Mar 28, 2015

Bluetooth PAN Network Setup with BlueZ 5.X

It probably won't be a surprise to anyone that Bluetooth has profiles to carry regular network traffic, and BlueZ has support for these since forever, but setup process has changed quite a bit between 2.X - 4.X - 5.X BlueZ versions, so here's my summary of it with 5.29 (latest from fives atm).

First step is to get BlueZ itself, and make sure it's 5.X (at least for the purposes of this post), as some enerprisey distros probably still have 4.X if not earlier series, which, again, have different tools and interfaces.
Should be easy enough to do with bluetoothctl --version, and if BlueZ doesn't have "bluetoothctl", it's definitely some earlier one.

Hardware in my case was two linux machines with similar USB dongles, one of them was RPi (wanted to setup wireless link for that), but that shouldn't really matter.

Aforementioned bluetoothctl allows to easily pair both dongles from cli interactively (and with nice colors!), that's what should be done first and serves as an authentication, as far as I can tell.

--- machine-1
% bluetoothctl
[NEW] Controller 00:02:72:XX:XX:XX malediction [default]
[bluetooth]# power on
Changing power on succeeded
[CHG] Controller 00:02:72:XX:XX:XX Powered: yes
[bluetooth]# discoverable on
Changing discoverable on succeeded
[CHG] Controller 00:02:72:XX:XX:XX Discoverable: yes
[bluetooth]# agent on

--- machine-2 (snipped)
% bluetoothctl
[NEW] Controller 00:02:72:YY:YY:YY rpbox [default]
[bluetooth]# power on
[bluetooth]# scan on
[bluetooth]# agent on
[bluetooth]# pair 00:02:72:XX:XX:XX
[bluetooth]# trust 00:02:72:XX:XX:XX

Not sure if the "trust" bit is really necessary, and what it does - probably allows to setup agent-less connections or something.

As I needed to connect small ARM board to what amounts to an access point, "NAP" was the BT-PAN mode of choice for me, but there are also "ad-hoc" modes in BT like PANU and GN, which seem to only need a different topology (who connects to who) and pass different UUID parameter to BlueZ over dbus.

For setting up a PAN network with BlueZ 5.X, essentially just two dbus calls are needed (described in "doc/network-api.txt"), and basic cli tools to do these are bundled in "test/" dir with BlueZ sources.

Given that these aren't very suited for day-to-day use (hence the "test" dir) and are fairly trivial, did rewrite them as a single script, more suited for my purposes - bt-pan.

Update 2015-12-10: There's also "bneptest" tool, which comes as a part of e.g. "bluez-utils" package on Arch, which seem to do same thing with its "-s" and "-c" options, just haven't found it at the time (or maybe it's a more recent addition).

General idea is that one side (access point in NAP topology) sets up a bridge and calls "org.bluez.NetworkServer1.Register()", while the other ("client") does "org.bluez.Network1.Connect()".

On the server side (which also applies to GN mode, I think), bluetoothd expects a bridge interface to be setup and configured, to which it adds individual "bnepX" interfaces created for each client by itself.

Such bridge gets created with "brctl" (from bridge-utils), and should be assigned the server IP and such, then server itself can be started, passing name of that bridge to BlueZ over dbus in "org.bluez.NetworkServer1.Register()" call:



[[ -n "$(brctl show $br 2>&1 1>/dev/null)" ]] && {
  brctl addbr $br
  brctl setfd $br 0
  brctl stp $br off
  ip addr add dev $br
  ip link set $br up

exec bt-pan --debug server $br

(as mentioned above, bt-pan script is from fgtk github repo)

Update 2015-12-10: This is "net.bnep" script, as referred-to in "net-bnep.service" unit just below.

Update 2015-12-10: These days, systemd can easily create and configure bridge, forwarding and all the interfaces involved, even running built-in DHCP server there - see "man systemd.netdev" and "man", for how to do that, esp. examples at the end of both.

Just running this script will then setup a proper "bluetooth access point", and if done from systemd, should probably be a part of and get stopped along with bluetoothd (as it doesn't make any sense running without it):




Update 2015-12-10: Put this into e.g. /etc/systemd/system/net-bnep.service and enable to start with "" (see "man systemd.special") by running systemctl enable net-bnep.service.

