWRP (or similar CWM one) is really useful for a lot of OS-management stuff like app-packs installation (e.g. Open GApps) or removal, updates, backups, etc, so I'd definitely suggest installing one of these as recovery.img as the first thing on any Android device.

  • Get or make ARM chroot tarball.

    I did this by bootstrapping a stripped-down ARMv7 Arch Linux ARM chroot on a Raspberry Pi 2 that I have around:

    # pacman -Sg base
     ### Look through the list of packages,
     ###  drop all the stuff that won't ever be useful in chroot on the phone,
     ###  e.g. pciutils, usbutils, mdadm, lvm2, reiserfsprogs, xfsprogs, jfsutils, etc
     ### pacstrap chroot with whatever is left
    # mkdir droid-chroot
    # pacstrap -i -d droid-chroot bash bzip2 coreutils diffutils file filesystem \
        findutils gawk gcc-libs gettext glibc grep gzip iproute2 iputils less \
        licenses logrotate man-db man-pages nano pacman perl procps-ng psmisc \
        sed shadow sysfsutils tar texinfo util-linux which
     ### Install whatever was forgotten in pacstrap
    # pacman -r droid-chroot -S --needed atop busybox colordiff dash fping git \
        ipset iptables lz4 openssh patch pv rsync screen xz zsh fcron \
        python2 python2-pip python2-setuptools python2-virtualenv
     ### Make a tar.gz out of it all
    # rm -f droid-chroot/var/cache/pacman/pkg/*
    # tar -czf droid-chroot.tar.gz droid-chroot

    Same can be obviously done with debootstrap or whatever other distro-of-choice bootstrapping tool, but likely has to be done on a compatible architecture - something that can run ARMv7 binaries, like RPi2 in my case (though VM should do too) - to run whatever package hooks upon installs.

    Easier way (that won't require having spare ARM box or vm) would be to take pre-made image for any ARMv7 platform, from http://os.archlinuxarm.org/os/ list or such, but unless there's something very generic (which e.g. "ArchLinuxARM-armv7-latest.tar.gz" seem to be), there's likely be some platform-specific cruft like kernel, modules, firmware blobs, SoC-specific tools and such... nothing that can't be removed at any later point with package manager or simple "rm", of course.

    While architecture in my case is ARMv7, which is quite common nowadays (2015), other devices can have Intel SoCs with x86 or newer 64-bit ARMv8 CPUs. For x86, bootstrapping can obviously be done on pretty much any desktop/laptop machine, if needed.

  • Get root shell on device and unpack chroot tarball there.

    adb shell (pacman -S android-tools android-udev or other distro equivalent, if missing) should get "system" shell on a USB-connected phone.

    (btw, "adb" access have to be enabled on the phone via some common "tap 7 times on OS version in Settings-About then go to Developer-options" dance, if not already)

    With SuperSU (or similar "su" package) installed, next step would be running "su" there to get unrestricted root, which should work.

    /system and /data should be on ext4 (check mount | grep ext4 for proper list), f2fs or such "proper" filesystem, which is important to have for all the unix permission bits and uid/gid info which e.g. FAT can't handle (loopback img with ext4 can be created in that case, but shouldn't be necessary in case of internal flash storage, which should have proper fs'es already).

    /system is a bad place for anything custom, as it will be completely flushed on most main-OS changes (when updating ROM from zip with TWRP, for instance), and is mounted with "ro" on boot anyway.

    Any subdir in /data seem to work fine, though one obvious pre-existing place - /data/local - is probably a bad idea, as it is used by some Android dev tools already.

    With busybox and proper bash on the phone, unpacking tarball from e.g. microSD card should be easy:

    # mkdir -m700 /data/chroots
    # cd /data/chroots
    # tar -xpf /mnt/sdcard/droid-chroot.tar.gz

    It should already work, too, so...

    # cd droid-chroot
    # mount -o bind /dev dev \
        && mount -o bind /dev/pts dev/pts \
        && mount -t proc proc proc \
        && mount -t sysfs sysfs sys
    # env -i TERM=$TERM SHELL=/bin/zsh HOME=/root $(which chroot) . /bin/zsh

    ...should produce a proper shell in a proper OS, yay! \o/

    Furthermore, to be able to connect there directly, without adb or USB cable, env -i $(which chroot) . /bin/sshd should work too.

    For sshd in particular, one useful thing to do here is:

    # $(which chroot) . /bin/ssh-keygen -A

    ...to populate /etc/ssh with keys, which are required to start sshd.

  • Setup init script to run sshd or whatever init-stuff from that chroot on boot.

    Main trick here is to run it with unrestricted SELinux context (unless SELinux is disabled entirely, I guess).

    This makes /system/etc/init.d using "sysinit_exec" and /data/local/userinit.sh with "userinit_exec" unsuitable for the task, only something like "init" ("u:r:init:s0") will work.

    SELinux on Android is documented in Android docs, and everything about SELinux in general applies there, of course, but some su-related roles like above "userinit_exec" actually come with CyanogenMod or whatever similar hacks on top of the base Android OS.