On the client side, it's even simpler - BlueZ will just create a "bnepX" device and won't need any bridge, as it is just a single connection:


ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/bt-pan client --wait 00:02:72:XX:XX:XX


Update 2015-12-10: Can be /etc/systemd/system/net-bnep-client.service, don't forget to enable it (creates symlink in ""), same as for other unit above (which should be running on the other machine).

Update 2015-12-10: Created "bnepX" device is also trivial to setup with systemd on the client side, see e.g. "Example 2" at the end of "man".

On top of "bnepX" device on the client, some dhcp client should probably be running, which systemd-networkd will probably handle by default on systemd-enabled linuxes, and some dhcpd on the server-side (I used udhcpd from busybox for that).

Enabling units on both machines make them setup AP and connect on boot, or as soon as BT donges get plugged-in/detected.

Fairly trivial setup for a wireless one, especially wrt authentication, and seem to work reliably so far.

Update 2015-12-10: Tried to clarify a few things above for people not very familiar with systemd, where noted. See systemd docs for more info on all this.

In case something doesn't work in such a rosy scenario, which kinda happens often, first place to look at is probably debug info of bluetoothd itself, which can be enabled with systemd via systemctl edit bluetooth and adding a [Service] section with override like ExecStart=/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd -d, then doing daemon-reload and restart of the unit.

This should already produce a ton of debug output, but I generally find something like bluetoothd[363]: src/device.c:device_bonding_failed() status 14 and bluetoothd[363]: plugins/policy.c:disconnect_cb() reason 3 in there, which is not super-helpful by itself.

"btmon" tool which also comes with BlueZ provides a much more useful output with all the stuff decoded from the air, even colorized for convenience (though you won't see it here):

> ACL Data RX: Handle 11 flags 0x02 dlen 20               [hci0] 17.791382
      L2CAP: Information Response (0x0b) ident 2 len 12
        Type: Fixed channels supported (0x0003)
        Result: Success (0x0000)
        Channels: 0x0000000000000006
          L2CAP Signaling (BR/EDR)
          Connectionless reception
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5    [hci0] 17.793368
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 11
        Count: 2
> ACL Data RX: Handle 11 flags 0x02 dlen 12               [hci0] 17.794006
      L2CAP: Connection Request (0x02) ident 3 len 4
        PSM: 15 (0x000f)
        Source CID: 64
< ACL Data TX: Handle 11 flags 0x00 dlen 16               [hci0] 17.794240
      L2CAP: Connection Response (0x03) ident 3 len 8
        Destination CID: 64
        Source CID: 64
        Result: Connection pending (0x0001)
        Status: Authorization pending (0x0002)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5    [hci0] 17.939360
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 11
        Count: 1
< ACL Data TX: Handle 11 flags 0x00 dlen 16               [hci0] 19.137875
      L2CAP: Connection Response (0x03) ident 3 len 8
        Destination CID: 64
        Source CID: 64
        Result: Connection refused - security block (0x0003)
        Status: No further information available (0x0000)
> HCI Event: Number of Completed Packets (0x13) plen 5    [hci0] 19.314509
        Num handles: 1
        Handle: 11
        Count: 1
> HCI Event: Disconnect Complete (0x05) plen 4            [hci0] 21.302722
        Status: Success (0x00)
        Handle: 11
        Reason: Remote User Terminated Connection (0x13)
@ Device Disconnected: 00:02:72:XX:XX:XX (0) reason 3

That at least makes it clear what's the decoded error message is, on which protocol layer and which requests it follows - enough stuff to dig into.

BlueZ also includes a crapton of cool tools for all sorts of diagnostics and manipulation, which - alas - seem to be missing on some distros, but can be built along with the package using --enable-tools --enable-experimental configure-options (all under "tools" dir).

I had to resort to these tricks briefly when trying to setup PANU/GN-mode connections, but as I didn't really need these, gave up fairly soon on that "Connection refused - security block" error (from that "policy.c" plugin) - no idea why BlueZ throws it in this context and google doesn't seem to help much, maybe polkit thing, idk.

Didn't need these modes though, so whatever.