    Most relevant info on this stuff comes with SuperSU though (or rather libsuperuser) - http://su.chainfire.eu/

    That doc has info on how to patch policies, to e.g. transition to unrestricted role for chroot init, setup sub-roles for stuff in there (to also use SELinux in a chroot), which contexts are used where, and - most useful in this case - which custom "init" dirs are used at which stages of the boot process.

    Among other useful stuff, it specifies/describes /system/su.d init-dir, from which SuperSU runs scripts/binaries with unrestricted "init" context, and very early in the process too, hence it is most suitable for starting chroot from.

    So, again, from root (after "su") shell:

    # mount -o remount,rw /system
    # mkdir -m700 /system/su.d
    # cat >/system/su.d/chroots.sh <<EOF
    exec /data/local/chroots.bash
    # chmod 700 /system/su.d/chroots.sh
    # cat >/data/local/chroots.bash <<EOF
    export PATH=/sbin:/vendor/bin:/system/sbin:/system/bin:/system/xbin
    [[ $(du -m "$log" | awk '{print $1}') -gt 20 ]] && mv "$log"{,.old}
    exec >>"$log" 2>&1
    echo " --- Started $(TZ=UTC date) --- "
    log -p i -t chroots "Starting chroot: droid-chroot"
    /data/chroots/droid-chroot.sh &
    log -p i -t chroots "Finished chroots init"
    echo " --- Finished $(TZ=UTC date) --- "
    # chmod 700 /data/local/chroots.bash
    # cd /data/chroots
    # mkdir -p droid-chroot/mnt/storage
    # ln -s droid-chroot/init.sh droid-chroot.sh
    # cat >droid-chroot/init.sh <<EOF
    set -e -o pipefail
    usage() {
      bin=$(basename $0)
      echo >&2 "Usage: $bin [ stop | chroot ]"
      exit ${1:-0}
    [[ "$#" -gt 1 || "$1" = -h || "$1" = --help ]] && usage
    cd /data/chroots/droid-chroot
    sshd_pid=$(cat run/sshd.pid 2>/dev/null ||:)
    mountpoint -q dev || mount -o bind /dev dev
    mountpoint -q dev/pts || mount -o bind /dev/pts dev/pts
    mountpoint -q proc || mount -t proc proc proc
    mountpoint -q sys || mount -t sysfs sysfs sys
    mountpoint -q tmp || mount -o nosuid,nodev,size=20%,mode=1777 -t tmpfs tmpfs tmp
    mountpoint -q run || mount -o nosuid,nodev,size=20% -t tmpfs tmpfs run
    mountpoint -q mnt/storage || mount -o bind /data/media/0 mnt/storage
    case "$1" in
        [[ -z "$sshd_pid" ]] || kill "$sshd_pid"
        exit 0 ;;
        exec env -i\
          TERM="$TERM" SHELL=/bin/zsh HOME=/root\
          /system/xbin/chroot . /bin/zsh ;;
      *) [[ -z "$1" ]] || usage 1 ;;
    [[ -n "$sshd_pid" ]]\
      && kill -0 "$sshd_pid" 2>/dev/null\
      || exec env -i /system/xbin/chroot . /bin/sshd
    # chmod 700 droid-chroot/init.sh

    To unpack all that wall-of-shell a bit:

    • Very simple /system/su.d/chroots.sh is created, so that it can easily be replaced if/when /system gets flushed by some update, and also so that it won't need to be edited (needing rw remount) ever.

    • /data/local/chroots.bash is an actual init script for whatever chroots, with Android logging stuff (accessible via e.g. adb logcat, useful to check if script was ever started) and simpler more reliable (and rotated) log in /data/local/chroots.log.

    • /data/chroots/droid-chroot.sh is a symlink to init script in /data/chroots/droid-chroot/init.sh, so that this script can be easily edited from inside of the chroot itself.

    • /data/chroots/droid-chroot/init.sh is the script that mounts all the stuff needed for the chroot and starts sshd there.

      Can also be run from adb root shell to do the same thing, with "stop" arg to kill that sshd, or with "chroot" arg to do all the mounts and chroot into the thing from whatever current sh.

      Basically everything to with that chroot from now on can/should be done through that script.

    "cat" commands can obviously be replaced with "nano" and copy-paste there, or copying same (or similar) scripts from card or whatever other paths (to avoid pasting them into shell, which might be less convenient than Ctrl+S in $EDITOR).

  • Reboot, test sshd, should work.

Anything other than sshd can also be added to that init script, to make some full-featured dns + web + mail + torrents server setup start in chroot.

With more than a few daemons, it'd probably be a good idea to start just one "daemon babysitter" app from there, such as runit, daemontools or whatever. Maybe even systemd will work, though unlikely, given how it needs udev, lots of kernel features and apis initialized in its own way, and such.

Obvious caveat for running a full-fledged linux separately from main OS is that it should probably be managed through local webui's or from some local terminal app, and won't care much about power management and playing nice with Android stuff.

Android shouldn't play nice with such parasite OS either, cutting network or suspending device when it feels convenient, without any regard for conventional apps running there, though can be easily configured not to.

As I'm unlikely to want this device as a phone ever (who needs these, anyway?), turning it into something more like wireless RPi2 with a connected management terminal (represented by Android userspace) sounds like the only good use for it so far.

Update 2016-05-16: Added note on ssh-keygen and rm for pacman package cache after pacstrap.